The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 528 The Best 6th Man

In the days that followed, the long-lost tranquility finally returned.

I wonder if it was the previous actions that really scared the gangsters out of their wits? Or is it the internal agents who secretly instigated the rebellion, who are surprisingly powerful?

In short, the gangsters are more honest than expected.

These days, Bell plays around with his sister during the day, and reads magic books and practices magic at home at night. The days were relaxed and comfortable.

The only drawback is that Hermione is no longer around. Otherwise, his night life could be more colorful.

More than ten days passed by in a blink of an eye, and time came to the day of my aunt Helena's wedding.

William, who had just arrived in the United States last night, was waiting restlessly in the open-air venue.

Previously, that brat Bell had already 'reported' the current series of situations to him.

As a result, he had to rush here early this morning to wait for the group of gangster wizards who didn't know whether they would come or not, or whose intentions were unclear.

This made William so angry that he wanted to curse.

‘Who is the head of the family? ? ’

However, considering that Bell's mother was his wife, William finally complied.

Fortunately, things did not slip into a bad direction. All the gangsters came to the wedding ceremony honestly and sent gifts and blessings.

In fact, with the tip-off from the insiders, this situation has long been expected.

It's just that William is used to being cautious, and until the moment the answer to the mystery is revealed, he can't feel at ease.

Also finally relieved is the bride Helena, one of the protagonists of today’s wedding.

God knows how heartbroken Helena was when she learned that her nephew had sacrificed her wedding.

As a half-native who has lived in the United States for more than ten years, Helena knows how difficult those gangster wizards are.

Otherwise, my parents would not have to worry about their gray hair growing day by day, but they would be helpless against each other.

Therefore, Helena actually has a very pessimistic attitude towards today's wedding.

In her opinion, even if her sister boasts about her son, Bell is just a student who has not graduated from Hogwarts.

It would be a blessing not to be swallowed up with flesh and bones by those cunning and evil gangsters. Therefore, her wedding is basically guaranteed to be cool.

This also led to the fact that during this period of time, Helena looked at Bell with eyes full of resentment, so much so that Bell now walked around his aunt.

Due to the participation of the gang wizard, Helena's wedding was much grander than expected.

This makes Belle's grandmother Clara very happy. So much so that Clara felt that those ‘hateful-looking’ gangsters were so handsome.

After the wedding ended successfully, everyone in the Bell family finally breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, in the past few days, apart from the 'heartless' Bell brothers and sisters, even Elena, who has always been rough and nervous, has not had a good sleep for several nights.

Therefore, next, everyone plans to take a good rest and relax.

Moreover, the gangsters' compromise also gave everyone a chance to relax.

Except William...

The day after the wedding, William hurried back to England to continue presiding over the campaign for the Minister of Magic.

As for the negotiations with the gangs, they were left to the personnel responsible for business negotiations.

Anyway, the specific cooperation plan was actually formulated many years ago, but I just never had the chance to use it.

Now all you need to do is dig out those dusty plans and give them a hard chop on the benefits allocated to the other party, and then you can use them directly. There is no need for the four elderly people at home to worry anymore.

The four old people, who had been free for a long time, were really not used to this leisurely life for a while.

Fortunately, there are two little guys at home now, allowing them to vent their energy that has nowhere to go.

Since they were born, Bell and Shanna have not lived much with their grandparents. Therefore, taking advantage of this rare opportunity, the brother and sister stayed in the United States for about a month before the start of school. This way.

This made the four elderly people in the family extremely happy.

Oh my god, they have been looking forward to this day for so long!

The four old people who finally got their long-cherished wish seemed to want to make up for all the regrets of the past ten years or so. They circled around Bell and Shanna all day long.

Thanks to the brother and sister's little skill of using magic power to help digestion, they have already reached the level of proficiency. Otherwise, in this month, the two of them would have gained at least 30 pounds.

"Senior? Why did you remember to contact me? Today is probably not a routine reporting day, right?"

Previously, Bell, who was chatting with the elderly at home, suddenly received a communication request from Penello.

So he had to cruelly leave Shanna alone surrounded by four elders, and sneaked out alone to receive communications.

"Bell! Guess what we found!"

Penello did not immediately respond to Bell's question. She looked at Bell excitedly, her cheeks turning red with excitement.

"What did you find? Could it be that you finally found out that the cheating teammate you have been playing ranked with is Fina?"

Bell knew that Fina's identity would be exposed sooner or later.

After all, even though everyone is familiar with each other, it can’t always catch Penelo-senpai in a trap all by herself!

You still have to make wool...

"No, it's us...wait! What did you just say!? You said that the noob whose nickname is 'A Little Brain Ax' is Fina!?"

Unfortunately, Penello didn't know what was wrong in his mind at first. After suddenly receiving a friend request from that 'little brain axe', he subconsciously agreed.

At the beginning, she didn't pay much attention, thinking that the other party was a novice and it was normal for her to be a bit picky.

Who hasn’t come from Mengxin?

Therefore, she was very patient in leading the other party and teaching him how to play the game.

Then, she doubted life...

Looking at the big 0 behind the opponent's winning rate, and seeing his own winning rate plummeting by half, Penelo couldn't understand it.

How could anyone be so good at it! ?

(Whether there is anyone who can be that good, Bell said he doesn’t know, but what he knows is that Fina is really not a human being!)

Half of the winning rate that he had worked so hard to achieve disappeared out of thin air. Penello was so angry that he almost wanted to block the opponent.

But unfortunately, she was always too soft-hearted. When faced with the opponent's request for "one more round" that was full of fighting spirit, she could not bear to refuse.

This also resulted in her and that 'cerebellar axe' becoming the famous black and white evil duo in the game.

Not long ago, some people even called her the sixth best person, who didn't care about morality?

So why is she taking the blame?

She obviously doesn't know how to cook, okay?

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