The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 517 Be Prepared

Tears are the sweat of the soul, so Hermione didn't think there was anything wrong with her words.

Not to mention, she learned this ability of telling lies with her eyes open from Bell.

As the saying goes, treat others in their own way.

Hermione didn't feel guilty at all when this trick was used on Bell...well, just a little bit.

After all, she is not as thick-skinned as Bell.

Under Hermione's strict guard, until Zannah, who had slept well and regained her energy again, rushed into Bell's room, Bell had no idea what was going on in Hermione's little theater in her head that day. What kind of thrilling and heart-pounding blockbuster?

After all, she misunderstood that her boyfriend was bisexual, so how could Hermione say it out loud?

Just thinking back to her previous thoughts, she was so ashamed that she wanted to die. If Bell knew about this again, she would be unable to hold her head high in front of Bell for the rest of her life.

Walking on the way to the restaurant, the Bell brothers and sisters bumped into Goodwin, who had also just woken up.

"Master, the people below have already taken care of the things you told me before."

Bell raised his hand, and before he could say hello, Goodwin took two quick steps and came to Bell, reporting in a low voice.

Before going to bed, Bell told them to place a ban on the captives' wands so that they could not cast the Apparition spell.

As for what his young master told him, Goodwin did not dare to slack off at all.

As soon as he woke up, he contacted his team members through his personal terminal to confirm the specific situation.

"But Master, are those prisoners really trustworthy?"

Although Goodwin is 100% convinced of his young master's abilities.

But this time, the young master actually wanted to use the power of those prisoners, and he couldn't help but have some doubts.

On the one hand, the prisoners had just surrendered less than a day ago, and they had not yet fully experienced the greatness of their Menethil family.

Therefore, Goodwin didn't think those guys would be obedient.

On the other hand, those prisoners were really weak, and Goodwin looked down on those people from the bottom of his heart.

For him, fighting side by side with those people was simply an insult to their special operations team!

"What nonsense are you talking about? Of course those prisoners can't be trusted."

Bell rolled his eyes at Goodwin.

Just kidding, if these guys were to be believed, then all of Voldemort's group of young Death Eaters would be considered models of loyalty.

Bell would not believe a word they said before binding the captives to a forced contract.

But unfortunately, because the time is too short and the number of people is too large, Bell simply cannot come up with so many forced contracts now.

You know, even if you put aside the Ministry of Magic's regulations prohibiting the creation of forced contracts, the creation of forced contracts itself is very difficult.

It requires the use of very advanced curse magic, and even Bell is not yet capable of producing it.

Even Voldemort at that time did not force his subordinates to sign a mandatory contract, which shows how cumbersome the production of such a contract is.

Of course, the main reason why Voldemort did not use forced contracts to control his Death Eaters was because most of the Death Eaters came from pure-blood nobles. The glory of pure blood made them unable to accept a contract that would lead to them becoming slaves.

Although this is the case...

Also, Voldemort was confident enough in his own strength that he was even arrogant.

He believed that as long as he was alive, no Death Eater would dare to betray him!

As for his death?

Haha, this is really a stupid joke.

The great Dark Lord never dies!


Closer to home, God knows how much energy William spent and how many black markets he searched in order to find a dark wizard capable of making a forced contract.

"Master, then..."

"Stop doing this and that. There's nothing I can do about it.

Last night, nearly 20 members of the action team were injured, 3 of whom were seriously injured.

Tonight's operation will only be more difficult. If we don't find more cannon fodder, what will happen if people die? "

The members of the special operations team were all die-hard loyalists carefully cultivated by the family. The death of one of them would be enough for Bell to feel distressed for a year.

If too many people died accidentally, would the father at home be heartbroken?

"Master! Every member of the action team is ready to be loyal to the family when he joins the special operations team!"

Goodwin said seriously.

He would not allow anyone to question their loyalty to the family. Even if that person is the young master he respects the most!

"Of course, I have never doubted your loyalty."

After glancing at Goodwin, Bell reassured.

“But that doesn’t mean I want you to die.

You are all my precious family and I don’t want to lose any of you. "


Hearing that his young master actually looked at them this way, Goodwin was deeply moved.

He looked at the young master's erect figure with tears in his eyes. If it weren't for the wrong gender, he would have wanted to marry her on the spot.

"Stop it!"

Bell took a few steps away from Goodwin, widening the distance between him and him.

The look in Goodwin's eyes gave him goosebumps, and he almost threw an explosive spell at him.

"Listen, you have only one mission tonight, and that is to keep an eye on those prisoners. Just leave the fighting to them.

In addition, once those captives turn against you at a critical moment, don't hesitate to retreat immediately! "

The reason why Bell ordered people to impose anti-Apparition spells on the wands of the captives was not only to prevent these guys from running away as soon as they got the wands, but also to prevent them from chasing him and others at critical moments.

As he said before, he didn't trust these people at all.

Therefore, when he had already formulated the 'slave soldier plan', he had also prepared his back-up plan.

That is, if the situation is bad, run away immediately!

Originally, he never thought that with the strength of his family, he could completely put down the American gangsters.

House Menethil is not that strong yet.

Therefore, his original plan was to make a big fortune and run away!

Anyway, Voldemort has become a grasshopper after the fall, and the escaped Death Eaters have basically cooled down. The British wizarding world can now be said to be very safe.

Since the United States is not easy to mix with, at worst they can avoid it.

As long as they go outside, these gangsters in the United States can only be regarded as younger brothers at best.

Therefore, even if the plan fails and the captives betray them, it is nothing more than advancing the evacuation plan, which will not cause much loss to the family.

I just feel a little sorry for my aunt. Because in that case, the wedding would have to be held in the UK, and it might even have to be postponed for a while.

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