The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 548 It’s really hard to eat a melon

Using the Five Elements Escape Technique to attack is still far away from the current Shanna.

The little girl appeared behind Ma Jingjing, raised her hand and threw a crushing spell at him.

With the previous experience of being intercepted by explosive spells, Shanna discovered that maybe the rules-based spells were more suitable for dealing with sword cultivators?

A translucent long sword shadow appeared behind Ma Jingjing, blocking Shanna's crushing spell, but at the same time it also dissipated in the air.

The first time she competed with an opponent who was good at the Five Elements Escape Technique, Ma Jingjing was inexperienced and had no time to maneuver the long sword at her feet, so she was forced to use her ultimate trick - Wan Jian Jue.

At present, she has only preliminary mastered the Ten Thousand Sword Art, and can barely copy a few sword shadows, which have limited power against the enemy.

But if it is used to defend against that kind of single-target curse, it seems to be miraculous.

Next, the sword energy and magic spells intertwined in the air.

Zannah controlled the flames to spread in the air to facilitate her use of fire escape.

Ma Jingjing replaced the flying sword under her feet with a separated sword shadow. In this way, although her flight speed and flexibility were reduced, her attack power was greatly enhanced.

The two of them were going back and forth, and the scene fell into anxiety for a while.

At the same time, the melon-eaters on the ground were also satisfied with their eyesight.

They all held their heads high, ignoring the protests coming from their cervical spines, and stared at the battle in the air without blinking, for fear of missing a scene.

You know, even in the finals, it is rare to see such a fierce confrontation.

The kind you may not see once every ten years!

Unlike the excitement of the students, the gentlemen were quite busy.

From time to time, they had to stop a magic spell or a sword shadow, leaving them with no time to spare.

"The magic circle hasn't been set up yet?"

one gentleman asked anxiously.

God knows when the battle in the air will end. If we don't quickly set up defensive formations, if the battle in the sky ends in the next second, then he won't be able to see the excitement.

He also wants to eat melon!

You know, the level of the battle between Shanna and Ma Jingjing at this moment has even exceeded that of most battles between adult monks.

Even the gentlemen in the academy, although they are all elites among the monks, some who are not very good at fighting may not be the opponents of these two little girls in the sky.

Thinking of this, the gentleman couldn't help but sigh.

Forget about Ma Jingjing, after all, he is the famous genius of the Ma family. He was given the Red Flame Sword (a top-notch flying sword based on the Red Sky Sword) by the family elders at a young age. To be able to perform like this, it is considered a good thing. That makes sense.

But the performance of that little girl from England and the Menethil family was really amazing.

As far as he knew, the other party was several years younger than Ma Jingjing!

It seems that the Menethil family, which has become increasingly famous in the Chinese monk community in recent years, is not just a business family.

In any case, this exchange study with Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the UK seems to be the right thing to do.

Their cultivation world has indeed been isolated from the world for too long, and they should have more communication with the outside world.

While this gentleman was still in the mood to think wildly, the gentlemen who were responsible for setting up the defensive array were extremely busy.

"It can't be that fast!"

One of them couldn't help but complain.

There are no formation cultivators here. They were selected from the shortest ones.

It would be fine if it were some small formations, but they had never arranged such a large formation covering the entire square before, so they had to study it carefully!

Seeing how busy the others were, Bell, who was still holding the title of 'professor leading the team', felt embarrassed to keep pretending like this.

After rummaging in his pocket for a while, he took out a dozen wooden totem poles and threw them into the square below.

Wrapped in magical power, the totem pole penetrated deeply into the ground.

Then, transparent fiery red shields rose up one by one, covering all the surrounding students.

At the same time, whenever an attack from the sky approaches the shield, the totem pole will emit a blast of fire.

Although the power of the flame impact is not strong, it can also weaken the intensity of the attack to a certain extent and reduce the pressure on the flame shield.

Seeing Bell suddenly take out more than 10 wooden pillars similar to array disks, the other gentlemen were curious and breathed a sigh of relief.

finally! I can finally watch the game with peace of mind!

Of course, this is impossible...

The magic power contained in the flame totem is limited, and it cannot last long if it is constantly being attacked.

With the current stalemate situation in the sky, it is not impossible for the two of them to fight for another hour.

Therefore, the formation that should be arranged still has to be arranged.

"Bell, will Zannah be okay?"

Hermione asked worriedly as she tugged on Bell's clothes.

After such a long period of observation, she has now seen that these Chinese wizards called 'Sword Cultivators', regardless of other aspects, are really powerful in attack.

That powerful magic item called the 'Flying Sword' can leave a deep sword mark on the ground with just one stroke.

Even the 'powerful' defensive formation surrounding the arena was shattered by Senior Ma's blow.

Therefore, Hermione was very worried, would Zannah be accidentally injured by that flying sword?

That's no joke!

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Bell comforted with a smile.

Not to mention that he has full confidence in his sister's strength. Even if there was an eventuality, at such a close distance, he could immediately use the magic spell to save Shanna through the contact with the magic mark on the back of his hand.

"Fire Dragon Burns the Sky!"

Ma Jingjing activated the magic circle engraved on the flying sword. Hot flames ignited on the flying sword, then transformed into a fire dragon and rushed towards Zannah.

Although there was no time to accumulate power, the power of this move was not as strong as during the morning test, but it still should not be underestimated.

After all, Shanna's head is not as hard as the testing boulder.

‘Magic impact! ’

A large amount of magic power was injected into the wand by Zannah, and then, a dragon-like and tiger-like beast head composed of pure magic power rushed out and collided directly with the fire dragon.

Amidst the loud noise, the fire dragon collapsed and the beast's head disappeared.

But the flying sword wrapped in the fire dragon still continued unabated and stabbed towards Shanna.

‘There are many obstacles! ’

As a last resort, Zannah could only cast the magic spell again and miss the flying sword.

This is not the first time!

From Shanna's perception, the total amount of magic power contained in her and the other party's spells was almost the same, and she might even have used more magic power.

But the result of the collision was that she suffered every time.

This is so abominable!

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