The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 547 Witnessing history by accident

After calming down, Ma Jingjing also realized the problem of consumption.

Now, there was no look of anxiety or distress on her face.

I saw her shrinking the sword aura to the minimum, trying to reduce consumption as much as possible while ensuring that she would not be burned by the flames.

At the same time, when wielding the long sword, she also compressed the spiritual power on the sword more tightly to reduce the loss of spiritual power.

Although she didn't know who would be the first to run out of spiritual power, between herself and Shanna, the current situation of exhaustion was already the most beneficial to her at the moment.

However, Ma Jingjing wanted to spend it, but she had to ask Shanna if she agreed.

Unlike the suppressed Ma Jingjing, Shanna, who has the initiative, has more choices.

While maintaining the pressure on Ma Jingjing to ensure that the opponent would not have the opportunity to hold back her ultimate move, Shanna also managed to spare some energy for the next step of her plan.

She didn't want to spend time with each other in a boring way, she wanted to get rid of him neatly!

As time passed by, Shanna finally completed her arrangement.

Under the cover of the flames, she sneaked to the edge of the ring.

With her current fire escape skills, she could not guarantee her safety in the coming situation, so she had to make sure that she would not be affected first.

With a sudden stamp of her foot, cracks started from Shanna's toes and quickly filled the entire arena.

Ma Jingjing glanced at her feet. She could feel that the spiritual energy fluctuations that flashed from her feet were not strong. In other words, these cracks should be very shallow.

Such a shallow crack could not even destroy her balance, so Ma Jingjing was curious, why did Shanna do such useless work?

Suddenly, a creepy feeling hit her heart. Ma Jingjing looked closely at the crack under her feet, and saw streams of black viscous liquid pouring out of the crack rapidly.


The jetted oil ignited immediately when it encountered fire, causing the temperature of the already hot sea of ​​​​fire to rise sharply.

Moreover, what makes Ma Jingjing's scalp feel numb the most is that oil is highly sticky, and once it gets on her body, it will be difficult to remove.

‘I have no choice but to do that! '

There was no room to dodge as the oil sprayed all over the sky. And with the temperature of the sea of ​​fire rising sharply, if she stayed here any longer, it might not take long for her to get cooked.

Holding the long sword high in his hand, a large amount of spiritual power was converted into sword energy, forming a thick shield around Ma Jingjing's body, temporarily blocking the burning oil.

Then, Ma Jingjing used the combination of human and sword again and rushed straight upward.

‘Boo~! '

There was a sound like a bubble being popped, and the defensive formation that enveloped the arena was broken after Ma Jingjing struck with all her strength, within a few seconds.


The gentlemen who were about to stop Shanna from continuing to attack were stunned.

In the academy's hundreds of years of history, there have been many instances where students accidentally broke through defensive formations during competitions, but this was the first time that Ma Jingjing took the initiative to attack the defensive formations.

By accident, they witnessed history?

However, there is no time for them to express their feelings now.

As the defensive formation was broken, a large amount of oil that Shanna had stored underground using the transformation technique quickly flowed towards the bottom of the ring.

While ordering the students behind them not to move, the gentlemen quickly created walls of earth to trap the flames.

Seeing Ma Jingjing running away in such an unexpected way, Shanna stamped her feet angrily.

You know, the previous arrangement cost her a lot of magic power. She originally thought she could take down the opponent in one fell swoop.

Who knew that all the hard work would be in vain?

How can this be tolerated?

Unable to bear such a great grievance, Shanna suddenly waved her wand and controlled the large amount of unburned oil and flames on the ground to gather together.

Then, she raised her wand and pointed it at Ma Jingjing in the sky.

The huge fuel fireball emitted black smoke and hit Ma Jingjing in the air, who was recovering her breath. She had just exploded with too much spiritual power in an instant, and now her meridians were tingling.

Seeing that Shanna was attacking relentlessly without any pause, Ma Jingjing controlled the flying sword to her feet, stepped on the flying sword and quickly dodge Shanna's attack.

Now that there are no restrictions in the arena, she can truly say that the sea is as wide as the fish can leap, and the sky is as high as the birds can fly.

Just like before, the other party used the right location to trap her in a sea of ​​fire. It would never happen again.

Rather, the favorable situation has come to her side.

When it comes to flying with a sword, there is no one better than a sword cultivator.

So she is not in a hurry now. She will take it slow for a while. After the tingling sensation in her body disappears, she will have enough time to pay back the embarrassment she was suppressed before, even with the profit!

Seeing Ma Jingjing who was constantly doing various difficult flying movements in the air and could not be contained no matter how she attacked, Shanna rolled her eyes and decided to change her tactics.

The flames ignited on Shanna's body, and in the next moment, she turned into a streak of fire and appeared behind Ma Jingjing.

Flying is not the privilege of swordsmen. Even without using flying shoes, Zannah can fly in several ways.

It's just that most of those flying methods have poor speed and flexibility. When flying in the sky, they can only serve as targets for others, which is completely asking for death.

Therefore, Shanna still chose to use the fire escape technique that she had only recently mastered.

To be honest, before today, she didn't really understand why her brother paid so much attention to these seemingly useless Five Elements Escape Techniques.

After all, whether it is flying shoes or phantom, you can dodge and move quickly, and the difficulty of learning is much lower than the Five Elements Escape Technique.

But now, after actually using the fire escape technique in actual combat, Shanna can only say, whoever uses this thing knows!

In fact, what Shanna didn't know was that the Five Elements Escape Technique was originally developed by practitioners specifically for sword practitioners.

The sword cultivator's attacks were always point-breaking attacks, and it was difficult for the magic cultivator's shield to withstand the attack of the flying sword.

Since hard resistance is unreliable, the only option is to dodge.

Besides, if you can’t fight, why not run?

Therefore, the Five Elements Escape Technique has fast casting speed (you can even do it smoothly after mastering it), fast movement speed (the movement speed of Five Elements Escape Technique is not slower than flying with a sword), and can also travel through various harsh environments. It came into being.

But since we are all monks, we always run away, which is really hard to do in terms of face!

In addition, those sword cultivators are really too arrogant and domineering, and there will be times when an honest person can't stand it any longer!

In this way, after hundreds of years and many generations of hard work, the practitioners who inspired to overthrow the oppression of sword cultivators finally deduced the Five Elements Escape Technique, a magic used for escape, into a super powerful spell that integrates movement and attack!

However, because the difficulty is too high, few people can practice to that level, so in the end, the practitioners still failed to escape the fate of being pressed to the ground and rubbed by the sword cultivators...

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