The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 521: A common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a jade in his arms

As for whether they will be seen by No-Majs (the name American wizards refer to Muggles)...

Just see it when you see it.

Just pretend that Bell is kind and invites everyone to watch a meteor shower for free.

Although the color of this meteor shower is a bit healthy, there is no big problem, right?

You know, wizards also have many supporters among ordinary people.

That’s right! It’s those kind-hearted people called the ‘Zhuan Family’ and ‘Calling Beasts’!

Bell believed that by tomorrow morning, those kind people would come up with various scientific and reasonable explanations for him, without him having to worry about it at all.

Instead of worrying about the color of the meteors, it is better to worry about whether the landing point of the hellfire rain will be biased.

After all, it was such a large-scale spellcasting, and the targets of the attack were distributed in different areas. Even though Bell had used all his strength to suck the spell, he could not guarantee that all the landing points would be accurate.

Fortunately, due to the fierce conflict between American wizards and the No-Maj government, the headquarters of various wizard groups are set up in areas far away from human habitation.

After all, the gangsters didn't want Aurors to come to their doors all day long to warn them not to expose the existence of magic.

(Obviously, the Magic Congress is located in a downtown area. Only state officials are allowed to set fires, and ordinary people are not allowed to light lamps!)

Of course, although they are very dissatisfied in their hearts, the gangsters are still very honest physically.

In addition, due to what happened last night, all gangs have stepped up their defenses tonight and drove away the few No-Majs near the headquarters.

Therefore, as long as Bell's calculation error is not too outrageous, it should not affect ordinary people.

This can be regarded as eliminating Bell's worries.

...By the way, his calculation error shouldn't be too outrageous, right?

Bell himself wasn't sure. He just felt like his brain was frozen and wouldn't work at all.

After casting the Rain of Hellfire, Bell staggered. Thanks to Shanna, who was well prepared, she immediately stepped forward to support him, otherwise he would have fallen to the ground.

Taking a deep breath, Bell endured the discomfort in his brain and the weakness in his body, and shouted loudly to the others:

"Everyone, please don't resist, otherwise don't blame me if you die!"

After shouting, Bell waved his hand, and the snakes on his wrists shot out and quickly grew in size in the air, eventually swelling into a terrifying giant snake about a hundred meters long.

Before everyone could recover from Wan She's astonishing changes, Wan She opened her big mouth and sucked in suddenly.

A strong wind rose from the ground, carrying many prisoners and members of the special operations team, and flew into the mouth of Wan She.

After everyone was sucked into Wan She, Bell, with the help of his sister, flew to Wan She's head and sat down.

Then, all the snakes were seen suddenly diving down, as if they were diving into the water, and dived into the ground in circles of ripples.

All that was left was a piece of ruins and some purple bubbles still popping out of the ground from time to time.

I hope the Aurors from MACUSA can explore with caution when they come here.

Otherwise, if they accidentally walk into the cursed earth, the corrosive curse that has not dissipated will probably make them unable to eat and walk away.

With nearly endless magic power as support, Wan Snake Earth Escape is very fast, not inferior to speeding cars at all.

Therefore, in less than ten minutes, Bell and his party arrived at the nearest gang headquarters.

At this time, the gang wizards on the ground were stunned by the sudden rain of hellfire. They had not yet been able to deal with the hellfire crawling out of the crater. They were horrified to see a long but thick... A terrifying giant snake three stories high suddenly emerged from the ground.

Originally, wizards did not believe in God.

But at this moment, the stunned gang wizards could not help but pray to the No-Maj God.

Because based on their life experience, which is likely to end tonight, wizards should not be able to deal with this giant snake.

Even if Merlin is resurrected, it probably won't work.

Perhaps, only the omnipotent God that No-Majs call can subdue this monster?

Just kidding!

When did such a terrifying giant snake appear in the American wizarding world?

With this size, I'm afraid even the legendary Kraken will be defeated!

The fire dragon is not enough for it to swallow, right?

However, the expected attack did not come.

But judging from the results, it seems like it might be even worse?

The giant snake opened its mouth and spat out suddenly, and all the wizards in the sky were spat out like dumplings.

While still in mid-air, these prisoners who had been notified in advance, prepared, and eager to show themselves off, launched a violent storm of attacks against the enemies below.

The unexpected scene caught the gang wizards off guard.

Some wizards who reacted quickly rolled and hid behind the ruins, and then hurriedly cast Apparition and ran away.

Just kidding, even if you leave aside the terrifying giant snake, there are probably ten times as many wizards in the sky as there are, so how can we fight! ?

The remaining ones who were slow to react, or those who were not very skilled in apparation, sadly had their defenses broken by the intensive spells.

Those with better luck lay on the ground not knowing whether they were alive or dead. Those who are less lucky may not even be able to fight.

By the way, as a well-known spell that is easy to learn (it seems not that easy to learn?) and difficult to master, it is not an easy task to improve the Apparition spell to the point where it can be cast at will.

Not to mention, it was cast in the middle of a tense battlefield.

If you are not careful, a split situation may occur.

This can be seen from the extra arms, legs, and even heads that appear on the ground from time to time.

After briefly cleaning up the battlefield and throwing what looked like a living creature into Wan She's belly, Bell and his team set out again.

Thanks to the overwhelming energy of the prisoners who were moaning and eager to show off, after this brief battle, not even one of the enemy was still standing.

This also resulted in Bell's slave soldier team not being able to expand.

In this regard, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

But now, there is no difference whether there are more slave soldiers or fewer slave soldiers.

In fact, now that Ten Thousand Snakes have been used, the fighting prowess of those prisoners has little impact on the outcome of this battle.

Even if there is only one Ten Thousand Snakes, it can easily defeat the gangster wizards who have not yet united together and are like a scattered mess.

But Bell did not intend to let Wan She show his true strength unless necessary.

Without it, Wan She would be too strong.

Moreover, he was not sure that he could leave all the enemies behind without a barrier to trap them.

Once a wizard runs away, the relevant information about Ten Thousand Snakes will be completely exposed to everyone.

As the saying goes, a common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a jade.

Bell believed that his current strength was not enough to safely hold Ten Thousand Snakes under the watchful eyes of others.

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