The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 545 Shanma Battle


Faced with Ma Jingjing's trash talk provocation, Shanna just snorted disdainfully and said nothing.

She is deeply inspired by her brother, and has always followed the code of conduct and never said a word of nonsense.

"What do you mean by hum? You hum! Ah!? I'll ask you what you mean by hum!"

Unexpectedly, Ma Jingjing suddenly exploded on the spot.

(Bell: ‘The level of trash talk is too low, isn’t it? Why do you still bring self-destruction?’)

Ma Jingjing glared angrily at Shanna who remained silent.

Don't think she didn't hear it. The 'hum' just made by the other party was to express his disdain for her! I don't think she can beat Bell!

How could she, who was so competitive, endure this?

Turning to look at the two gentlemen on the ring, Ma Jingjing urged each other with her eyes. She can't wait to teach this little girl Shanna a lesson now!

‘If I can’t take care of your brother, why can’t I take care of you? ’

Yes, in fact, Ma Jingjing also knew very well that there was a high probability that she would not be able to defeat Bell.

As for sword cultivators, there is never a draw.

If you can't win, you will definitely lose. It's that extreme!

The gentleman on the stage looked at the little girl in his academy with a speechless expression. Like Bell, he has never seen such a poor trash talker!

If it weren't for the fact that he was in public, he would not be able to blatantly favor students from his academy. He would have wanted to call a timeout first and give the other party a good extracurricular trash-talking tutorial.

"Sir, can't we start yet?"

Seeing that the urging with her eyes was ineffective and the gentleman did not receive her radio waves, Ma Jingjing simply asked directly.

"It's still a while."

After taking a look at the still slightly chaotic order in the audience, the gentleman reassured.

I don't know if it was because it was the first time they met a British wizard, and she was also a very powerful little witch. This time, the students' emotions were unusually high.

In previous years, even in the finals, it was rare to see people so excited.

Although this competition did reach or even exceed the level of many finals.

"Those two people over there, come down quickly! You are not allowed to fly while watching the game!"

Seeing that Bell and Hermione actually flew into the sky to watch the game, a gentleman responsible for maintaining order scolded them dissatisfied.

If all the senior students go to the sky to watch the game, the range they need to defend against will increase many times.

Do you really think that each of them is made of iron?


After taking a look at the crowded crowd below, Bell really didn't want to be crowded with that group of people.

And what if my girlfriend is cheated on?

Then will he kill someone? Or killing people? Or did they do each other?

Therefore, even if it is just to build a harmonious and friendly society, he cannot go down!

As soon as his eyes rolled, Bell thought of a good idea.

"Ahem, sir, I am the leading professor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I see that you seem to be short of manpower, so I decided to come and help.

For a while, I will be responsible for the prevention work here. Don't worry, nothing will go wrong. "

As the saying goes, if you have the right to use it, it will become invalid when it expires. Bell decisively raised the banner of his status as a team leader and professor.

"Oh? It's you! Then, I'll leave this to you. Move forward a little further and get above the students."

As he was so anxious before, this gentleman didn't look carefully.

Now when he heard Bell say this, he realized that the person who had gone to the sky was not some unruly little monkey as he thought, but the young British professor who had caused many gentlemen to talk at noon.

Although he was not at the test site in the morning, so he had not witnessed the opponent's strength with his own eyes. But since the other party can get the approval of Mr. Sima Yan, it means that he still has strength.

Therefore, when he heard Bell say that he was willing to share some of his responsibilities, he readily agreed.

After securing the 'special seats', Bell was leisurely waiting for the official start of the competition.

Soon, the gentlemen who had put order in order were already in place.

"The competition begins!"

With an order, the competition that everyone was looking forward to finally began.

Ma Jingjing, who had been impatient for a long time, waved her sword finger, and the flying sword on her waist flew towards Shanna at high speed.

The flying sword flew through the air, leaving a white trail, as if it was about to split the space into two.

On the other side, Shanna, who was also ready, raised her hand and threw an explosive spell.

After half a day of competition, it seems that the little girl has completely adopted the explosive spell as her starting skill.

‘Boom~! ’

Ma Jingjing's sword finger trembled slightly, and the flying sword moving at high speed in the air trembled incredibly. This caused the flying sword's flight trajectory to change a little, and it happened to intercept Shanna's explosive spell.

This exquisite control of the flying sword caused everyone in the audience to exclaim in surprise.

Although most people were just joining in the fun, they didn't understand it at all.

But there are people around them exclaiming, so they can't remain indifferent, right?

That seems like there are so many of them!


Ma Jingjing's move also exceeded Shanna's expectations.

She didn't expect that the other party could control the flying sword in rapid flight so accurately.

You know, this is not an easy thing. It is not enough to have superb operating skills, what is more needed is extraordinary courage.

If there is a slight deviation and the explosive spell is not blocked accurately, it is not impossible to be seriously injured without having time to make other responses.

However, what Shanna doesn't know is that the philosophy of swordsmanship is to move forward indomitably and be invincible!

Therefore, for others, it is a dance on the tip of a sword, but for sword cultivators, it is just a common occurrence.

This is also the reason why the former sword cultivator was able to dominate the Chinese monk world and kill all the barbarian tribes around the Chinese country in fear.

Of course, in today's peaceful society, it is rare to see such a pure sword cultivator.

After all, times have changed, and monks don’t have to fight with others at every turn. Why do they have to go to such extremes?

And whether it was luck or misfortune, Ma Jingjing, who was currently fighting Shanna, happened to be from a pure swordsmanship family with a long tradition.

Ma Jingjing herself has perfectly inherited the sword cultivation spirit that her family has instilled in her since she was a child.

If the sword comes out, there will be no regrets!

‘Bang~! ’

A small sonic boom cloud slowly dissipated, and with it, the afterimage of Zannah.

The moment the flying sword reached her body, Shanna activated the flying shoes on her feet, burst out at supersonic speed, and dodged the flying sword's attack.


Bell scratched his head in embarrassment.

It's not like he felt embarrassed because his sister accidentally missed the first move. But...strictly speaking, Shanna broke the rules.

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