The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 553 Five Elements Rotation Formation

Wu Shuang, who originally wanted to say a few more words to make up for the loss of points due to his embarrassed appearance, found that Bell had launched an attack carelessly. In desperation, he had to swallow back the words that had reached his lips. .

Facing Bell's powerful attack, he raised his right hand forward, and the five array disks floating around him formed a circle in front of him as he moved.

Then, five different colors of spiritual power rays spread out from the five array disks, connected together, and instantly formed a five-pointed star pattern wrapped in a circle.

The five colors of light were mixed together and eventually turned into a chaotic gray, forming a shield in front of Wu Shuang that seemed to be composed of gray mist.

Bell's spell hit the shield like a pebble thrown into a lake.

After a ripple, it disappeared without a trace.

"Five Elements Rotation Formation!?"

Bell's eyes twitched as he looked at the gray shield in front of Wu Shuang, wondering if he hadn't woken up yet.

Even he, a layman and a foreigner, has heard of the reputation of the Five Elements Rotation Formation.

The Five Elements Rotation Formation is divided into two types.

One is a formation in which the five elements are interdependent, and the spiritual power within it can be endless, and then it can launch powerful attacks.

One is a reverse array in which the five elements are in conflict with each other, and the spiritual forces within them annihilate each other, thereby annihilating everything inside the array.

But you must know that as one of the most famous arrays in the Chinese array system, although the principle of the Five Elements Rotation Array is simple and easy to understand, it is not easy to set up at all.

If there is a slight difference in the power of the five elements, a gorgeous 'art' performance will be staged.

‘So that guy isn’t afraid of blowing himself up? ’

Seeing Wu Shuang who dared to play with the Five Elements Rotating Formation in his hands, Bell could only sigh with emotion, how brave a skilled artist is!

Of course, now is not the time to worry about whether the opponent will blow him up, nor is it the time to be surprised at how the opponent can arrange a miniature rotating formation in an instant. What really needs Bell to worry about is how should he break through the defense?

Judging from the annihilation spell just recorded, it is obvious that the opponent's Five Elements Rotation Formation is very powerful. If he wants to use a single magic spell to break through the defense of the array, it can basically be declared impossible.

Then the remaining method is to attack 360 degrees without blind spots, making the magic circle unstoppable!

The Reverse Five Elements Rotation Formation is a combination of trapping and killing formation. It will annihilate everything in the formation, including the person setting up the formation, so it cannot provide all-round defense.

The strategy has been decided, and the next step is to implement it!


A dazzling ball of light shot out from the colorful array in front of Wu Shuang.

The ball of light quickly flew high into the sky, then exploded violently, turning into a rain of light all over the sky, pouring down towards Bell.

At this moment, Bell deeply realized his mistake.

He shouldn't have looked down on the other party before, thinking that the other party had no other means besides using the formation disk.

This is really the reincarnation and retribution of heaven.

In less than two minutes, the methods the other party used frightened him.

‘So although I know that the Five Elements Rotation Formation can be converted forward and backward, I have never heard that it can be done so casually! ’

Bell originally thought that the opponent used the Five Elements Formation Disk to form a reverse Five Elements Rotation Formation, and then there would be no way to use the troublesome Five Elements attack again.

In the end, whoever expected it, they immediately changed their formation in a second.

Where did this monster come from!

At this moment, Bell and Wu Shuang had a strong resonance.

‘This little (old) monster is too difficult to deal with! ’

Wu Shuang gritted his teeth as he watched Bell once again use Shrunk to escape. Although all this was within his expectation, he was still surprised by the other's skill in Shrinking.

Different from the last time, this time, he cheered up and stared at Bell carefully.

Then he had to admit that he had never seen anyone better than Bell when it came to the magic of shrinking to an inch.

At least he can't compare to the other party.

The color of the magic circle in front of him changed from five colors to black.

Then, Wu Shuang pressed the magic circle to the ground.

‘Boom~! ’

Like an earth dragon turning over, the entire land was shaking violently, forcing Bell out of the earth escape state.

He raised the wand, and the surging water from the river not far away spurted into the sky, transforming into dragons in the air, and besieged Wu Shuang.

However, the water dragon had just flown halfway when the ground cracked open and a huge mouth rose up, swallowing the water dragon in one gulp.

'Depend on! Forgot about the five elements being in conflict with each other! ’

Since the European side talks about the four elements of earth, wind, water, and fire, there is no concept of the five elements mutually reinforcing each other, so Bell accidentally ignored this.

This mistake also made Bell fall into passivity.

The thorns rose up one after another, and the giant mouth bit down. Bell was busy running for his life for a while, and could not fight back at all.

Finally, after Bell once again escaped from the attack through apparation, Wu Shuang, who had been staring at Bell unblinkingly from a distance, grinned with excitement.

"Look where you're going now!"

For a guy with extraordinary strength like Bell, especially one who is good at escaping and shrinking to an inch, it is very difficult to defeat him through normal means.

I want to keep it simple, but what if I want to cause any real damage to it?

Just look at the previous 1 minute and you will know.

Although during this period of time, he was chasing Bell Hammer like a dog, the actual damage caused was basically zero!

And even if he fights like this for another day, as long as his spiritual power is not exhausted, it will be almost impossible for him to cause substantial damage to the opponent.

(This is also the reason why Dumbledore is obviously stronger than Voldemort, but he has always been unable to do anything against Voldemort.)

Therefore, although there was some suspicion of bullying the small by the big (that is, bullying the small by the big), Wu Shuang decided to use his own skills to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

‘This way I will win 63 games in a row! ’

In the face of the temptation of a hundred consecutive victories, mere shamelessness doesn't matter!

"Four-column Demon Sealing Array! Get up!"

Dots of light suddenly flashed from the ground. These were the spiritual energy that the light rain bombarded into the ground before.

Knowing that Bell had extraordinary ability to run away, the seemingly powerful Guangyu move was actually not used to attack at all.

The purpose of that move was to disperse his spiritual power into the field and lay the foundation for the subsequent formation.

This was also the reason why he spent a lot of spiritual power to expand the area covered by the light rain so much.

Afterwards, while using earth spells to attack Bell, he was also adjusting the distribution of spiritual power, adjusting the spiritual power in the earth to the appropriate position.

And now, everything is ready and victory is within reach!

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