The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 520 Hell Fire Rain

Although the method to remove the Corruption Curse is simple, it does have a drawback.

That is, this kind of magic hedging without technical content consumes more magic power.

So here comes the problem. You must know that the source of magic power in Crazy Bear's body is an inferior version of the magic stone. And recently, Bell has plans to replace it with the genuine Philosopher's Stone.

It's just that it's too difficult to make the genuine magic stone.

As for magic materials, it's not bad. With the current power of the Menethil family, they can still get a lot of them.

However, the production of the genuine magic stone is too time-consuming, and it takes nearly two years to successfully produce it.

The one Bell tried to make before had been stolen by his father.

(Actually, due to the first production, the magic stone has some flaws. Although it is still much better than the inferior version, Bell, who suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, just doesn’t want to use the magic stone.)

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

Among all magical creatures, wizards have no outstanding amount of magic power.

Therefore, when faced with a crazy bear that can continuously output magic power, the magic hedging method of removing the curse, which consumes more magic power, can be said to be the worst choice.

But because of its foundation, the Corruption Curse can only be lifted in this way.

In other words, unless you don't get hit, this move is almost impossible to solve.

This can be seen from the dozens of wizards who have now turned into pus.

"Why are you still standing there? Come on!"

Bell glared at the prisoners dissatisfiedly.

These guys really have no consciousness at all. He just didn't notice it, but these guys started to be lazy!

"Up, up! Come on, big guy! Kill--!"

Hearing Bell's scolding, the prisoners were immediately frightened and rushed toward the Skull and Bones headquarters opposite, chattering.

If these people had more or less ideas and a sense of luck before, now they have thrown away their minds without hesitation and resolutely obeyed the orders of the great Menethil family.

Just kidding, those rock giants with dark green flames all over their bodies were scary enough before, but who would have thought, now an even scarier one has appeared! ?

That's the Skull and Bones' defensive barrier!

I don’t know how many wizards spent so much precious magic materials and magic power to finally lay out this powerful defensive barrier!

If they are allowed to attack, even if these 300 people go all out, they still don't know how long it will take to dismantle it.

But the terrifying giant bear thrown by the little girl from the Menethil family didn't even work for 10 seconds, and was solved with a spell?

Merlin's flowery pants! This is not magic at all!

By the way, the Menethil family are not aliens, right? This doesn't look like something from their earth!

And most importantly, who knows if this giant bear is the ultimate weapon of the Menethil family?

In short, the captives who did not want to be corroded into a puddle of pus like those miserable Skull and Bones wizards just now used all their strength and rushed into the battlefield screaming without looking back.

Thanks to the burst of morale of the prisoners, of course, it is more likely that the wizards of the Skull and Bones Society were frightened by the Crazy Bear, so the battle ended quickly.

But Bell was not happy at all about this result.

Before they had time to use the fog to completely cover the entire battlefield, they were discovered by patrols from the Skull and Bones Society.

In order to prevent the wizards of the Skull and Bones Society from apparating away, Bell had no choice but to order the barrier to be activated in advance and launched an attack.

And this also led to the leakage of magic power fluctuations.

Especially the blow that Crazy Bear broke through the Skull and Bones Society's defensive barrier. The intense magic power fluctuation caused by the fierce collision may not be vaguely felt from 100 kilometers away.

Not to mention the turbulent American gangsters, they must have already heard about the Skull and Bones attack. Even the Aurors of the Magical Congress of the United States are probably gathering urgently now.

“We don’t have time to deal with the prisoner problem anymore!

Go tell the prisoners of the Skull and Bones Society to either join our team and attack other gangs with us, or die now!

In addition, if anyone dares to escape, we will definitely kill him even if we chase him to the end of the world!

And not only himself, but his family and friends will also be implicated because of him! "

At the critical moment, Bell no longer cares about the morality of the world!

Of course, he mainly wanted to scare those people.

Just kidding, he is very busy every day (busy playing with his sister, busy exploring the origin of life with his girlfriend), how can he have time to chase down passers-by A, B, and C?

Not to mention the members of the special operations team, who are so busy every day that their feet never touch the ground. This is really busy!


In short, if a prisoner really ran away halfway, he actually ran away...

This is called starving the brave to death and starving the timid to death.

"Bring me the map!"

With a wave of his hand, Bell took over a national map of the United States.

On this map, the headquarters locations of each gang are depicted in detail.

Ignoring the miscellaneous fish gangs that only had three or two big cats and kittens, Bell quickly selected a dozen relatively strong targets from the map.

Time is limited, and he has less than 300 Hellfire Stones left in his hand. It is better to reduce the number of attack targets to ensure that the attack effect is better.

Suddenly, dazzling blue light shot out from Bell's eyes. He injected a large amount of magic power into his mind and performed arithmetic and divination calculations with all his strength.

Finally, after about half a minute, Bell raised his left hand and slowly flicked it across the map.

The surface of the map suddenly became blurred. In the perception of other people around, multiple folding spaces were generated above the map, leading to different directions.

Then, Bell hooked his fingers, and all the remaining hellfire stones in his pocket flew out.

Depending on the strength of the target, the Hellfire Stone was divided into dozens of different parts in the air, and then quickly disappeared into the map.

The next moment, a wizard with keen sense noticed something and suddenly looked up at the night sky.

In the dark night sky, meteors streaked across the sky one after another and disappeared in different directions.

Since the scale and scope of the Hell Fire Rain cast this time was too large, there was a certain element of luck in the final success of the cast. Bell really couldn't spare the energy to hide the whereabouts of Hellfire.

And there's no need to do that now.

Anyway, they have all been exposed. Apart from killing all the witnesses, it is impossible to achieve perfect stealth.

So he didn't care about being looked at more.

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