The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 530 The two brothers and sisters who returned early

August 30th at 10am.

There are still two days until Hogwarts starts.

With the slight distortion of space, two figures, one tall and one short, appeared outside the door of the Leaky Cauldron.

These two people were the brothers Bell and Shanna who were supposed to stay in the United States to accompany their elders.

Logically speaking, the two of them should stay in the United States until the evening of the 31st, then return to the UK to pack up, and go to Hogwarts the next day.

But this year due to some special circumstances, they had to return to the UK one day early.

So it's really not because Bell missed his girlfriend so much that he couldn't bear it any longer, so he came back early!

Pushing open the door of the bar and looking at the lively crowd inside, Bell couldn't help but frown.

Sure enough, he still didn't like this noisy environment.

Holding back the discomfort in his heart, Bell stepped forward and walked through the door of the Leaky Cauldron for the first time.

Carefully avoiding the drunkards who came here to drink in the early morning, Bell led Shanna towards a remote corner.

In that corner, there were four young figures waiting quietly.

I don't know if they sensed something, but when the Bell brothers and sisters approached, one of the witches who was talking to the other suddenly raised her head and looked in the direction of Bell.


With a suppressed cry, the witch stood up suddenly and threw herself into Bell's arms.

Ahem, don't get me wrong, this is not that Bell did something bad outside behind Hermione's back, but that this witch is Bell's girlfriend whom he has not seen for a long time.

Originally, the thin-skinned Hermione would not be able to do such a thing in such a public place, especially in front of her classmates.

But this time, she and Bell were separated for a full month and a half, which made Hermione suffer a lot in her heart.

So much so that when she saw Bell now, she could no longer suppress her inner emotions and threw herself into Bell's arms regardless, hanging around her boyfriend's neck like a koala.

"Bell, why are you here so late!"

Hermione complained unhappily.

You know, in order to reunite with Bell as soon as possible, she got up at 6 o'clock today and started putting on makeup, arrived at the Leaky Cauldron at 8 o'clock, and waited until now.


Bell said with a wry smile.

In fact, he also expected that Hermione would arrive early, so he originally planned to come earlier.

But who would have thought that the four elders in the family were really reluctant to leave the Bell brothers and sisters. Grandmother and Grandmother were holding on to the arms of Belle and Shanna, and while crying, they persuaded them to transfer to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Not to mention that there are only two days left before the start of school, and it is already too late to think about the time to transfer to another school.

Just say that even if their brother and sister transferred to Ilvermorny, Ilvermorny is still a boarding school! I still can’t see you then?

So what's the point?

Anyway, finally, when the agreed gathering time was approaching, the two old men reluctantly let go of their hands, allowing Bell to apparate back to England with Shanna.

Since it was getting late, Bell put down Hermione and looked at the other three classmates who had been fed a mouthful of dog food.

"Long time no see, Luna. And these two seniors, I don't know what to call them?"

Bell greeted with a smile.

"Long time no see, Senior Bell. Are you really the leading professor this time? Aren't you a student like us? Why did you suddenly become a professor?"

Luna asked in her signature smooth tone.

Although there was no sign of Luna being curious from her expression, this time, she was really, really curious!

This curiosity has been building up since I received the notice from Hogwarts more than a month ago.

"It's true. Besides, I'm just a temporary professor, just for this time.

As you know, Hogwarts' professor resources are very tight, and every year the principal has to worry about finding a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Therefore, the professors were unable to spare any effort, so they could only temporarily appoint me as the leading professor. "

Bell said nonsense.

Hogwarts' professor resources are indeed very tight, but it doesn't mean that even one person can't be spared for such an important matter this time.

You know, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick are both vying to be the leading professor.

But the current principal of Hogwarts, Principal Snape, is Bell's best friend. Therefore, this position was placed on Bell for personal gain.

In fact, Bell really had no choice.

As we all know, Bell hates people who seek personal gain with power! So he didn't want to do this.

But there is only one place in a grade, and if Bell takes it, Hermione will not be allocated a place.

This is not possible!

He couldn't bear to be separated from his girlfriend for a whole year! Then he will go crazy!

Anyway, Bell had already used power for personal gain once before, so Bell simply lost his face and made an outrageous request to Snape that he should be the leading professor and leave the fifth grade spot to Hermione.

By the way, the last time Bell used power for personal gain, he lowered the selection range from the lowest fifth grade to the lowest third grade.

there's no way! He didn't want to do that either!

But Shanna is only in the third grade.

Is it possible that Bell needs to be separated from his sister for another whole year?

That won't work!

He can't help but burst the earth from the inside!

Therefore, in order to maintain the peace of the world and the health and integrity of the Earth Lord, Bell used the unique skills of rolling around and acting cute for the first time in his life, and successfully persuaded his mother.

It is then up to the mother to put pressure on the father.

It was his father who put pressure on the Ministry of Magic.

Communicated by the Ministry of Magic to the Union of Monks.

Just like this, layer by layer, Bell successfully used this matryoshka-like method to let his sister join him!

What a joy! His act of losing dignity was worth it!

"H-Hello, Menethil...Professor?"

The two senior students looked at Bell awkwardly, not knowing what to call each other.

Call them professors...they are awkward.

After all, Bell is younger than them.

Although the other party was indeed the nominal professor leading the team this time, they always felt uncomfortable calling someone younger than themselves a professor.

But call me junior... they don't dare.

Just kidding, Bell's reputation at Hogwarts was forged with blood and corpses!

(Not actually.)

Now that the other party has occupied the position of justice, if they are severely punished because of the disrespect in the name, they will not even have room to cry out their grievances!

There is no Professor McGonagall to support them here!

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