The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 519 Curse Breath

However, the great detective who was delayed by magic failed to dispel his companion's doubts with his well-founded analysis.

“But, it was so dark just now, how could it be possible that there was such a heavy fog so soon?

And have you noticed that the mist only floats in the distance, but there is nothing around us?

This is so strange! There must be something wrong!

No, I want to notify the superiors that something is abnormal! "

With that said, the wizard took out his wand and wanted to give a warning.

"Hey! Wait!

Have you forgotten what the team leader said before?

If we make another mistake this time, we will be left with nothing to eat! "

The detective wizard hurriedly stopped him.

You know, according to the regulations of their Skull and Bones Society, the two-person team patrolling at night has joint and several responsibilities.

If one wizard makes a mistake, the other wizard will be punished in the same way.

Otherwise, he wouldn't bother to care about the other party's madness.

"No! There must be nothing wrong this time!

You see, in just such a short time, the fog became much thicker. This must be the work of a wizard! "

With that said, the wizard no longer cared about the obstruction of his companions, raised his wand high, and shot a dazzling light strip into the air.


Looking helplessly at his companion's insistent actions, the detective wizard felt very angry.

It was dark at night, how could the other party tell that the fog was getting thicker?

Why didn't he see it?

But now that it was over, it was too late to stop it. He could only pray that his companion was right.

Otherwise, let alone not receiving this month’s salary, I might be responsible for cleaning the toilet in the future.

Dazzling light bloomed in the night sky, reflecting the sky not far away like daylight.

This somewhat beautiful scenery made Bell and the others feel a little nervous.

Although Bell had already expected that tonight's operation would be more difficult, what he didn't expect was that he would be exposed right from the beginning?

Could it be that he really underestimated the heroes of the world?

But now is not the time to reflect. Now that the problem has arisen, there is only one thing left for him to do now.

Flatten it!

"Activate the defensive barrier immediately and don't let the enemy escape!

Shanna, activate the Crazy Bear and destroy the barrier!

The captive team listened and launched an attack as soon as the enemy barrier was broken! If you dare to retreat without moving forward, you will be killed immediately without mercy! "

After less than a second of surprise, Bell issued the order immediately.

Since a sneak attack fails, let's attack by force!

"Roar! Crazy Bear!"

As soon as her brother asked her to activate the bear, Shanna was immediately excited.

You know, she was looking forward to releasing the bear to bite people, but she had been looking forward to it for more than half a month.

Originally, she thought she could have fun playing last night.

But who knew that those gangster wizards were really too weak!

Maybe it can also be said that my brother's Hellfire Rain and Hellfire Stone Statue are too powerful?

In short, she had no chance of releasing the bear.

Unexpectedly, surprises always come so unexpectedly. Shanna took off the bear from her waist and threw it towards the defensive barrier not far away.

I saw the crazy bear rapidly growing in size in the air, and finally turned into a behemoth more than 10 meters high, before hitting the barrier with a 'bang'.

But this is just the beginning.

Next, the Crazy Bear opened its mouth ferociously, a dazzling light shone in its mouth, and the next moment it spit out!

The breath containing a large amount of magic power hit the barrier, causing a fierce collision.

The seemingly indestructible defensive barrier soon made an overwhelmed sound. Cracks began to spread rapidly outward from the location where the Crazy Bear attacked.

Although the Skull and Bones Society is also one of the powerful wizarding groups standing at the top of American gangs, just like people tend to only remember the first one, and no one cares about the second one. Compared to the Thunderbird Wings of the First Gang, the external challenges faced by the Skull and Bones Society are much weaker.

This also led to the fact that the defensive barrier outside the Skull and Bones headquarters was not even close to the Thunderbird Wings.

In less than 10 seconds, before the wizards in the Skull and Bones Society who had received the early warning could realize what was happening, they saw the barrier that had been surrounding the headquarters suddenly shattered.

Then, a black-purple light beam, like a sword of heavenly punishment, passed through the center of the headquarters and divided the headquarters building into two.

The wizard who was within the attack range of the light beam could not even utter a scream, and then disappeared silently into ashes.

That's not all. After the terrifying light pillar disappeared, the ground in the area where the light pillar hit also turned black and purple, and spread rapidly towards the surrounding area.

Because it was late at night, and coupled with the panic of the sudden attack, the wizards of the Skull and Bones Society were not able to notice the abnormality on the ground for the first time.

As a result, more than a dozen wizards stood on the black and purple cursed land without knowing it.


The shrill screams came from their mouths, making the already frightened people around them almost jump up in fear.

People looked towards the source of the screams and saw the dozen wizards falling to the ground in pain, with black and purple lines exuding an ominous aura spreading to their bodies.

The weakest wizard, under the gaze of everyone, his whole body was quickly covered in black and purple, and then melted into a pool of liquid and merged into the ground.

Only then did everyone realize the strangeness on the ground, and hurriedly fled away.

As for rescuing companions?

Forget it, they themselves are like mud bodhisattvas crossing the river, unable to save themselves. They are really full of ambition but not enough to save others!

Although I don’t even have that intention.

Seeing the power of Crazy Bear's curse breath, Bell nodded with satisfaction.

Cursed breath is the strongest move of Crazy Bear. In addition to its powerful attack power, the curse carried in the breath is also very terrifying.

Although with Bell's current curse magic skills, he couldn't add a high-level curse to Crazy Bear's attack.

But you must know that in many cases, the most unsolvable things are not the profound and complicated curses, but the simplest and crudest basic curses.

For example, the Corrosion Curse that Bell attached to Crazy Bear is a relatively basic primary curse.

If it were a wizard who imposed this corrosive curse on other wizards, they would be noticed and removed immediately.

But if the same corrosive curse is cast by a Crazy Bear, the effect will be completely different.

It is actually very simple to get rid of the Corruption Curse, so simple that even a young wizard who has no understanding of curse magic can easily do it.

As long as the magic power in one's body is mobilized to counteract the corrosive curse, the curse can be eliminated.

After all, the original intention of developing the Corruption Curse was not to deal with wizards.

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