The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 531 Exchange Study Abroad

"Senior is too polite, just call me Bell."

Bell felt a little awkward when he heard the other party calling him professor. He always felt like he was being called old.

"Okay, B-Bell, my name is Ross Roy."

"My, my name is Trois Bugit."

Another 6th grade senior also introduced himself nervously.

"Bell, I, I would like to ask, are we really going to study in China this school year?"

Roy asked, holding back his excitement.

Even now, he still feels unbelievable that he was selected as an exchange student to study in China.

More than a month ago, when Professor McGonagall suddenly visited him and informed him and his family of the matter, and asked them if they agreed, Roy would have thought it had not been for the serious face of Professor McGonagall that was so intimidating. The other party came here specifically to make him happy.

"Yes, it's true. We will take a plane to China soon."

Bell said affirmatively.

After about 2 years of communication, the Chinese cultivation world and the British magic world finally decided to officially conduct exchange studies to learn and improve from each other. Bell and others were the first batch of ‘experimental subjects’.

In addition, although he once said that he would never fly again, as the leading professor this time, he really couldn't leave the two people in front of him, along with his sister, girlfriend, and possible future confidants—— Luna, run away together.

In that case, these two people would be too pitiful. A person as soft-hearted as Bell would really not be able to do such a cruel thing.

Of course, the main reason is that the Chinese Monk Alliance has designated them to enter the country by plane and will arrange for people to wait at the airport to prevent little guys like Bell from getting lost in an unfamiliar place.

Therefore, Bell could only aggrieve himself and his sister and reluctantly take another flight.

This time is really the last time!

Then he went to encourage his father to discuss with the senior leaders of the Monk Alliance to open a special entry channel for wizards!

Even if it is isolated by the Kyushu Guardian Formation and cannot move directly into the formation, it can still move to a small offshore island.

Then it is transported to China via flying car, which takes less than an hour together. How convenient it is!

At worst, Bell would donate the flying cars used to transport passengers to the Monk Alliance.

Just print some advertisements on the car body.

"Hermione, the entry token should be with you, right? Give it to me."

Because Bell had been in the United States before, the several entry tokens that were supposed to be kept by him were temporarily stored with Hermione.

Taking the token handed over by Hermione, Bell distributed it to everyone.

While distributing it, he also warned:

"This is China's entry token. Remember to keep it close to your body when you are on the plane. This is a major event related to your lives, so you must not be careless.

In addition, during the nearly one year of staying in China, this token will be held by you yourself. To be on the safe side, it’s best to keep it with you at all times. But be careful not to lose it.

If you really lose it, you must report it to the teacher at the college as soon as possible, or you can also contact me. It will then be reviewed by the Monk Alliance and a new token will be issued.

However, the review will be very troublesome and may take a lot of time, so it is best for you to pay more attention. "

Unlike those irresponsible employees in China who throw away their badges and run away, Bell is very professional.

Just be a monk and hit the clock every day.

So he explained the importance of the entry token to everyone very seriously.

He didn't want to suddenly learn that one of his group was wiped out one day soon.

That really makes my head hurt just thinking about it.

After everyone carefully placed their entry tokens close to their bodies and tied them with ropes several times, Bell then greeted everyone and walked out of the Leaky Cauldron.

Outside the bar, a 7-seater commercial vehicle had been waiting for a while.

The driver of the commercial vehicle was looking around curiously, wondering why this guest chose such a remote place to pick up the bus.

The rest of the journey went smoothly. Under Bell's urging, the driver had no choice but to ignore the doubts that a few people had suddenly appeared from out of nowhere, and successfully sent them to the airport within 2 hours.

The few young wizards who had known for a long time that they would take a plane to China today had also done their homework in advance.

This made Shanna, who was eager to give it a try and plan to teach others how to fly, puff up her face in disappointment.

After a drowsy plane journey, Bell stepped off the plane and stretched himself hard.

He reached out and rubbed his sister's head, then pushed Shanna's back toward the airport exit.

The sulky little girl was very unhappy now, so he had to keep an eye on her. Otherwise, as soon as she turned around, Shanna would blow up the plane behind her, which would be a lot of fun.

With a few people looking around and curious about everything, Bell quickly found the receptionist at the exit.

Unexpectedly, the person waiting for them at the exit holding a big sign looked like neither an employee of the Monks' Union nor a gentleman from the academy.

Judging from his slightly immature face, he must be a student from the academy?

"Hello, my name is Bel Menethil. I am the leading professor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the UK. What should I call you?"

Quickly walking to the other party, Bell took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, Professor Menethil, my name is Ma Jingjing, I am the Head of the Upper House of Yandu Academy, third grade."

Ma Jingjing introduced herself respectfully.

While speaking, she looked at Bell curiously.

Bell's face is too young, he doesn't look much older than her?

‘Is this person really a professor? '

Ma Jingjing couldn't help but question in her heart.

But even though she thought so in her heart, the education she had received since she was a child about respecting teachers and teachings still prevented her from showing any disrespect on the surface.

"Just call me Bell. Although I am the leading professor this time, I am actually still a student at Hogwarts. In terms of age, I should be younger than you."

Bell smiled and waved his hand, indicating that the other party did not need to be so respectful.

"Hey!? Really? How old are you? How can you be the leading professor when you are still a student?"

Ma Jingjing's eyes widened in surprise.

Although she thought the other person looked young, she didn't think he was younger than her.

Does she look that old! ?

"I am 15 years old now, and I will be 16 in more than a month.

Because there is a shortage of professors in the school, I have no choice but to appoint me as the leading professor this time. "

Bell explained with a smile.

"You're only 15 years old!?"

Ma Jingjing thought the other party was 20 years old before.

By the way, don’t boys generally develop later? What did this guy grow up on? You're only 15 years old and you're so tall?

Seeing that Bell was obviously over 180 centimeters tall, Ma Jingjing thought very rudely.

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