The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 518 A detective delayed by magic

As the saying goes, those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. For the sake of the family business, I can only sacrifice my aunt's happiness!

... Mainly because Bell didn't think too much about it at the beginning and decided to act recklessly as soon as his mind got hot.

At this point, it is no longer possible to stop, so we can only bite the bullet.

And he may not fail, right?

Although the possibility is a little low, there should be 10%... right?

Ahem, it all depends on people.

What if it happens? Then, won't my aunt's happiness be able to get back all the capital and profits?

After a sumptuous meal, all the prisoners were gathered together again.

After Bell waved, someone returned the wands that had been prepared to the prisoners.

Looking at the lost wand in their hands, these prisoners were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

Only when you lose it can you learn to cherish it. Although it had only been less than a day, they never wanted to experience the hopeless and helpless feeling of losing their wand again in their lives!

Naturally, after taking back the wand and regaining their ability to cast spells, some people couldn't help but become active again.

Although they had been told in advance that restrictions were placed on the wands of themselves and others, and they could not cast Disapparation, so they could not even think of escaping.

But the question is, do they need to run?

You know, there are more than 300 people on their side!

Although the wizards of the Menethil family opposite were powerful, they only numbered over 100 people.

The current situation is completely different from last night when they were forced to surrender. The advantage has been reversed!

With such a huge numerical advantage, they can drown the lackeys of the Menethil family around them even if each one of them spits out nothing, right?

‘Torn apart! ’

Bell, who had long expected that someone would be dishonest, used Legilimency to cover all the prisoners before distributing the wands.

Therefore, as soon as some disharmonious thoughts appeared in these people's minds, he saw through them at a glance.

Of course, after all, there are so many people here, and Bell can't guarantee that he can accurately locate everyone.

So if there is any accidental injury, all I can do is say sorry.

Although he doesn't feel guilty.

The white magic spell shot out from the tip of Bell's staff and split into a dozen or so, hitting different places in the crowd.

The next moment, a large amount of blood spurted out, filling the entire space with a layer of blood.

The prisoners looked at the corpses scattered on the ground in horror. They wondered why this demon from the Menethil family suddenly killed him?

Sure enough, the Menethil family are all perverts!

Bell didn't care that his actions led to the murder of Family Feng Chong.

As long as it can deeply imprint fear in the hearts of these captives and reduce the possibility of their betrayal later, it is just a little bit of reputation, and if it gets worse, it will get worse.

Anyway, his father would have to worry about that kind of thing in the future, and it was not within his scope of consideration.

"Everyone, listen, tonight, you will get a chance to fight for the Menethil family!

As long as you behave well, you will be free again!

Not only that, we, the Menethil family, have always been rewarded for their merit!

If you perform well enough and make enough contributions, glory and wealth will not be a dream!


If any of you have any bad thoughts in your mind, the fate of these people will be your example!

Now, everyone follows the instructions and divides into groups. Anyone who dares to disobey orders will be killed without mercy! "

With the bloody lesson in front of me, the next action went very smoothly.

Under the supervision of the action team members, each prisoner was dutifully boarded on a flying car and transported to the designated location.

"Haha~! What a bad luck! Why is it my turn to be on duty tonight?"

Outside the Skull and Bones headquarters, a patrolling wizard yawned and complained loudly.

"Okay, stop complaining. Cheer up, otherwise the superiors will see you and you will suffer."

Another patrol wizard said dissatisfied.

Although the wizard was unhappy that it was his turn to be on duty today, he did not dare to be negligent in the slightest.

This is no ordinary time. Normally, the night shift patrol is just a show.

Although there are constant conflicts between various wizarding groups in the United States, no group dares to risk the disapproval of the world and attack the headquarters of other groups on a large scale.

That would be unanimously targeted by other groups.

Not to mention, they have the behemoth MACUSA pressing down on them.

The Magical Congress will not allow wizards to engage in large-scale battles.

Therefore, the so-called night patrol is just a casual walk around, and then you can find a corner to sleep lazily.

But unfortunately, everything changed today.

I don’t know who is not afraid of death, but dares to violate the unwritten rules of the American wizarding world and launch a genocidal sneak attack on the wizarding group.

And the most frightening thing is that the other party not only succeeded quietly, but also wiped out ten families in one night!

Even one of them is the powerful Thunderbird Wings!

If he were to tell him, the murderer must be the Menethil family who have become increasingly dishonest in recent years.

But it's a pity that he is just a handyman on patrol, and the big guys won't listen to him.

Therefore, he could only carry out patrols as he did now, and pray that the cruel Menethil family would not find the head of their Skull and Bones Society.

However, as the saying goes, good things don't work but bad things work. The wizard suddenly discovered something strange.

"Hey! Look, is it foggy?"

Shaking his companion vigorously, the wizard said nervously.

"It's just a fog. Isn't it normal for fog to occur at night? There's nothing to make a fuss about.

I'm not talking about you. How many times have you made trouble this night?

Just before, it was just a bird flying in the sky, and you nervously knocked it down with a magic spell.

For this reason, the superiors thought we had encountered an enemy here, so they mobilized troops and rushed over with a large group of people.

It turned out that it was just a bird, and we were severely punished.

Relax, the murderer won't come.

What happened last night has been exposed. The murderer must know that all our major groups will be more vigilant. It will be impossible for them to make a sneak attack again.

So the murderer may have run away now, so don't worry. "

The analysis was so sound and well-founded that it could be called the possession of Sherlock Holmes. Regardless of whether others believed it or not, he believed it anyway.

You know, although he is an American, this does not prevent him from enjoying watching Sherlock Holmes!

When he was a child, he had carefully studied Sherlock Holmes from beginning to end many times.

If he hadn't suddenly received the admission notice from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and learned that he was actually a legendary wizard, he would have become a great detective famous throughout the United States!

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