The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 584 An international organization is established

In the early morning, the moist, cool air in the forest carries the fragrance of earth, making people feel refreshed after taking a deep breath.

The warm morning sun leaves mottled shadows among the trees. The evaporation of dew reflects the colorful light, which is dazzling.

In addition, two young and beautiful girls stood opposite each other in the clearing in the forest, which added a beautiful style to the scene, making people intoxicated.

If you ignore the icy cold murderous intent...

The forest that should have been bustling with activity was now filled with insects and birds, and the silence was eerie.

After attracting some low-level evil spirits to haunt other people in the countermeasure room, Huang Quan was finally able to get his wish and be alone with his dearest sister Kagura.

After a brief exchange, a fierce battle broke out between the two girls.

Mud splashed, trees fell, and the beautiful scenery in the forest was soon changed beyond recognition by the two of them.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time of fierce duel, the exhausted two people ushered in the final confrontation.

Looking at Sister Huang Quan with her arms open and all her flaws exposed, Kagura held an exorcism nail tightly in both hands and stabbed the opponent's heart with tears on her face.

The exorcism nail is attached with a powerful evil-dispelling spell. Even if Sister Huang Quan has the terrifying regeneration ability provided by the killing stone, she will definitely die after being stabbed in the heart.

‘Goodbye, Sister Huangquan! You will always be my favorite...'

Before she could finish her thoughts of saying goodbye, Kagura discovered to her horror that she couldn't move!

‘Can it be said that even with Bai Rui’s help, I am still no match for Sister Huang Quan in the end? ’

Thinking that he was about to die in the hands of Sister Huangquan, for some reason, Kagura not only did not feel the slightest bit of unwillingness in her heart, but instead felt a sense of relief.

After all, the mission of the head of the Tsuchiya family could not cover up the sadness of killing each other with his favorite sister.

‘That’s good. Let others worry about what happens after that. ’

After all, Kagura is just a girl who is still in junior high school. The important responsibility of protecting human beings is still too heavy for her at this time.

However, just when Kagura was ready to meet her end, she was surprised to find that Sister Huang Quan in front of her also looked shocked and confused.

Looking at Sister Huangquan's slightly trembling body, Kagura suddenly realized that the other party couldn't move either!

So what happened?

Who controlled them! ?

Is he the mastermind behind turning Sister Huangquan into an evil spirit?

Thinking of this, Kagura's eyes changed.

If it is really the mastermind behind all this, then even if she fights to become a sinner of the Tsuchiya family, she must completely release Bai Rui's seal and die with him!


Just when the two sisters, Huang Quan and Kagura, were thinking, a helpless sigh reached the ears of the two women.

"Sister Huang Quan, I'm not telling you, you are really going too far!

When you did this, did you consider Kagura-chan's feelings?

Have you ever thought about how little Kagura would live with the pain of killing her favorite sister with her own hands for the rest of her life?

As the chairman of an international organization - "Girl Controllers in the World Are One Family", I really can't stand it anymore!

By the way, the purpose of our organization is to allow our sisters to spend every day happily. "

As the light distorted, Bell's figure appeared next to the two women.

Just now, it was he who used the full-body binding spell to control the two women and prevent a human tragedy of sisters killing each other.

In other words, he suddenly felt that his merits were immeasurable.

So he is indeed a good person!

"Who are you!?"

Kagura glared at Bell fiercely, as if she was ready to free Bai Rui at any time and let everyone die together.

"Bell!? Why are you here!?"

Unlike Kagura, Huang Quan, who was relatively clear-headed at this time, recognized Bell at a glance.

After all, the two brothers and sisters who were very capable of tossing around left her with a very unforgettable memory.

Even thinking about it now, she still can't help but want to kill someone!

"By the way, what kind of international organization is that? It has such a ridiculous name. Why have I never heard of it?"

I wonder if he was too deeply affected by the killing stone, causing Huang Quan's IQ to plummet? Or is it that what the Bell brothers and sisters did back then is still playing a role today?

In short, even in this tense and serious moment, Huang Quan still habitually complained about the flaws in Bell's words.

“It’s okay if you haven’t heard of it, because this organization was just established by me, and I am currently the only member.

How about it, Sister Huang Quan, do you want to join in?

If you join now, you can immediately obtain the status of Vice Chairman.

Also, as for the name, I just thought of it randomly. Although I think it's pretty good, if you have a better proposal, that's negotiable. "

Bei, out of tune, you, today is as out of tune as ever.


In fact, he just saw that the atmosphere at the scene was too tense. The little girl Kagura he met for the first time even had her eyes bleeding, so he wanted to relax the atmosphere.

It doesn't matter what he does, it's all other people's misunderstandings about him.

"Who are you!? Tell me quickly, did you turn Sister Huangquan into an evil spirit!?"

Seeing that the other two people were chatting happily and no one was paying attention to her, for some reason, a jealousy filled Kagura's heart.

The experience during this period has made the young Kagura fully realize the fact: ‘No man is good! ’.

I remember that when Sister Huangquan and that Iizuna Noriyuki had a bad relationship, she had endured the loneliness in her heart and racked her brains to bring them together.

The results of it?

After Yomi-san's accident, that guy Noriyuki Iizuna not only didn't show his face, but he also terminated his engagement with Yomi-san without saying a word.

She really misjudged the other person!

Now, another guy with oily hair and pink face pops up (from Kagura's perspective), and he seems to be talking and laughing with Sister Huangquan (again from Kagura's perspective).

How can this be tolerated! ?

This time, she must protect Sister Huang Quan, and she must not let her sister be deceived by these hateful men again!

"How could it be that I turned Sister Huangquan into this? I haven't seen her in several years, okay?

Also, my name is Bel Menethil, this is the first time we meet, please give me some advice, little sister Kagura. "

Hearing that Kagura misunderstood him as the mastermind, Bell couldn't help but complain.

Just kidding, he can summon thousands of troops with just one cloud-piercing arrow, and only when he is full and full can he create evil spirits to play with.

As for things like evil spirits, each of them is either brainless or insane, and it takes a lot of effort to control them. With that kind of time, he might as well make a few more hellfires to hit people with.

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