The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 587 Fragmentation

Seeing Shikigami Bai Rui being devoured, Bell almost ran out of breath and cursed.

So he was obviously here to help, why did these two women hit him instead?

Can you still make some sense?

An angry Bell decided not to argue with the other party about moral principles.

He waved his right hand towards Bai Rui, and a snake head quickly grew from small to large, knocking Bai Rui away.

"I'll lend you a little snake, little girl, let's play with it while we watch!"

Wan Snake flew out, and with a flick of its tail, Kagura flew away.


Looking at his sister who disappeared from sight, Huang Quan let out a cry of grief and indignation.

"Don't worry, she's fine."

Seeing that Huang Quan was showing signs of going berserk for the second time, Bell quickly spoke to comfort him.

If Huang Quan was allowed to explode again, he would have no choice but to fight tooth and nail.

In that case, he could not guarantee whether Huang Quan would be able to fight again after the battle was over.

After hearing that his sister Kagura was okay, Huang Quan managed to regain some composure.

But even if Huang Quan's strength has not been further enhanced, due to Kagura's previous troubles, the advantage that Bell had worked so hard to accumulate has been lost.

When the battle resumed, facing Huang Quan's ghostly figure, Bell had no choice but to risk his life and get closer to the opponent.

There is no way, if the distance is too far, his spell will not be able to hit the opponent at all.

Moreover, the layer of scarlet magic power on Huang Quan's body also gave Bell a headache.

The aftermath of some group attack spells could not break through the protection of the spell, and thus affected Huang Quan himself.

While paying attention to dodging Huang Quan's sword attack, Bell cast an ice spell in an attempt to slow down Huang Quan's movements.

Suddenly, when Bell dodged and appeared above a knife mark left before, scarlet light suddenly flickered from the bottomless knife mark.

A sword light composed of cursed power struck Bell squarely.

It turned out that Huang Quan instinctively laid a trap after cutting him with so many knives, but none of them really hit the slippery Bell.

Although her IQ is not online now, the fighting instinct she has developed over the years allows her to subconsciously respond correctly without thinking at all.

Seeing Bell being knocked into the air, Huang Quan leaned down, and after briefly accumulating strength, he rushed straight towards Bell at a faster speed than before.

She was bound to win this blow, and she must cut the opponent in two!

‘Shua~! ’

The long knife slashed across, as if even the light was cut.

Facts have proved that Huang Quan's confidence is not unreasonable.

I saw [The Lion King] passing through Bell's waist without any hindrance, dividing it into two parts.

But unexpectedly, Huang Quan's face did not show any joy of victory, but instead frowned in confusion.

Based on the touch feedback from [The Lion King], Huang Quan was sure that the knife she just struck did not hit Bell's body.

No matter how sharp [The Lion King] is and can blow and break hair, when it cuts flesh and bones, it cannot be like cutting air without any obstruction.

But visually, Huang Quan clearly saw that she had indeed cut Bell in half.

After all, the Bells in the air are now separated up and down. Even at such a close distance, she could tell that the upper and lower halves were indeed Bell's entity, not a phantom.

Besides, under her previous fierce attack, it was impossible for the other party to have the opportunity to cast Phantom and hide it from her.

Just when Huang Quan was about to cut Bell into pieces with a few more chops in confusion, Bell's upper body moved.

He swung his arm back violently, and fired a long-prepared magic spell accurately at Huang Quan's back before he could turn around.

Faced with Bell's long-planned blow, Huang Quan, who had just slashed with all his strength, had no time to dodge.

In desperation, she could only mobilize the magic power of the killing stone in her body to form a thick protective layer of magic power behind her back.

Like a drill, Bell's spell penetrated the protective surface of Huang Quan's body.

Then, when the magic power of the curse was exhausted, another curse hidden in it was revealed, and hit Huang Quan's back without any hindrance.

It turns out that what Bell cast just now was actually a combination spell.

The outside is a Divine Edge Shadowless Curse, but in order to enhance the armor-breaking ability, Bell specially changed the shape of the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse into a drill bit shape.

And what is wrapped inside by the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse is a freezing spell.

Just like an armor-piercing bullet used against tanks, once the Shadowless Curse breaks through the enemy's defense, the Freezing Curse will attack the target's body without any hindrance.

Just like now, the extremely cold air erupted from Huang Quan's body. Even with the continuous spell power provided by the killing stone, Huang Quan's body was still frozen and fell straight to the ground.

‘Wingardim Leviosa! '

Bell, who was also falling towards the ground, quickly cast a floating spell on his upper body.

He doesn't have any protection on his body now. If he falls down like this, he will definitely not be injured, but it will hurt!

After stabilizing his upper body, Bell finally had time to look at his lower body.

At this time, his lower body was flying in flying shoes, flying in the air.


Bell couldn't help but show off his signature dead fish eyes again.

So what is going on now?

Let’s listen to the breakdown next time…


Okay, let’s just say it this time.

As mentioned before, monks are not good at transfiguration compared to wizards.

But just as the European druids left behind Animagus transformations, the ancient monks who focused on fighting for a hundred years... far more than that, also left behind many magical human transformation techniques, which were later adopted. People have summarized the thirty-six heavenly gangs and seventy-two earth evil spirits, a total of one hundred and eight kinds of magic systems.

It should be emphasized here that these one hundred and eight types refer to the spell system, not specific spells.

Some systems contain a large number of spells. Some systems only include one type of spell. To name a few.

The spell that Bell used to avoid Huang Quan's fatal blow was [Fragmentation] among the seventy-two earth evil spells.

[Fragmentation], able to separate various parts of the body without being damaged.

Of course, this separation can only be short-term. And if someone accidentally runs away with the separated parts, then they have to go to the hospital quickly, and maybe they can be saved.

Bell has only initially mastered this magical body transformation technique, and it was used in actual combat for the first time today.

Therefore, he cannot control the separated parts at all now.

He obviously wanted to control his lower body back, but it seemed that his legs seemed to be a bit unrestrained and free.

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