The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 583 Earth Palace Kagura

Originally, out of past friendship, Bell wanted to come over and see if he could help.

After all, onmyojis are not good at treatment.

Even the monks of China are not as good as the wizards in fields related to treatment.

After all, in addition to being masters of transformation, the druids of those days also had very powerful healing abilities.

In modern times, although the way of druidry has disappeared, its carefully researched healing spells have been passed down.

Unexpectedly, he made another unexpected discovery before he even saw Huang Quan.

‘So it’s true that good people are rewarded? ‘

Bell thought proudly.

"Which hospital is Sister Huang Quan in? I'm going to find her now!"

Bell couldn't wait to see with his own eyes how powerful and evil the magic power produced by the killing stone was.

"Well... Young Master, in fact, in the early hours of yesterday, Miss Isayama Huangquan disappeared..."

"What!? Disappeared?

Didn’t the intelligence say that Sister Huang Quan can’t even move her fingers now? How could it disappear?

Also, did the guys in the countermeasure room all grow up eating shit?

A living person like that could be wiped out! ? "

Hearing Sakamoto's unexpected answer, Bell felt bad.

If he had heard the news of Huang Quan's disappearance 10 minutes ago, although he would have been worried, he would not have felt as frustrated as he did now.

But now, after learning about the magic of the killing stone, someone suddenly told him that the duck that reached its mouth suddenly flew away without knowing where it was.

Isn’t this appetizing?

How can this be tolerated! ?

"try to find!

Digging three feet into the ground, you have to find out the underworld for me!

In addition, find the guy who injured Huang Quan with the killing stone! I have some things that I want to discuss with him! "

Bell said through gritted teeth.

As for what it was about... of course it was to borrow the Killing Stone to play with.

Don't worry, as we all know, he, Bell, is the most trustworthy person. If you say it's a loan, it will definitely be repaid.

However, whether the other party is still alive when the time comes is beyond his control.


Even though he was very embarrassed when he saw his young master wanting to eat people, Sakamoto agreed without any hesitation.

I hope that after this operation, all the members of his room of everything can survive.

After all, it was a terrifying existence that could destroy the 'prodigy' Isayama Yomi. If someone like them bumped into him, he would really die without knowing how.

Speaking of which, the relationship between my young master and Isayama Yomi is indeed extraordinary.

Judging from the young master's current appearance, it doesn't look like he just has a good relationship with Isayama Yomi.

Could it be that my young master plans to be that cuckoo bird, borrowing a nest to lay eggs?

Poor Iizuna family...

Fortunately, Bell didn't know what kind of outrageous thoughts were running through Sakamoto's mind at the moment. Otherwise, the minister of the Menethil family branch in Japan would have to be replaced today.

When Bell was furious, there was a person who was even more anxious than Bell.

This person is the sister Huang Quan talked about—Tsuchimiya Kagura, whom Bell only heard of by name but never met in person.

My favorite sister Huang Quan has disappeared!

When she heard the news, Kagura felt as if the sky was about to fall.

After she came to her senses, she began to search frantically for the prisoner.

After all, Sister Huang Quan is paralyzed and cannot leave on her own. Someone must have kidnapped Sister Huang Quan.

Kagura didn't know what the prisoner's purpose was, and she didn't want to know.

All she wants now is that Sister Huangquan is still alive and well.

In addition, no matter who the criminal is, she will never spare him!

‘Dingle bell bell~! ’

The phone rings.

After Kagura glanced at the caller ID, she couldn't wait to answer the call.

However, the news she most wanted to hear did not come from the other end of the phone.

"Hey! Kagura! A large number of evil spirits have appeared in the center of Ginza! The other members have already rushed there, so hurry up and help!"


Although she was extremely reluctant in her heart, due to her duty as an Onmyoji, Kagura chose to put aside her personal affairs temporarily and go to Ginza to eliminate the evil spirits.

‘Sister Huang Quan, wait a little longer and I will destroy the evil spirit as quickly as possible, and then I will definitely find you! ’

I believe many people have had this kind of experience:

“When you want to find someone or something, you never find it; but when you don’t want to look for it, you find it accidentally. ’

At this moment, Kagura is experiencing this unexpected 'surprise'.

Looking at Sister Huangquan standing not far in front of her, her body covered with blood and corpses scattered at her feet, Kagura's heart was filled with unbelievable sadness and fear.

When the two sisters reunited, they did not embrace each other with tears of joy, but staged a tragic scene of swords against each other.

However, even though he knew that the Isayama Yomikaze in front of him was no longer the gentle and kind-hearted Yomikaze sister before, but for some reason, he had degenerated into an evil spirit. But looking at the other party's familiar voice and smile, Kagura still couldn't bring herself to kill him.

There was always a voice in her heart stopping her and telling her:

‘There must be a way! There must be a way to get Sister Huang Quan back to normal! ’

This kind of fluke not only caused Kagura to suffer a complete defeat, but also hindered his father who came after him, causing him to be almost split in half by Huang Quan's knife.

In the end, Kagura's father died, and before his death, he passed on Shirai, a powerful shikigami passed down from generation to generation in the Tsuchimiya family, to Kagura.

Because Bai Rui's power was too strong, the Tu Miya family had always relied on the power of the killing stone to successfully seal it.

But this does not mean that the Tsuchimiya family controls the power of the killing stone.

The fact is exactly the opposite. Every head of the Tu Miya family has used his own life to fight against the invasion of evil thoughts in the killing stone.

Because of this, few heads of the Tumiya family survive past middle age.

But no matter what, looking at the killing stone on the back of her hand, Kagura knew that she was now qualified to fight Sister Huangquan.

In addition, I don’t know if it was the characteristics of the killing stone or what happened. After successfully transplanting the killing stone to the back of his hand, Kagura was able to clearly perceive the existence of another killing stone in the distance.

Without any reason, she knew that the holder of the killing stone was none other than Sister Huangquan.

After getting familiar with Bai Rui's control and adjusting her mentality, Kagura resolutely stepped out of the house.

This time, she won't have any hesitation or confusion.

She will fulfill her mission as an onmyoji and the head of the Tsuchimiya family to get rid of the evil spirit - Isayama Yomi!

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