The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 544 A girl with great energy

Reaching out and pressing his sister's little head, Bell smiled apologetically at the gentleman who came to inform.

After all, in a sense, the other party is taking the blame for him.

If he wanted to upgrade and performed too well in previous tests, the little girl must have been happily celebrating by opening a soda.

After the gentleman left, Shanna, who had her head down unhappily, suddenly raised her head, and the fighting spirit in her eyes seemed to be about to burst out.

She decided that in the next competition, she must go all out to defeat her opponent, and finally be promoted to the third grade!

nobody! It can prevent him from attending classes in the same classroom as his brother!

Seeing his sister's fighting spirit high, Bell could only mourn for Shanna's next opponent.

The competition between the students of the Intermediate School was quite satisfactory, nothing outstanding.

After all, these students are just the equivalent of junior students at Hogwarts.

Although they were educated earlier, allowing them to master more and stronger spells than the younger students at Hogwarts, their power was only that high and they couldn't kill anyone.

Of course, the 'people' here refer to monks who also have spiritual power in their bodies.

Once the students from the Upper School entered the room, the situation suddenly became exciting.

This can be clearly felt from the cheers of the audience and the gentlemen who finally stopped yawning.

Spells coming and going criss-crossed the field, and amidst the roaring sounds from time to time, gravel and dust flew up.

The competition finally looked like a competition, and the duration of each competition was finally longer than the time it took the players to play.

Soon, it was Shanna's turn to appear.

The little girl took a deep breath and exhaled forcefully.

A white mist flew several meters away, stirring up dust on the ground.

The little girl held her head high and walked onto the ring step by step. I don't know, maybe she thought she was participating in some life-and-death battle.

‘Boom~! ‘

After bowing to each other, it didn't take a second for Shanna's opponent to be blown away by an explosive spell. It ended faster than the first-year competition in the Intermediate School, and the referee was so stunned that he didn't realize what happened. What.


After exhaling forcefully again, Shanna turned around and walked off the ring without waiting for her husband to announce the results of the competition.

Looking at his sister who looked like a glaring King Kong, Bell tried hard not to laugh.

And this time, Shanna didn't immediately run to her brother for praise like the previous two times.

She is now Shan Serenity Na, so she can’t laugh!

On this day, the students of Yandu Academy deeply realized how terrifying a raging little girl was.

Just today, Shanna was successfully promoted to the second female devil of Yandu Academy. She is the kind of existence that can stop the little brats in the lower courtyard from crying at night.

By the way, the female devil No. 1 ran near Bell and his party again at some point, and was looking at Shanna's Ma Jingjing with great interest.

(Bell: ‘Senior Ma doesn’t really have any friends, does she?’)

Except for Shanna, the competition of several others also went smoothly.

With her powerful Legilimency, Luna is always able to know the opponent's plans in advance and deal with them one by one, which is quite like the Dugu Nine Swords.

After Hermione's unremitting training over the past few years and seeing various big scenes with Bell, she was now able to handle such a 'simple' test with ease.

The remaining two seniors, Roy and Bugit, were selected as the first batch of exchange students. Their abilities were undoubtedly among the top in their respective grades.

Therefore, even though the teaching quality of Hogwarts has become increasingly poor in recent years, these two people can still barely rank in the middle and upper reaches of their peers in Yandu Academy.

At least it won't embarrass Hogwarts.

After once again disposing of his opponent lightly, Bell walked off the ring and returned to Hermione's side.

At this time, the competition was coming to an end, and everyone in Bell's group was eliminated except for himself and Shanna.

The rules of the competition are that starting from the lower grades, the losers are eliminated and the winners advance until the final winner is determined.

Therefore, although Hermione and Luna are both excellent, they are still not enough to compete with the senior students.

Especially Luna, although the little witch's Legilimency is incredibly powerful, in terms of other spells, she can only be said to be average.

"What about the rest?"

Bell asked curiously.

When he left just now, everyone else was still here. Why was it that only Hermione was left in just a few minutes?

"Over there, everyone ran to watch Shanna's competition."

Hermione gestured towards the distance.

Following the prompts, Bell found that the arena not far away was already filled with people on three levels inside and three outside.

The gentlemen responsible for maintaining order were shouting loudly, asking everyone to retreat and leave a safe buffer distance.

"Who is Shanna's opponent?"

You know, Shanna's previous competitions were not very enjoyable to watch.

After all, it's an explosive spell when it goes up. If it doesn't 'die' after one blast, just shoot a few more.

Are you getting bored now?

Of course, this only represents Bell's personal opinion.

In fact, Shanna's violent and straightforward performance seems to be very popular with some people.

It had only been a few hours, but behind the little girl, there were already a lot of fans chasing after Shanna to watch Shanna's game.

By the way, whether it was Phyllis and Reina, or the little girls running around behind Shanna, Bell suddenly discovered that his sister seemed to have qualities that attracted girls?

So should he be happy about this?

"It's Senior Ma."

Hermione said with a slight headache.

"Ma Jingjing!?"

Now Bell knew why everyone rushed to watch Shanna's competition.

This can really be said to be a battle between dragons and tigers, and even he was aroused with great interest.

To be honest, since he didn't know Ma Jingjing's specific strength, Bell didn't know whether his sister was stronger or weaker than Ma Jingjing.

But judging from the strength that Ma Jingjing showed in the morning test, Shanna may have encountered a strong opponent this time.

Flying into the air with Hermione, Bell saw that Shanna and Ma Jingjing were already standing on the ring facing each other. When the referee gives the order, he will launch a fierce attack like a violent storm.

"Hey! Little Zanna, don't expect me to be merciful for a while. After I deal with you, I will kill your brother Bell."

Ma Jingjing, who is deep in the art of dueling, launched a trash-talking offensive against Shanna before the competition officially started.

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