The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 542 Red Sky Sword

"How's it going? Is the move I just made powerful?"

Ma Jingjing raised her head and asked Bell provocatively.

"Strong! Really strong!"

Bell admired sincerely.

Although Ma Jingjing's lack of control ability caused the sword to be released after a short period of energy accumulation, this still could not conceal the brilliance of the sword.

And the most important thing is, that sword is so handsome!

Although he can also use transformation to transform magic, fire, ice, etc. into the shape of a dragon.

But in terms of momentum, it is completely incomparable.

That kind of powerful aura that goes forward inexorably and threatens to cut off everything can only be unleashed by a swordsman.

This is the difference in path choice, which cannot be imitated by imitation alone.

"Well...I, I'm actually still far behind."

Bell's sincere praise actually made Ma Jingjing feel a little embarrassed.

Ever since she was a child, the elders in her family have been very strict with her, always criticizing her shortcomings but never praising her.

After entering the academy, the gentlemen often praised her for her excellence.

But to be honest, in her opinion, those simple subjects deserve full marks, and there is nothing to be proud of.

As for the praise from classmates?

She didn't want any of the compliments from those weaklings!

(Ahem, after seeing this, everyone must already know why Ma Jingjing has no friends.

That's right! It was the influence of the education she received when she was a child! It's the fault of the elders in her family!

Facts have proved that children all need praise and affirmation. )

But things are different now.

First of all, although she doesn't want to admit it, she actually knows it in her heart.

Bell is better than her.

Secondly, Bell is her contemporary, even two years younger than her.

Finally, the previous sword strike was the most proud move she had mastered recently.

To sum up, Ma Jingjing felt very happy with Bell's praise!

So, the more she looked at Bell, the more pleasing she became to Ma Jingjing, so she decided to make an exception and chat with him for a while longer.

After all, being idle is idle, right?

"Let me tell you, if I practice this move to the extreme, I can send out hundreds of fire dragons in an instant!"

Ma Jingjing said with a serious and yearning look on her face.

If she could reach that state one day, she would probably wake up laughing even in her dreams!

"Hundreds of them!?"

Bell repeated in shock.

So after this move 'Lushan Rising Dragon Tyrant', there is actually an advanced version of 'Lushan Hundred Dragon Tyrant'?

By the way, the senior who created this move is really called Tong Hu, right?

"Yes, this move was actually a spell engraved on the Chixiao Sword.

Later, after Master Wu Shijie obtained the Chixiao Sword, he integrated the Ten Thousand Swords Art he had practiced into it, and then used the Dance of Hundreds of Dragons to cover the sky and the sun.

It's a pity that now that the Red Sky Sword has been destroyed, the trick I imitated through the fire spell and the spirit control technique is always a little less interesting. "

Ma Jingjing said disappointedly.

Looking at Ma Jingjing who suddenly fell into despair, Bell felt a little pain in his teeth.

So are all women really fickle?

My own Hermione is often happy and angry at times, which makes people confused.

Now this Senior Ma was in high spirits one second, and became dejected the next?

Isn't it just a flying sword?

"If it breaks, just forge a new one."

Bell comforted.

Speaking of which, why does the name 'Red Sky Sword' sound so familiar to him?

"You put it lightly."

Ma Jingjing got rid of her disappointed mood for a second and gave Bell a big eye roll.

"The Red Sky Sword is one of the top ten famous swords in China, and it is also the only famous sword that has been passed down to modern times.

The ten famous swords are all forged from precious materials that can be found but cannot be found.

Among them, the Red Sky Sword is said to use the single horn of the extinct 'Fire Dragon', so it can emit extremely powerful fire spells.

Therefore, the Red Sky Sword cannot be copied. "

While Bell and Ma Jingjing were chatting, the second test: the 'spiritual power manipulation test' had also begun.

Compared to the first test, the movement in this second test was much smaller.

In front of each tester, there are ten models ranging from easy to difficult. The tester must control his own spiritual power to imitate the shape of the model outside the body.

Of course, this kind of sophisticated method involving spiritual transformation is obviously not something that the little brats in the lower house can do.

Bell even suspected that more than half of the students in the Intermediate School could not do it.

The gentlemen of the academy are obviously not devils. Of course, they also consider the abilities of the students.

Therefore, there are several transparent crystal spheres placed on the test bench.

Different from the crystal balls used by wizards to predict the future or pretend to be gods, these crystal balls help students retain their spiritual power.

After injecting spiritual power into the crystal sphere, there is no need for restraint by the owner of the spiritual power, and the spiritual power will not quickly dissipate into the surrounding environment.

In this way, students can have enough time to control the spiritual power in the crystal sphere to shape different shapes.

Of course, the size of the crystal sphere is limited after all, and gentlemen will not make this test such a trivial matter.

Therefore, the volumes of the last five models are larger than the crystal sphere. If the tester wants to imitate it, he must show his true ability.

Time passed like water, and the test was carried out in an orderly manner.

Soon, it was Zannah's turn, the youngest among Bell's group, to take the stage.

Without saying a word, the little girl walked up to the tenth most difficult model, controlled her magic power to spread outside her body, and played "pinching" seriously.

Except for a few spells, such as special spells such as Red Lotus Karma (the name of the Fire Curse in China), most of the remaining spells have very limited requirements for the ability to control spiritual power. .

Therefore, as long as the spiritual power control reaches a certain level, the need for continued improvement is not that great.

At least for 99% of the monks, they will never use such difficult spiritual power manipulation techniques in their lives.

This also leads to the fact that the academy's test of spiritual power control ability is not very difficult.

Of course, the above only represents Bell's personal views. At least at this time, Shanna had begun to sweat slightly on her forehead.

The model on the palm of the little girl's hand was half completed, and at this time, she began to feel a little bit tired.

But based on Bell's understanding of his sister, Shanna should still be able to achieve the final result. At most, there may be some deviations in the details.

Facts have proved that when it comes to understanding Shanna, if Bell is second to none, then no one would dare to claim to be first.

Amid everyone's exclamations, the little girl stumbled and completed the last stroke, successfully imitating the shape of the tenth model.

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