The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 543 The powerful little devil in the Lower House

"Brother! Brother! How did I do?"

After the test was completed, Shanna immediately ran to her brother again and asked for praise.

"Awesome! Shanna is awesome!"

Bell rubbed his sister's little head vigorously, making the little girl's eyes narrow into crescent shapes with joy.

So look, this is the result of encouraging education!

Bell never worried that his sister would be abducted just because someone praised her.

(Ma Jingjing: ‘Who has been abducted?’)

Testing continues step by step.

Except for Bell who also successfully completed the simulation of the tenth model, among the remaining people in Hogwarts, Hermione's performance was still outstanding.

The other three people are all at the bottom of their peers.

there's no way! They have never done such a thing!

Perhaps due to the longer period of using wands, none of the three magic schools in the European magic world has courses related to magic control.

Except for exceptions like Bell, who was born with magic power, with the help of the wand, other wizards would not face any troubles due to poor magic control skills.

Therefore, the vast majority of wizards have improved their control over magic while using magic spells on a daily basis.

And this is also the reason why wizards do not have so many different branches like monks.

You know, in ancient times, there were druids who specialized in transformation among wizards, but if you want to become a powerful archdruid, you must be proficient in human transformation.

Human body deformation is a spell that requires extremely fine control of magic power.

If you are not careful and have some accidents during transformation, it may cause the wizard to be unable to transform back into his original human form.

Therefore, with the popularity of magic wands, the druids gradually disappeared in the long river of history.

I don’t know if in a few hundred years, the sword cultivation, body cultivation and other routes of the Chinese monks will also disappear like the druids, and in the end only Dharma cultivation will remain?

If that were the case, it would be too boring.

Following the crowded crowd, Bell and his party arrived at the dining hall.

The morning test has ended. After lunch, they can rest leisurely for two hours before going to the afternoon duel test.

The test in the afternoon has nothing to do with the students in the lower house. Those little guys who can't even hold the staff firmly should just 'level up' obediently first.

Of course, although the academy does not force students from the Lower House to attend, it can even be said that the academy still hopes that these little guys will stay away and find a place to play.

After all, dueling is no joke. Although the gentlemen strictly monitor it and no one is killed, there are still a lot of people injured every year.

The scene of blood splattering is not suitable for children to watch.

Moreover, although it was decided to surround the site with a defensive formation, considering the safety of the people inside, the intensity of the formation was not high.

Otherwise, it would be great fun if one of the students was knocked away by the other party during the duel, and ended up hitting the defensive circle and being killed.

Don’t think that this doesn’t happen, it even happens often!

Especially when there are physical practitioners on both sides of the duel!

Those reckless men who advocated physical pleasure from fisting would often beat people away or be beaten away.

Therefore, the competition between the students of the Intermediate School was not bad, but when the Upper School, especially the third-year students of the Upper School, competed, the magic circle would still be broken occasionally.

Especially when there are sword cultivators on both sides of the duel!

Those stubborn people who pursue one sword to defeat all kinds of magic will always concentrate all their attack power on one point.

Not only are the magic circles often punctured by these guys' shaking hands, but even the injured are mostly contributed by these guys!

Whenever there is a sword cultivator competing in a competition, the man responsible for supervising the field will be 200% alert to prevent accidents from happening.

And if both parties are sword cultivators, then the academy will arrange for two gentlemen to supervise, one to keep an eye on the other.

With such high-end treatment, it can only be said that swordsmanship is indeed a profession that has been inherited in China for thousands of years. Regardless of strength, the ability to cause trouble is also top-notch!

To sum up, it is not safe at all to watch the duel test. If you are not careful, you will be in trouble.

Those students in the middle school and upper school are okay, and they still have some ability to protect themselves.

But these little ones in the House of Commons are really going to kill a lot of them at the first touch!

How can gentlemen not be worried about this?

And the most worrying thing is not this, but...

"Those two over there, get back to your seats and sit down quickly! Don't run around!"

A gentleman shouted loudly to two little ghosts who were chasing and fighting.

Are you kidding? Hundreds of little brats aged between 5 and 11 are gathered together and you expect them to stay quiet?

If you're not careful, these lawless little guys can wander to all the places you can imagine or even think about.

Therefore, looking after these little brats this afternoon is a job that all gentlemen avoid. Every year, lots are drawn to decide who is unlucky.

What? You ask, why doesn't the college directly ban students from the lower house from watching the competition?

Haha, you can try to reason with a child under 10 years old and see if you can outshine others.

Not to mention, there are hundreds of these little guys here.

God knows how the old dean of the academy felt when he saw hundreds of children surrounding his office.

It is said that after that, the old dean did not even dare to approach his favorite grandson for a long time, which caused a family ethics drama.

As a result, the subsequent deans all learned the painful lessons learned from their ancestors' great sacrifices, and never faced off against these little guys again.

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will never die if he is a poor Taoist. Anyway, it's not the dean's turn to take care of the children, so let the gentlemen have their own headache.

You can't get such a high welfare package for nothing, right?

"Zannah Menethil, you are temporarily assigned to the first grade group of the Upper House for competition.

Bell Menethil, you are temporarily assigned to the third grade group of the Upper House for competition. "

Before the test officially started, a gentleman approached Bell and his team and informed them of the above.

This was an urgent decision made by the gentlemen during lunch break.

But Shanna, who had entered the Upper House as she wished, was not as happy as expected.

The little girl pouted in dissatisfaction and glared angrily at the gentleman who came to notify, making the gentleman look confused.

‘Didn’t I hear that the other party took the initiative to apply for promotion? Why is it that now that I have been promoted, the other party still looks very dissatisfied?

Or is this actually the British way of expressing gratitude?

This is really strange! ’

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