The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 554 Who hasn’t ordered props yet?


The moment Wu Shuang launched the arrangement, Bell felt the powerful spiritual power fluctuations in the ground under his feet.

But now it was too late to escape.

Four dazzling golden light pillars were seen rising, and then, a pale golden cube barrier trapped Bell inside.

He tried to use methods such as phantom transformation and the Five Elements Escape Technique, but they were all blocked by the barrier.

‘The Divine Edge is Shadowless! ’

The Divine Edge Curse that had broken through Wu Shuang's shield array with one strike was used again by Bell, but it only caused some insignificant ripples on the barrier, and then dissipated in the air.

"Hahaha! It's useless! This four-pillar magic sealing formation is not comparable to the previous magic formations cast through the formation disk! You can't even think of breaking out of the formation!"

With a proud laugh, Wu Shuang turned around with the spiritual power in his body and completely activated the four-pillar demon-sealing array.

A large number of golden chains were seen extending from the four light pillars and surrounding Bell.

The four-pillar demon-sealing array can be seen from its name that it is a magic-suppressing array. Although the lethality is not strong, it is correspondingly extremely difficult to break through. It is specially used to capture important criminals or powerful monsters.

Now it is perfect to use it to suppress Bell and win the competition.

Facing the overwhelming chains that left no room for dodge, Bell had no choice but to resist.

‘The flames are blazing! ’

From the analysis of the nature of the chain and the fluctuation of spiritual power, this should be a metallic magic circle.

Fire overcomes metal, and it is most appropriate to use the flame spell to deal with it at this time.

In other words, I don’t know if the theory of the five elements being mutually reinforcing and interfering has penetrated into the core of Chinese magic.

After half a day of observation this afternoon, Bell clearly discovered that this phenomenon of mutual complementation of attributes is especially obvious in Chinese magic.

For example, if there are two wizards, and one of them casts the Fire Curse and the other casts the Wave Curse, then the two magic spells will collide and the Fire Curse will indeed be restrained, but the degree of restraint is far less than that shown by Chinese magic. So strong.

Hot flames enveloped Bell. As soon as the golden chain came close, it was burned into spiritual energy and dissipated in the air.

Seeing Bell's 'dying struggle' in the magic circle, Wu Shuang smiled and didn't care at all.

Just kidding, the four-pillar demon-sealing array is a top-level magic-suppressing array. In fact, it can be broken by just one fire overcoming gold?

Even though those chains were easily burned, the spiritual energy restored after the chains collapsed would be reabsorbed by the magic circle to form new chains.

In other words, the chains densely packed in the magic circle are theoretically endless.

At the same time, after all formations are formed, they will independently absorb spiritual power from the environment to maintain their own operation.

In other words, no matter how fierce Bell struggles, he will not consume any energy, and the power of the magic circle will not weaken.

In fact, the more spells Bell casts, the greater the concentration of spiritual energy in the environment, which will make the magic circle become stronger and stronger.

Therefore, in Wu Shuang's eyes, Bell's struggle at this time was nothing more than a fight between trapped beasts and could not cause any trouble.

'But then again, why did Bell, the boy, make the flame shield so big? ’

The flame shield covering Bell at this time has a radius of about 5 meters. Normally, there is no need to maintain such a large size, which will consume a lot more spiritual power.

Wu Shuang's rich combat experience made him realize that the opponent must be holding back his ultimate move in the flame shield.

Although he did not think Bell could break the four-pillar demon-sealing array, to be on the safe side, he still controlled the five five-element magic arrays that had been scattered, and drew new magic spells on the ground outside the four-pillar demon-sealing array. Array.

Suddenly, the flame shield covering Bell shrank inward, and all attached to the rapidly rotating spear above his head.

As the saying goes, wind helps the fire. Under Bell's control, the hurricane caused by the high-speed rotation of the spear not only did not blow away the flames, but the combination of the two made the fire more intense and the flame temperature higher.

Then, with a power that seemed to pierce through the space, the spear cut through the air and stabbed the magic circle fiercely.

There was a sharp and harsh friction sound, which made people want to cover their ears. At the same time, cracks spread from the tip of the gun to the surroundings.

"not good!"

With a cry of surprise, Wu Shuang quickly mobilized the spiritual power in his body to help the four-pillar demon-sealing array resist Bell's attack.

However, the spear, which was imbued with a large amount of magic power by Bell, did not give Wu Shuang this chance and penetrated through the pale golden spiritual wall of the magic circle with great force.

With a leap, Bell's entire body turned into a golden light, which attached to the spear using the Golden Escape Technique, and flew out of the four-pillar demon-sealing array together with the spear.

Glancing at the rapidly healing golden spiritual energy wall behind him, Bell covered his mouth with a pale face and barely stood up while swaying.

The spear spun so fast that he fainted and felt like vomiting.

Even when he went to Mars, he never fainted like this!

(Mainly the teleporter cabinet offsets most of the space squeeze.)

Looking at the empty four-pillar demon-sealing array, Wu Shuang was so angry!

So Bell, that little foreign devil, can't he be suppressed obediently and add to his winning streak?

He didn't intend to take the other person's life, so why would he fight so hard?

He was thinking about all these things in his mind, but Wu Shuang's movements on his hands did not slow down at all.

Five light pillars of different colors criss-crossed on the ground, quickly depicting mysterious formations.

Since the four-pillar magic-sealing array needs to be completely wrapped in it, the array he is currently depicting has a relatively large coverage area.

This also results in a much increased time required for layout.

Fortunately, he could also see that Bell was in very poor condition. It seemed that the opponent was trying his best to break through the four-pillar demon-sealing formation.

If nothing else, he was able to complete the arrangement of the new magic circle before Bell recovered, and trap the opponent in it again.

This time, he guaranteed that the other party would never be able to break free again!

Otherwise, he will swallow the Five Elements Formation Disk!

Bell, who was in extremely poor condition, was indeed unable to escape from the new circle at this time.

The little energy he had left now was spent on maintaining the defensive spell on his body.

But he doesn't need to run away either.

Long before breaking through the four-pillar demon-sealing formation, he saw Wu Shuang scribbling on the ground again, showing no morals at all.

Therefore, he had already prepared for it before, and now he only needed to concentrate on getting rid of the dizziness in his mind.

‘Wow! ’

The sound of surging waves like a tsunami sounded. As Wu Shuang watched in surprise, a large amount of silver-white liquid rushed across the ground, sweeping away all the formations he had worked so hard to carve, and also dispersed them. The spiritual power he left in the earth.

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