The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 556 Can’t even transform? lame!


One student yawned and looked at the bright moon hanging high in the sky. He was so bored that he wanted to sleep.

No matter how exciting the battle is, you will get tired of it after watching it for a few hours!

Not only the students were tired of seeing it, but also the gentlemen who had wanted to dig out their own eyes and throw them into the mountains and rivers were speechless at this moment.

I have long heard about the formation cultivator's battle ink marks, but today I finally saw it.

Formation cultivators and sword cultivators can be said to be two extremes.

When the sword cultivator is weaker, the battle usually takes longer. The flying sword slashed for a long time without losing any blood, which made people anxious.

As his strength grows, the sword cultivator's attacks become stronger and stronger, and his attack methods become more and more extreme.

Often with one strike of the sword, the enemy is dead. If he's not dead, just cut him a few more times. If he is not dead yet, then this sword cultivator is basically dead.

Formation cultivation is exactly the opposite.

When weak, the formation cultivator's combat effectiveness is pitiful. The array disk produced is weak in power and the attack method is monotonous, so it will basically be killed quickly.

Of course, those players who make money are counted separately.

As the strength of the array cultivators increases, the power of the arrays they master increases, the types increase, and the formation speed increases, the array cultivators will become more and more difficult to defeat.

But as for the magic circle, flexibility is always its biggest weakness.

This also leads to the battle between formation cultivators easily turning into a battle of attrition.

And if both sides of the battle are formation cultivators, it would be exciting.

You know, once the magic circle is formed, it can absorb the spiritual power from the surrounding environment. Theoretically, it can even be done without consuming the array cultivator's own spiritual energy at all.

Of course, it's almost impossible to do this in practice.

But even so, the spiritual power consumption of the formation cultivator himself will be reduced a lot.

According to historical records, two formation cultivators once set a record for the longest duel during a duel.

Those two men fought without eating or drinking for 47 days, more than a month!

In the end, the thinner one couldn't hold on anymore and fainted from hunger, finally bringing an end to the long and smelly battle.

Since then, the formation cultivator has become a despised existence. If it is not necessary, no one will want to compete with the formation.

Of course, this is actually a good thing for most formation cultivators who don't like fighting. They wish that no one would ever come to trouble them.

Now, nearly three hours have passed since Wu Shuang and Bell started fighting.

Except for Zannah, who was still energetically cheering for her brother, and Hermione, who was still watching her boyfriend's embarrassed figure with worry, the others really couldn't cheer up at all.

"Sir, I'm hungry. I want to eat."

A little girl who had just entered school rubbed her belly and said with a pout.

Normally, at this time, she would have finished dinner and been watching cartoons.

As a result, now, not only are there no cartoons to watch, but there are also no meals to eat?

And originally, when she saw the big brothers and sisters around her staring at the big round plate in the sky with excitement, she thought it would be so much fun.

After watching it for a long time, she found that the cartoon was indeed better.

The big brother and uncle on the plate can't even transform. They are so weak!

She had been looking forward to it so much for nothing!

After the 'Head Sheep' appeared, everyone else started to make trouble. But they are all hungry too.

The gentlemen looked at the students who were protesting collectively, and then at the two people in the mountains and rivers, who seemed to be fighting to the end of the world. Finally, they looked at each other and made a decision.

"Okay, line up according to grade and get ready to eat in the cafeteria."

Just let those two people fight slowly by themselves.

Just when everyone outside was getting ready to eat, Bell, who was in the mountain and river plate, didn't want to fight anymore.

He is hungry too!


Of course, the main thing is that if he keeps fighting, he won't be able to hold on anymore.

Unlike Wu Shuang, who can borrow spiritual power from the environment, the magic power he consumes to cast spells is all accumulated by his billions of cells, bit by bit!

The platelets are all so tired that they have to lie down, okay?

Moreover, after such a long period of fighting, he basically understood the characteristics of the formation cultivator - low attack power.

The main reason is that the formation cultivator wants to deploy a powerful formation in battle, and it does take a long time to prepare.

As for less powerful formations, although they can form formations instantly, their threats are also limited.

After learning the previous lesson, Bell had been paying attention to clearing away Wu Shuang's spiritual power remnants and not giving the other party a single chance to do something dirty.

Of course, the main reason why Bell was able to say such sarcastic words was because of Qianbian. Otherwise, he would have been chased and beaten like a dog.

Corresponding to the low attack power, the defensive power of the array cultivator is really strong.

During the previous battle, Wu Shuang also took the time to set up a defensive formation at his feet, which completely failed Bell's idea of ​​using a 360-degree attack without blind spots to bypass the reverse five-element rotation formation.

Moreover, because he was afraid that Qian Bian would be destroyed by the Reverse Five Elements Rotation Formation, Bell only dared to use the Qian Bian clone copied by the copy spell to attack, but did not dare to use the original body.

This also resulted in his attack power being weakened a lot.

Therefore, the current situation is that Bell feels like he is trying to pull a tortoise with nowhere to start, while Wu Shuang feels like he is catching a loach with his bare hands.

Neither of them can do anything to the other.

The wand was lifted up, and the thousand changes under his feet rose up, swallowing up the besieging firebirds.

Then, Bell pointed his wand forward, and dozens of silver-white spears shot through the air, and were whipped by several vines in mid-air.

"Brother Wu, why don't we just come here today? I'm a newbie here, and I haven't even packed my luggage yet."

Tap your toes lightly, and ripples appear on the mirror-smooth surface under your feet, smoothing out the thorns that have not yet had time to rise.

"Hmph! When will the luggage be packed? What's the hurry!"

Wu Shuang stared at Bell with red eyes.

He feels distressed!

This mountain and river plate was made with great pains by him. As a result, after today's battle, the mountains here have become flat and the lake has dried up. He doesn't know how much effort he will spend to repair it in the future.

He must win this competition and add to his winning streak in order to alleviate his heartache a little!

"No, brother, why are you doing this? It's just a competition."

Bell, who did not want to admit defeat and lose face, tried to end the competition before his magic power was exhausted, and persuaded him earnestly.

He couldn't understand at all why the other party had to be so serious. real!

After leaping to avoid the impact of a water dragon, Bell twisted his wand, and a large amount of silver-white liquid metal seeped out from the ground under Wu Shuang's feet, and then spun at a high speed, forming a metal tornado.

A harsh friction sound sounded, like a thousand birds chirping in unison.

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