The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 555 A peerless problem that even magic cannot solve

When he was playing games in his previous life, Bell hated those players who made money the most.

Can you do whatever you want if you have money? ?

Yes, if you have money, you can do whatever you want...

Therefore, not only would he be looked down upon in real life, but even in the game, he would be pushed to the ground and rubbed by the 'big guys'.

That’s so angry!

Therefore, in this life, he has never used magic props to bully others!

Bell, covered in equipment from head to toe, declared that he deserved to be struck by lightning.

The result is good now. He doesn't bully others, but others come to bully him! ?

Look at that Wu Shuang, taking out array disks one after another. That hateful face...why does it look so familiar to him?

Looks like I've only seen him recently?

(The American gangster wizards said that they looked more familiar, the kind of familiarity that they would never forget in their lifetime.)


He couldn't remember where he had seen it before, so Bell forgot about this trivial matter.

His first priority now is to teach Wu Shuang a lesson and make him realize his mistake!

Therefore, after discovering that the magic spell could not break through the four-pillar magic-sealing array, Bell secretly took out a magic item that he had not used for a long time - Qianbian, under the cover of the flame shield.

After compressing all the liquid metal in Qianbian into a spear about 2 meters long, Bell madly injected magic power into it and controlled the spear to rotate at a high speed.

For a large magic circle such as the Four Pillar Demon Sealing Array, unless it is a person who is also proficient in the magic circle, and the magic circle itself does have weaknesses such as the living door, it is possible to destroy it with half the effort.

Otherwise, it is basically unrealistic to destroy the magic circle by one's own efforts.

At this time, the best thing to do is to use an Arrancar to forcefully open a hole in the magic circle and escape.

The sword cultivators next door have been doing this for thousands of years.

As humble as Bell, he decisively learned the valuable experience of his predecessors and decided to drill a hole in the four-pillar demon-sealing array to escape.

In the end, he attached the remaining flames of the flame shield to the spear.

In fact, he didn't know if this flame was useful, but adding more power wouldn't make a difference anyway. perhaps?

In the end, Bell succeeded!

He escaped from the shackles of the magic circle and regained his freedom as he wished!

...My head was turned around so much that I felt dizzy.

While Bell was busy looking for the north, Qianbian, which had penetrated deeply into the ground, finally stopped spinning, and the magic attached to it also quickly dissipated.

Without the restraint of magic power, a large amount of liquid metal squeezed together immediately regained its freedom.

They rush to spurt out of the holes, and the huge pressure brings powerful destructive power to these liquid metals.

The surging silver 'waves' wiped out everything on the ground to celebrate their regained freedom.


Seeing that the new formation is about to take shape, victory will be won in less than 5 seconds.

As a result, the spear that he temporarily put aside turned out to be made of a massive amount of liquid metal?

He thought it was the Spear of Longinus from Europe.

Is that the name?

The names given by those Europeans were so weird that he wasn't sure if he remembered them correctly.

Jumping up, Wu Shuang dodged the silver-white waves that were coming.

I don’t know what this liquid metal is?

The only liquid metal he knew was mercury, and mercury was poisonous.

Thinking of this, Wu Shuang took out another array disk and activated it, wrapping it in a colorless and transparent shield to filter out toxic substances in the air.

Now that the magic circle cannot be deployed, the situation has returned to the starting point again.

However, compared with before, his advantage is obviously greater. So even though the results were not satisfactory, it was not a waste of time.

Five beams of light of different colors shot out from the formation plate again, attacking Bell who was still swaying.

Feeling the warning from his earrings, Bell fell to the ground without saying a word, rolling around on the ground with the help of his flying shoes.

He no longer cares about image or anything else, surviving this period is the most important thing.

‘Bang~bang~bang~! ’

Don't get me wrong, this is not the sound effect of Wu Shuang's attack, but the sound made when Bell hits the stone.

If it weren't for the protection of the Iron Armor Curse, he wouldn't need anyone to attack him, and he would have hit his head and bled.

And looking at Bell, who was bumping around like a bouncy ball, Wu Shuang didn't know whether he should feel helpless? Or should I laugh?

Since Bell didn't know where he would be bounced next second, it was even more impossible for Wu Shuang to predict Bell's movement trajectory.

To be honest, the last time he encountered this kind of situation was when he was studying in the House of Commons.

This unexpected situation made him confused for a moment and he didn't know how to deal with it.

But this confusion only lasted for a moment. The next moment, he once again controlled the Five Elements Formation Disk around him and re-formed the Five Elements Rotation Formation.

Raging, scorching flames spurted out from the magic circle, chasing Bell's bouncing figure.

Soon, the flames caught up with Bell and enveloped him.

"Ah hot hot hot~!"

Bell cried out in pain.

However, despite his commotion, under the double protection of the iron armor spell and the spider silk windbreaker, he actually did not suffer much damage. At most, the ends of his hair were scorched.

Wu Shuang felt a little headache after chewing the tooth flower.

With his eyesight, he could certainly see that the flames he emitted were only 50% powerful at most, and actually affected Bell.

The remaining 50% was offset by the opponent's fire escape technique.

So is this guy really a British wizard?

Even among the monks in China, he had never seen many people who could practice the Five Elements Escape Technique to this extent.

And what made him most unhappy was that from the Five Elements Formation Disk he used, it could be seen that what he was best at was the Five Elements Formation.

In other words, he was defeated by the Five Elements Escape Technique!

'damn it! When I get back today, I will research a new array combination! ’

Thinking about his future plans, Wu Shuang continued to inject spiritual power into the formation plate in front of him, increasing the intensity of the flames.

What happened to 50%?

He still doesn't believe that Bell, a little foreign devil, can't be burned to death today!

"Hey! Are you serious!"

Bell, whose face was completely burned, could no longer care about the discomfort in his head.

He endured the dizziness, concentrated his attention, and waved his wand to cast the spell.

If he was burned again, it didn't matter whether his life was in danger or not. What was important was that his short, black and shiny hair would be burned away again!

Come on, his hair has only grown out for a few months, okay? He doesn’t want to become bald again!

What if the hair follicles are damaged or something and I am really bald?

Just look at Arthur Weasley's Mediterranean look and you will know that baldness is a unique problem that even great magic cannot solve!

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