The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 552 Five Elements Attack

Facts have proved that Bell, who had never had any experience in dealing with five attacks with different characteristics, was indeed caught off guard.

He had just used his wand to bounce off the metallic light beam, and then used the same method. When he tried to bounce off the wooden beam of light, he felt helpless.

I saw part of the green spiritual power sticking to his magic power, actually swallowing his magic power and trying to erode into his body.

Bell was so frightened that he quickly broke the link with this part of the magic power and threw it aside.

The water attribute light beam that followed gave Bell the feeling of beating a bull from afar.

He obviously blocked the attack, but it felt as if someone had punched him in the stomach.

The fire and earth attribute light pillars that came one after another knocked him away.

Seeing the continuous attacks that followed, Bell didn't dare to take any more hard hits.

Because he noticed out of the corner of his eye that the five-color light beams in the sky actually merged with each other to form new-color light beams while flying.

This is too bad!

If there were only five attribute attacks, then he would be able to get used to it if he took some time to get beaten to a bruised face.

But after the light beams merged, there were several times more changes.

Not to mention, he didn't believe that the other party only had this method.

Therefore, the best strategy is to use the thirty-six strategies.

By the way, if anyone tells him that formation cultivators are not good at fighting again, he promises not to kill them.

This is simply one worth five!

In a burst of space distortion, Bell quietly disappeared from the spot.

‘Boom~! ’

Amidst the continuous explosions, gravel and dust flew, making the scene in the field blurry.

Wu Shuang frowned and tapped the wooden array plate above his head with his hand.

A strong wind blew out of the array and quickly cleared away the dust in the air.

Looking at the empty venue, Wu Shuang rubbed his temples with a headache.

Since the space of this mountain and river disk is its own boundary, the blocking array in the outside academy cannot affect this place.

In other words, here, you can use the Shuchishin (Apparition) spell.

But the question is, did this kid practice shrinking into an inch since he was born? How could someone at this age be able to practice Shuchishin to a level that can be used in battle?

Obviously, Wu Shuang didn't know that the Bell family had a teleportation device that could transport people directly to Mars. And after experiencing that kind of teleportation, you can greatly improve your control over Shuchishin.

Of course, how much it can be improved varies from person to person.

Taking out a formation disk from his arms again, Wu Shuang pressed it to the ground.

With the injection of spiritual power, a light curtain emerged above the array. Then, waves of spiritual energy formed into ripples and spread out in all directions.

‘Are you Doraemon! ’

Bell, who was lurking in the dark, couldn't help complaining when he found that the other party took out the array disk from his arms again.

He now feels that these guys shouldn't be called formation cultivators, they are clearly krypton gold streams!

Give him those formation disks and he can use them to the same effect.

And what the hell is that radar! Where did the high technology come from?

In any case, it seemed that his plan of a sneak attack had failed.

The wand flicked slightly, and the ground beneath Wu Shuang's feet rose rapidly, transforming into a giant hand and slapping towards him.

Facing Bell's attack, Wu Shuang did not panic at all.

The rich combat experience accumulated over the years is enough for him to deal with various emergencies calmly.

He tapped his toes and quickly jumped to one side. At the same time, the wooden array above his head shot out a continuous beam of light, defeating the giant hand.

At the same time, the other four formations also launched attacks. The four attacks merged together and struck behind Wu Shuang fiercely.

There, Bell's upper body had just emerged from the ground, and he hadn't even had time to raise his wand.

"Haha, kid, you are still too young!"

The moment Bell launched his attack, he sensed the opponent's position.

Since the little girl named Shanna is proficient in fire escape, it is reasonable for Bell, the older brother, to be more proficient in earth escape.

Therefore, after discovering that Bell was missing, he immediately guessed that the other party must have used earth escape to hide underground.

But because Bell was hiding so well, he couldn't determine the opponent's specific location.

This was why he took out the search array disk and searched for the opponent's position.

But everything he did was not really to find Bell, but to force him to show up.

Therefore, he had actually already made plans to hit Bell head-on as soon as he showed up.

However, before the smile on his face fully bloomed, Wu Shuang was surprised to find that 'Bell' had been crushed by him! ?

Of course Wu Shuang would not naively believe that he accidentally killed the other party.

In other words, he was deceived by that cunning brat!

The tip of the dark brown wand stuck out of the ground with a whooshing sound. The next moment, a powerful magic shock hit Wu Shuang's body.

‘Boom~! ’

Wu Shuang was sent flying nearly a thousand meters by this blow, and did not stop until he crashed into a mountain.

Coming out of the ground and looking at the rising dust in the distance, Bell frowned.

As mentioned before, he could not feel the characteristics of a formation cultivator from Wu Shuang at all.

Like the formation cultivators tested in the morning, the opponent was only using the formation disk to attack from the beginning to the end.

Even if those formation disks were made by Wu Shuang himself, just because of this, formation cultivators are not qualified to form their own lineage at all. It is better to be called a method cultivator who is good at formations.

Therefore, so far, apart from the unique attribute attack method that made him shine, Bell is still quite disappointed.

"Hahaha! Okay! That's what makes it interesting!"

From a distance, Wu Shuang's angry voice came over.

As the smoke dispersed, his slightly embarrassed figure appeared in Bell's eyes again.

Bell looked at Wu Shuang in surprise.

You know, although he had not chosen to use a powerful spell before because he was afraid of accidentally killing the opponent. But that magic attack was also done with all his strength.

Not to mention serious injuries from one blow, but it didn't even break the skin. Isn't it too fake?

So how did the opponent block it?

"The warm-up is over, now I'm going to get serious. Boy Bell, don't die!"

Wu Shuang stared at Bell with a mad face, exuding a dangerous aura that wanted to choose others and devour them.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and anticipation surged in Bell's heart again.

"Don't worry, I'm still alive."

After speaking, Bell didn't care about the other party's reaction. He wasn't in the habit of talking nonsense in battle.

‘Annihilation! ’

Since the other party had to take more beatings than he expected, there was no need for him to worry about anything.

What Wu Shuang said before was actually what he wanted to say to the other party.

‘Don’t die! ’

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