The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 551 The Divine Edge is Shadowless

Outside, after Wu Shuang and Bell entered Shanhe Pan, everyone immediately started talking excitedly.

They really didn't expect that just when the dust had just settled and they hadn't even had time to take a breath, the situation would change in such an exciting way.

This is really... great!

‘Fight! Fight! ’

Since the gentlemen were standing nearby, these students who were not too embarrassed to watch the excitement were embarrassed to jump too much, so they could only clasp their hands and shout silently in their hearts.

And among these people, it is obvious that a certain little girl who is used to lawlessness is not included.

I saw Shanna stomping her feet hard and quickly flying over the mountains and rivers. She cheered loudly to her brother who was as big as a thumb in the formation and said:

"Brother, come on! Defeat that bad uncle!"

Just kidding, he didn't care who was around. Even if Merlin is resurrected, don't stop her from cheering for her brother!

Having said that, my thumb-sized brother feels so cute and fun!

I really want to hold it in my hand and play with it.

Extremely dangerous thoughts were running through Shanna's mind.

After seeing Shanna flying into the air, but the gentlemen did not say anything to stop her, some bold senior students followed her and flew up.

Regarding the students' behavior, the gentlemen just glanced at it casually, and then they were busy looking for the best viewing angle, and they had no time to pay attention to it.

Students may not understand it, but can they still understand it?

This mountain and river plate was carefully made by Wu Shuang after imitating the treasured mountain and river map.

Even if hundreds of monks are engaged in a fierce melee inside, it will not affect the outside at all.

By the way, the Mountain and River Map was lost many years ago. After so many years, even if it was not destroyed at the time, it would have been corroded into a pile of debris by time.

And when everything that could fly took off, the group of little guys on the ground who couldn't fly stared at each other for a while, and then gave up!

'Mother! These brothers and sisters don’t play with me! ’

Some of the little babies who had just entered school had their little mouths tightened and their big, crystal-clear eyes began to get wet quickly.

They are obviously no longer two or three years old, so why would anyone not play with them? ?

Seeing that a 'dance of demons' was about to take place on the ground, in order to ensure that the subsequent movie-watching experience would not be too bad, the gentlemen had no choice but to cast a spell and use the water mirror technique to project the scene in the mountains and rivers into the air.

After seeing that they and others could clearly watch the ensuing battle, a group of little guys, all of them as big as ghosts, immediately seemed to have received the true version of Face Changing, and they instantly became happy again.

"Then I would be rude."

In the mountain and river disk, after Bell bowed to Wu Shuang, he raised his hand and threw a tentative crushing curse at him.

I saw a formation disk fly out from Wu Shuang's arms and block the front of Bell's curse.

A light blue translucent light curtain was quickly generated with the array disk as the center, and eventually formed a huge shield, which easily blocked Bell's crushing spell.

"Boy Bell, you can't do this. Hurry up and show your true skills. That move you used to destroy the test boulder this morning, use that one."

Wu Shuang said dissatisfied.

He had been secretly observing Bell all day today.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to jump out as soon as the final competition was over.

He was very impressed by Bell's 'Annihilation' move during the morning test.

"I was rude."

Bell decisively admitted his mistake.

It seems that the level of testing just now was too low.

The main reason was that Ma Jingjing had said before that most formation cultivators were not good at fighting, so he subconsciously held back.

But if you think about it carefully, from these two meetings, the war-crazy character shown by the other party must not be a person who is not good at fighting.

‘So why did he choose to become a formation cultivator? ’

Bell thought in confusion.

What Bell didn't know was that everyone who knew Wu Shuang had the same question.

After all, no matter how you look at this guy, he looks more like one of those bodybuilders whose brains are full of muscles.

Take a deep breath.

‘The Divine Edge is Shadowless! ’

Silently and without any light effects, a deep cut appeared on the shield array, almost splitting it in two.

As Snape's favorite disciple, Zannah not only learned a lot of valuable potions knowledge from Snape, but also received a lot of guidance from Snape on magic spells.

Among them is Snape's own Divine Edge Shadowless Curse.

As soon as Shanna learned the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse, she came to her brother for praise. By the way, he also gave this magic spell to his brother.

As for what Professor Snape said about never teaching this curse to anyone else?

Are you kidding, brother, is that someone else?

It's obviously one of our own, okay!


Wu Shuang looked at the shield array falling to the ground in shock. He did not expect that Bell actually mastered another powerful spell that was not inferior to 'Annihilation'.

You know, this formation disk, but at noon, he rummaged through boxes and cabinets for a long time before finally finding it, which was specially designed to target the 'annihilation' spell.

Spells of that type generally have relatively poor shield-breaking abilities. Therefore, although this side can only defend from one direction, it also needs a much thicker defensive array, which should be able to withstand Bell's multiple attacks.

But who would have imagined that before his defensive array had time to show its power, it would be destroyed by the opponent's extremely powerful cutting spell?

By the way, the power of that move just now is no worse than the sword cultivator's flying sword attack, right?

So how many powerful spells does this British brat have that he has yet to unleash?

Wu Shuang discovered that even though he thought he valued the other party before, he still seemed to underestimate him?

It seems that he has to cheer up and show his true skills.

Otherwise, if he loses to a 10-year-old kid in public, he will really be embarrassed to see others in the future.

Thinking of this, Wu Shuang did not dare to let Bell attack anymore.

He reached into his arms, quickly took out the five-sided formation disk, and threw it above his head.

The formation disk was suspended above his head, and then, five colors of light, yellow, green, blue, red, and black, shone in the center of the formation disk, and five light beams of different colors attacked Bell.

These five beams of light are attacks with the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, each with different characteristics.

Metal attacks are sharp and hard to block, wood attacks are endless, water attacks are undercurrent, fire attacks are hot and explosive, and earth attacks are thick and strong.

The combination of attacks with five characteristics often makes the opponent confused and difficult to deal with.

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