The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 588 It’s hard to be a good person!

After a token struggle, Bell gave up.

It seemed that after he returned, he would have to take some time to practice controlling the parts outside his body.

With a helpless wave of his magic wand, Bell muttered feebly:

"I'll fly here myself!"

Then, his lower body flew straight over.

After finding the docking angle and restoring his body to integrity, Bell kicked his legs vigorously to ensure that there were no problems with the perception and control of his lower body before falling to the ground.

Looking at Huang Quan who was lying on the ground, his body covered with hoarfrost, but still struggling to stand up, Bell couldn't help but feel scared.

Fortunately, during the previous opening test of Yandu Academy, when he fought against Mr. Wu Shuang from the academy, he was fooled once by the opponent's tactics in setting up battle formations.

From then on, he began to pay special attention to the enemy's magic power remaining on the ground during the battle.

After all, one learns from one's mistakes and gains one's wisdom.

It was also thanks to this that he noticed something strange in the knife marks left by Huang Quan before, and he had an idea and thought of using the art of fragmentation to make an unexpected defensive counterattack.

Therefore, he actually moved above the knife mark on purpose before.

With a flick of the wand, Bell knocked away the [Lion King] beside Huang Quan far away.

Then, he walked up to the other party, leaned down, and put his hand on Huang Quan's neck.

‘Click~! ’

Bell squeezed hard with his left hand and broke Huang Quan's frozen neck.

Due to the influence of the freezing spell, not only did no blood flow out of the broken neck, but a biting cold air also emitted, freezing the surrounding grass.

Holding Huang Quan's delicate and beautiful head in both hands, at this moment, Bell just felt...why did he look like a pervert?

Ahem, misunderstanding! It must be an illusion!

The wand was pointed at the scarlet killing stone between Huang Quan's eyebrows. Tiny ancient magic characters started from the tip of the wand and quickly spread to Huang Quan's forehead.

After about a minute, Bell finally completed the simple seal and let out a long breath.

Looking at the luster of the killing stone that was obviously much duller, Bell became more and more interested in growing gems.

Before showing up, he never thought that he would encounter such a thrilling battle.

Speaking of which, although today's battle was not long, it was indeed the most thrilling one that Bell had ever experienced so far.

Even in the battle with Voldemort, although it was more difficult for him to win, the injuries he suffered were much more serious. But Voldemort is a wizard after all, and he won't rush in and kill people like Huang Quan.

The feeling of the sharp blade slicing across the tip of the nose is indeed completely different from the feeling caused by the attack of the curse.

There is a different kind of excitement!

At this moment, Bell understood for the first time why so many senior wizards like to focus on two-handed weapon mastery and violent skills.

It’s so cool, isn’t it?

He is looking forward more and more to the fact that his exclusive weapon can be produced soon.

He wants to kill people too!


After retracting his thoughts that went astray as soon as he relaxed, Bell's hands lit up with a red light.

Drops of water wet Huang Quan's hair and made it stick to his face.

This made Huang Quan look slightly embarrassed, but also gave him a different kind of poignant feeling.

After a while, the cold air in Huang Quan's head was dissipated by the heat of Bell's hand.

"Hey! Sister Huang Quan! How do you feel now? Are you awake?"

Seeing Huang Quan's eyes regaining their intelligence, Bell asked with a playful smile.

"...feels terrible!"

Huang Quan gritted his teeth and glared at Bell.

After part of the power of the killing stone was temporarily sealed, she was now free from the erosion of evil thoughts and regained her sanity.

But precisely because of this, she wanted to hack Bell to death even more!

"I can't believe that after several years of not seeing each other, you would actually grow into such a pervert!"

Even with the dual help of the Killing Stone and Bell's Curse, Huang Quan was still not dead even if his head moved.

But this feeling of having only one head left was even worse than when she was paralyzed in the hospital bed!

Before, she could barely move her fingers and so on, and she still had some sense.

And now, she didn't even know where her body had been thrown by Bell, that damn brat.

It was also thanks to Kagura that the snakes thrown out by Bell were taken aside to play. Otherwise, if the little girl sees this scene, she will definitely liberate Bai Rui completely without saying a word and die with Bell.

"Uh... Well, this is not a last resort, and I don't want to be like this."

Bell, who was incomprehensible, could only make a feeble struggle.

"Hmph! Who knows."

Huang Quan hummed noncommittally.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, what are you going to do with me?"

Seeing that Bell still wanted to 'quibble', Huang Quan, who didn't want to continue talking nonsense, spoke up and brought the topic back on track.

She had no interest in chatting with others in her current state.

Moreover, hearing the roar in the distance and Bai Rui's angry roar, she was very worried about the safety of sister Kagura.

"What does 'disposal' mean? Don't put it in such a harsh way."

Bell said helplessly.

So, it’s really hard to be a good person these days!

He obviously came all the way to help with a warm heart.

What kind of spirit is this?

This is the spirit of international communism!

As a result, not only Huang Quan and Kagura wanted to kill him before.

Even now, he risked his life and finally succeeded in helping Huang Quan regain his sanity.

But the other party was not only ungrateful, but also ridiculed him! ?

Bell is such a careless person, it's so cool.

Isn't it just that the scene... is a bit disharmonious. As for this! ?

Bell, holding the 'Beauty Head' in his hand, was extremely aggrieved at this moment...

"Say it!"


Seeing that Huang Quan's eyes were starting to glow red again, the Killing Stone was also agitated and wanted to break through the temporary seal, but Bell decisively gave in.

There is no way, if Huang Quan goes berserk again, once his spirit is further eroded and polluted by the killing stone, then Huang Quan's character will probably be fundamentally distorted.

By then, Huang Quan will be reduced to a complete murderer, the kind that cannot be saved by gods.

Bell, who didn't want to really kill Huang Quan, could only swallow the grievance in his heart and talk about the business honestly.

"Sister Huang Quan, I think you should be aware of your current situation.

Since I have never come into contact with the killing stone before, I would like to ask, is there a way to remove the killing stone from your body? "

Although he asked this question, Bell didn't think that he could hear a positive answer from the other party.

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