The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 529 H1 Particulate Matter

"Uh...ahem, no, I, I didn't say anything."

Realizing that he had accidentally tricked his cute pet again, Bell looked away in embarrassment.

Why did he use 'and'?

"Then what, senior sister, you haven't said anything about why you suddenly came to see me?"

"Oh, that's actually the case."

Work was urgent, so Penello had to temporarily suppress his surprise that he had been playing games with a 'cat' as a teammate, and talk about serious matters.

However, after experiencing the previous fright, there was no trace of excitement on her face.

She just wanted to finish her work quickly and then go back online to see if Fina was online. She had to ask the other party why he could be so good! ?

"Last night, the 'Explorer' orbiting Neptune detected magic fluctuations on the surface of Neptune.

After sampling and investigation, researchers separated a kind of gaseous magic particles from the gas on the surface of Neptune.

This is the first time wizards have discovered gaseous magic materials, and everyone is very excited about it.

By the way, the researchers named this material ‘H1 particles’. "

Penello explained in a smooth voice, which was quite formulaic.

"Oh? Gaseous magic material?"

Hearing this, Bell raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Although there are some magic materials that can become gaseous after processing, that state is generally very unstable. This was the first time he had heard of a magical material that remained gaseous under normal conditions, and he wanted to see it.

"Have those H1 particles been sent back?"

Bell asked impatiently.

“Yes, but only a little.

Because there are many large storms on the surface of Neptune, it is very difficult to collect this kind of particulate matter.

I spent a whole night and could only collect a lump the size of a fist. "

After spending a long time together, Penello certainly knew what Bell meant.

But unfortunately, Bell will be disappointed this time.

Just a ball of gas the size of a fist is not enough inside the research room, and there is simply no extra amount to give to Bell.

Of course, Bell is the boss after all. If he really wants it, no matter how reluctant he is, the research room will still allocate enough to send it to Bell.

But Penello, who was familiar with the opponent, knew that Bell would not do that.

"All right."

After hearing that there was no need to play, Bell was not going to force it.

Anyway, whatever has already fallen into his bowl will have to go into his mouth sooner or later and will not fly away, so there is no need to rush.

"So what has been researched so far?"

Bell asked hopelessly.

After all, time is still too short. No matter how outstanding the researchers in the laboratory are, they still need time to analyze and think.

As expected, Penello's next answer confirmed Bell's guess.

"Not yet. We only know that this H1 particle will not change in form or properties even in the earth's environment, so researchers infer that this material should be very stable.

In addition, some researchers have suggested that the more stable the magic substance is, the more likely it is to release powerful energy when its properties change. Therefore, it may be possible to make H1 particles into bombs or something. "


Bell was speechless.

Why didn't he know that there were dangerous elements in his own laboratory who loved 'art' so much?

This guy must have something in common with Shanna.

"Isn't it said that it is very difficult to collect this kind of material? Wouldn't it be too cost-effective to just blow it up like that?"

You know, transporting matter from the distant Neptune back to Earth requires a lot of magic power.

In addition, collecting in the harsh environment of Neptune also requires a lot of magic power to protect the safety of explorers.

The combined magic power consumed, if turned into a bomb, might be enough to blow up a small village.

If the bomb made of H1 particles does not reach that level of power, it will be a waste of money.

Moreover, in his heart, Bell did not want these precious magic materials to be used as bombs.

After all, destruction is only one aspect of magic. Magic is more about creation.

"You said, since the properties of this H1 particle are so stable, how about we make it into a magic projection?"

Suddenly, a good idea appeared in Bell's mind.

"Magic projection? Does magic projection still need to use this precious magic material?"

Penello looked at Bell in confusion.

Can't magic projections or something be made with just a wave of a wand?

I have to say, perhaps because he has been with Bell for a long time, Penello has started to "Versailles" from time to time?

You know, magic projection involves very precise magic transformation operations.

It's really not difficult if you just make a general outline.

But if you want to create lifelike projections, you can't just wave a magic wand to create them.

"I'm not referring to the ordinary magic projection.

The existence time of that kind of projection is too short, and if you want to materialize it, you must continue to consume a lot of magic power.

I was thinking that maybe we can use H1 particles to create projections that can last for a long time, or even permanently.

Moreover, although H1 particulate matter is a gaseous magic material, since it is named 'particulate matter', it must be composed of a large number of tiny particles, right?

So as long as the density of the particles is increased, it shouldn't be difficult to create a solid projection? "

Bell analyzed.

Hearing this, Penello nodded.

Indeed, as Bell said, H1 particles are made up of countless tiny particles, so they should be able to do what Bell said.

But the question is, does that mean anything?

Asking what came to mind, Penello raised his doubts without hesitation.

“It means so much!

Senior sister, do you want to have an exciting canyon battle in reality? Or even a more interesting and spectacular game?

Using the projection produced by H1 particles, we may be able to reproduce the game world into reality! "

Q: ‘What should we do with technological breakthroughs? ‘

Answer: ‘Then do you still need to ask? Of course it’s a game! ‘

Entertainment is the eternal pursuit of mankind!

Not to mention that Bell is still a deadbeat...

"But, through the magic stone statue, can't we also recreate the canyon battle in reality?"

Penello wondered.

Previously, she had seen someone on the Magic Network saying that they planned to find a remote canyon in reality and create a real-life canyon battle venue.

"Magic stone statues are very expensive, aren't they! Making and maintaining them requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

The H1 particles are different. Because it is a gaseous substance, even if it is scattered, it will not affect the particles. As long as the reorganization program is set up, it can be used again and again.

Even if there are enough H1 particles, we can create a grand game world in reality! "

Bell felt excited when he thought about finding an uninhabited planet in the future and creating a real game world on it.

Maybe the day when he will be crowned 'King' is not far away?


"Anyway, senior sister, please convey my idea to the research laboratory. Let them verify the feasibility."


After chatting briefly for a few more words, Penello couldn't wait to hang up the communication.

Of course, she was not in a hurry to convey Bell's request, but wanted to settle a score with a certain 'rookie cat' who had a 0% winning rate!

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