The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 522 Gang Meeting

If no one else talks about it, just talk about Dumbledore.

If Lao Deng knows the true power of Wan Shen, and then thinks that it is too dangerous for Bell to hold Wan Snake, which may threaten the peace of the magic world, and wants to take Wan Snake away from Bell, then Bell will definitely not be able to stop it. living.

If it were a head-on confrontation, Bell could still control the Ten Thousand Snakes, and with the absolute difference in total magic power, he could finally defeat Dumbledore.

But if Lao Deng puts aside his old face and stares at him with all his strength for a sneak attack, then it will be impossible for Bell to stop him now.

Not to mention, he still has his family.

Bell didn't want his parents to be caught one day and used to force him to hand over Wan She.

He couldn't tolerate Shanna being coveted by others all the time!

Therefore, he will not fully reveal the power of Wan Shen in front of outsiders until the last critical moment.

Even outside the Skull and Bones Society, Bell just asked Zannah to control Crazy Bear to cast a curse breath, and then immediately took it back.

And when he returns at dawn, he will specially order someone to modify everyone's memories of the Crazy Bear tonight.

After all, a hole card is only called a hole card before it is revealed. And once it is revealed, it is the bright card.

Next, Bell and others continued non-stop, rushing to the target location one after another.

But I wonder if some of the people who escaped before were well-intentioned and tipped off the news?

Or have these gangsters finally come to their senses, wiped away the arrogance developed from years of easy life, and learned to run away in advance?

In short, until dawn, Bell and his team's results were very limited, and they only caught 5 waves of people.

Most of the remaining places were deserted when Bell and others arrived, leaving only ruins.

Dragging his tired body back to the Menethil family headquarters building in the United States, Bell fell on the bed and fell asleep without saying a word.

He was really exhausted and could no longer squeeze out even a little bit of energy to care about the messy situation outside.

Even if the end of the world comes, it will not affect his sleep and rest!

Therefore, let the American wizards sort out the mess by themselves, and he can just wait to wake up and hear the results.

Just when Bell was comfortably buried in a soft quilt and sleeping soundly, as expected, the American wizarding world completely exploded.

‘The culprit is really the cowardly Menethil family? How can this be! How could the Menethil family be so powerful! ’

Even after scratching their scalps, these gangster wizards still couldn't figure out what the Menethil family, which had such overwhelming strength, wanted to do by pretending to be pigs before.

There are no tigers to eat here!

If you don’t understand it, just don’t think about it!

After the remaining gang bosses gathered together, some of them stood up with hot tempers on the spot.

"Damn it! The Menethil family is really bullying others!

They are strong, but when we gather together, we are not weak, or even stronger!

What else is there to discuss? Take out your magic wand and destroy his Menethil family! "

The leader of the ‘Claws of the Magadha Lion’, who was always known for his fiery temper, slapped the table and roared.

However, after he finished shouting, he was surprised to find that the expected crowd of responders did not appear.

The leaders of other gangs looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them even spoke.

"No, what do you mean? You're not scared, are you?"

The leader of the Madagascar Lion's Paw looked at the others in disbelief.

By the way, why hadn't he noticed before that these guys were so cowardly?

He was simply ashamed to be in the company of these people!

"Ahem, why are you so timid? It's just that this matter is of great importance after all, so it's understandable for everyone to be cautious."

Seeing that the others were still looking at each other with no intention of speaking, as the strongest one among the wizards present, the leader of the Liberty Eagle had no choice but to stand up.

There is no other way. He still wants to take advantage of this rare opportunity to make the Eagle of Liberty the strongest organization in the American magic world. At this time, he must stand up and establish some prestige.

Crisis is a danger, but it is also an opportunity.

After years of development, the power sectors of the American wizarding world have long been finalized. Each wizarding group can only operate within its own sphere of influence and cannot exceed it in the slightest.

Otherwise, not to mention other groups will not agree, even the Magic Congress will take action to attack.

After all, the current situation was caused by the Magical Congress secretly. The purpose is to allow various wizarding groups to supervise and consume each other in order to maintain the dominance of the Magical Congress.

But now, the unexpected dragon crossing the river, the Menethil family, has completely disrupted the arrangements of the Magic Congress, and completely disrupted the American wizarding world, which was originally as peaceful as a pool of stagnant water!

This allowed the leader of the Liberty Eagles to see an opportunity.

If done properly, it is not impossible for the Eagles of Liberty to replace the Magic Congress and become the new rulers of the American wizarding world!

Of course, their current number one enemy is the Menethil family.

The Menethil family must be driven out first, so that they can fight among themselves with peace of mind.

Otherwise, maybe it won’t be long before the British have the final say on this territory.

"Then what do you think we should do? You just talk!"

Seeing that these guys neither agreed with his plan nor put forward their own ideas, the leader of Madagascar Lion's Claw was so angry that he wanted to hit them.

"Ahem, let me tell you what I think."

Seeing that there was really no way to go on like this, the leader of the Devouring Teeth spoke.

It can be seen from the name of the group that the Evil Teeth are rare representatives of conscience in the American wizarding world.

Even when Bell was formulating his plan, he did not list the Devouring Teeth as an attack target.

But it is precisely because of the unsociable nature of the Vicious Teeth that this group has suffered miserably in the American wizarding world.

Obviously there are many members and their strength is not bad, but due to the joint boycott of most other groups, the members of the Devouring Teeth are quite poor.

Because of this, the leader of the Evil-Eating Teeth had always been looked down upon by other leaders. At this moment, he didn't care about his face and said without hesitation what others wanted to say but were embarrassed to say.

"I think we should wait and see what happens now and not act rashly."

In fact, as early as when they first entered the conference room, everyone looked at each other and roughly understood what others were thinking.

After all, no one who can become the leader of a wizard group is a fuel-efficient lamp. Before coming, they had already analyzed the current situation in their minds and drawn conclusions.

Of course, this does not include a certain Tiehanhan.

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