The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 549 The winner is revealed

I don't know if Bell's crow's mouth came true again, but the competition in the air finally lasted for an hour.

I wonder how many students will have cervical spine pain that makes them unable to sleep at night after going back today?

In fact, in the second half of the competition, the situation became obvious.

Shanna was chased behind her butt and slashed wildly by Ma Jingjing's flying sword, and could rarely take out her hand to fight back.

It's just that the little girl lost her temper and was unwilling to admit defeat, so she just dragged on for a long time.

Finally, when the magic power in her body was about to run out, Shanna had no choice but to give up.

Shanna returned to her brother with a little pout. She was extremely unhappy. Her little eyes glanced at her brother from time to time, wildly hinting at her intention of 'seeking comfort'.

After rubbing Shanna's little head in a funny way, Bell comforted her kindly:

"It's okay, it's just that the skills are inferior. In a year or two, the opponent will definitely not be your opponent."

"Brother, why do I feel that Sister Ma's spiritual power is different from other people's? The destructive power seems to be greater."

After receiving the comfort from her brother as she wished, Shanna curiously asked her doubts.

She had already lost the competition anyway, so there was no need for her to continue in serious mode.

"That's because she has practiced the sword cultivation technique - Ten Thousand Sword Techniques."

From the shadow of the sword drawn by Ma Jingjing before, Bell could identify the technique practiced by the other party at a glance.

"Any sword cultivation technique, after it is completed, will condense a 'knowledge sword' in the Dantian Qi sea.

Sword knowledge includes the sword cultivator’s pursuit and understanding of the way of the sword.

Therefore, whenever the spiritual power flows through the Dantian Qi Sea, it will receive the thoughts from the Shijian, resulting in subtle changes.

Over time, a sword cultivator's spiritual power will fundamentally change, and most of them will become more aggressive. "

This is also the reason why a monk can truly be called a sword cultivator only after he has cultivated the art of success.

Before the spiritual power became more aggressive, the flying sword wielded by the monk was actually no more powerful than other attack methods.

"Is it so powerful? Then brother, can I learn those skills?"

Shanna was moved when she heard that the sword cultivator's skills were so powerful and so fun.

Originally, she was not interested in the Chinese exercises.

She had seen her brother practice those techniques before. When practicing, you have to sit cross-legged with your eyes closed for several hours. bored to death!

Moreover, since her brother did not ask her to practice the technique after she completed it, it also means that it does not really matter whether she practices or not.

Then of course she wouldn't be able to rush there and sit in a daze out of boredom.

But now, her desire to win outweighed her rejection of boredom.

If she also mastered those sword cultivation techniques, she would definitely be able to defeat Sister Ma!

"The skills of sword cultivator are not as good as you think."

Bell shook his head.

He didn't want his sister to change jobs and become a swordsman. That road was much more bumpy than the wizard's.

Of course, if Shanna really liked it, he wouldn't stop her.

But before that, he had to explain clearly to Shanna the shortcomings of the sword cultivation technique.

"Once the magic power in the body is added with various characteristics, the magic power loses its original purity. This will hinder the casting of other magic spells.

For example, the spiritual power of most sword cultivators has sharp characteristics. This can increase the attack power of the flying sword, and will also have a power bonus when casting offensive spells such as cutting spells.

But at the same time, it will become very difficult to cast spells such as repair spells and healing spells.

In addition, it will also have a great impact on the casting of transfiguration.

If you want to transform into a long sword or something, that's no problem at all.

But if you want to transform into a teacup, chair, etc., you need to be more careful when using it.

As for difficult transformation techniques such as biological transformation and human transformation, don't even think about it.

In addition, while the spiritual power in the sword cultivator's body is more destructive, its control difficulty will also increase. If you are not careful, you may hurt yourself first before hurting the enemy.

So in general, the sword cultivation technique can be said to be a mixed bag of good and bad. You should think carefully about whether you want to practice cultivation or not. "

"Don't think about it, I won't practice anymore!"

After listening to her brother's explanation, Shanna made her choice without hesitation.

She didn't want to get her butt cut when she sat on her transformed chair in the future.

That's too embarrassing!

If my mother found out, she would laugh to death!

After hearing Zanna's choice, Bell smiled with satisfaction.

"Sanna, you will lose to Senior Sister Ma. In the final analysis, your overall strength will be weaker than the opponent's.

For example, if you were more skilled in fire escape, you would be able to survive in a higher-temperature oil fire.

That way, when Senior Ma wants to break out of the defensive circle, you can interrupt her and win easily.

Moreover, after the wand was invented and perfected, the power of the spell was no longer weaker than that of a flying sword.

You just need to condense the magic power in the spell a little more, and you won't be easily defeated by Senior Ma's flying sword. "

In Bell's view, there is still a certain gap between Shanna and Ma Jingjing.

This gap is holistic and cannot be eliminated through one or two small tricks.

At the beginning of the previous competition, the reason why Shanna was able to suppress Ma Jingjing was simply because she took advantage of the location of the ring.

After Ma Jingjing gritted her teeth and broke through the defensive formation regardless, Shanna was basically at a disadvantage throughout the whole process.

Nodding, Shanna took her brother's words to heart seriously, and decided to focus on improving her abilities in these two areas in the future.

If there is another chance to fight, she will definitely not lose again!

With Shan Na and Ma Jingjing leading the way in this exciting match, the next few matches will inevitably give people a sense of dullness.

It is worth mentioning that because she was too exhausted in the battle with Shanna and could not recover in a short period of time, Ma Jingjing lost to a third-year law cultivator in the upper school in the next competition.

Ma Jingjing, who had consumed too much, faced the magic cultivator whose strength was not much weaker than Shanna's. It was difficult to break up even one of the opponent's spells. It didn't take long before she lost the competition in frustration.

This made Ma Jingjing look at Bell with a very unkind look, as if her nose was not a nose and her eyes were not eyes.

(Bale: 'So why me?')

However, although he was very dissatisfied in his heart, if he, the elder brother, could not take the blame for his sister, who could?

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