The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 516 Gossip between scenes

"It's already past five in the afternoon."

Looking at her boyfriend's lazy look on the screen, Hermione felt a little worried, so she asked:

"Bell, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

As the saying goes, caring leads to confusion. At this moment, Hermione completely forgot about her identity as a wizard. A mere disease or something is nothing more than a bottle of magic potion.

"No, it's just that the people here in the United States are too enthusiastic."

Bell didn't want Hermione to know that he had experienced 10 fierce battles in a row last night, otherwise Hermione would be so worried that she couldn't eat or sleep.

"...Too enthusiastic!?"

However, Hermione completely failed to understand Bell's good intentions.

On the contrary, after listening to Bell's explanation, Hermione looked at Bell with eyes full of danger. It's just that Bell, who was confused, didn't notice this.

Although she has never been to the United States, Hermione has indeed heard people say that the American people are very welcoming.

Especially when facing the opposite sex!

Although it was hard to say it, Hermione had to admit that her boyfriend had indeed very strong desires for men and women.

Ever since the night of the Yule Ball, Bell would pester her to rest together every one or two days.

Then he didn't let her rest at all!

Although she doesn't want to rest...


In other words, what she wanted to express was that the last time she had sex with Bell was more than half a month ago.

Even she misses Bell's embrace very much. So you can imagine how much Bell, who has a much stronger desire, wants it.

At this time, Bell was in the United States, and the American people were very warm and open.

So what will happen next when dry wood meets fire? Do you still need to think about it?

Didn't you notice that Bell couldn't even get out of bed?

So how many of them have been done at the same time before? ?

At this moment, Hermione really wished that a phantom appeared next to Bell, and then used blazing flames to purify the defiled body!


Although Hermione had fantasized about this day countless times in her mind.

But what she didn't expect was that this day would come so early and so suddenly.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

No matter how confused his mind was, Bell could tell that something was wrong with Hermione's voice.

So what happened? Is it because he looks too lazy?

No! It’s all an old married couple! Haven't Hermione seen even lazier looks?

"What's wrong? What did you say!

Say it! How many people were there last night! "

A furious Hermione demanded sharply.

She has already seen through it, don’t try to fool her again!


Bell was shocked!

So how on earth did Hermione know what happened last night?

Could it be that the little traitor Fina was bribed by Hermione with delicious food?

‘I will confiscate your personal terminal later, let’s see how you can still play games with others on the Magic Network! '


Little Fina, who had no idea that she was being shot innocently, rubbed her nose in confusion, and then concentrated on the game again.

This game is in great shape, and I believe it will soon be able to lead its teammates to knock down the enemy's crystals.

It wants to prove to others that the winning rate of 0% is really not because of its bad luck, but just because of its bad luck before!

"Yeah, it's not too many, just...a little over a thousand people."

Now that Hermione knew everything, Bell had no choice but to confess.

"What!? One, more than a thousand people!? Are they all girls?"

Hermione was immediately stunned when she heard this number.

No matter what, this is too much enthusiasm! ?

It's a shame that Bell is still alive.

"Girls? No, how could they all be girls? There are more males."

After all, no matter how much you modify something like a wizard group, it can't hide its essence as a gangster.

Therefore, compared to men, the number of women willing to join is still smaller.

"Huh~! That's okay...wait! Bell, you, you won't attack men too!?"

Considering the national conditions of her country, even if she didn't believe it, Hermione's smart little head would still go in that direction uncontrollably.

"Ha!? What nonsense are you talking about? Are there any distinctions between men and women in this kind of thing? Of course we will deal with it together!"

For some reason, Bell had an inexplicable feeling that he and Hermione were not on the same channel?

Why is Hermione talking weird?


Hearing Bell's answer, Hermione felt dizzy.

If she hadn't been sitting on the bed right now, she might have fallen to the ground.

If Hermione could barely do it if she was cheated on by other women... well, that's not acceptable either!

But at least it can still be said to be past?

But after being cheated on by a group of men, her mood couldn't be described by words such as sadness and pain.

So who came up with the previous plan to explode the earth from the inside? Let’s discuss it again!

"Hermione!? Why are you crying!"

Seeing that Hermione started crying without saying a word, the last trace of sleepiness in Bell's mind disappeared.

Isn't he fine? He didn't even scratch his skin. Why was Hermione so worried that she cried?

At this moment, Bell didn't know whether he should be helpless or happy.

"Why are you crying? Why do you think I'm crying! Can I not cry? Me!

We haven’t seen each other for more than half a month, and you did something like that. Have you ever considered my feelings? ? "

The more she spoke, the more uncontrollable the sadness in Hermione's heart became.

Big tears kept rolling down her cheeks, and she couldn't wipe them away with both hands.

"That's why I didn't plan to tell you, just because I didn't want you to worry.

I don't want to do this either, but those wizards in the United States are really aggressive.

If I don't take action now, then the balance will continue to slide in the direction of the other party. If you want to take action by then, you may not have a chance.

Don't worry, I have been fully prepared and there will be no danger. "

Bell persuaded him earnestly.

"Are you worried that I won't tell me? You...wait! What did you just say?"

Suddenly, Hermione suddenly realized that the content of Bell's previous words seemed to be different from what she expected?

So what did Bell just say?

She was so involved in crying that she didn't even hear her clearly.

I only vaguely remember words like 'American wizard', 'aggressive', 'attack' and the like, which are very dangerous words when you hear them.

"...So, what were you crying just now?"

Bell discovered that maybe his previous 'illusion' was not an illusion?

"I...did I cry? You saw it wrong, these are actually sweat!"

Hermione wiped away the remaining tears on her face in a panic, opened her big eyes that were swollen from crying, and forced herself to tell lies.

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