The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 589: The picture shows the poor dagger

In the past two days, apart from searching for traces of Huang Quan, Bell had done nothing else.

He investigated the information about the killing stone in detail from the classics collected by Sakamoto and others.

What's the saying?

Did humans originate from the abyss?

As the saying goes, where there is light, there must be darkness. No matter how upright and kind a person is, there is bound to be a dark side deep in his heart.

The erosion of human beings caused by killing stones, in addition to the direct invasion of evil thoughts, actually induces and amplifies the evil thoughts of human beings themselves.

And when the dark side of human beings is amplified and connected with the killing stone, then the person's soul will become a part of the killing stone.

After all, according to the records of the Chinese monks, the killing stone itself was finally born after the souls of a large number of murdered people were integrated into the blood of Wu Shijie.

In other words, the killing stone is actually the aggregation of a large number of souls.

When he sealed the Killing Stone just now, Bell also discovered that although Huangquan and the Killing Stone have not yet completely integrated into one, the two can now be said to be indistinguishable from each other.

In a sense, the current Huangquan is a walking human-shaped killing stone.

So separation or something can be said to be impossible.

"There is no way to peel it off. The killing stone has been integrated into my soul. There is no other way to take away the killing stone from my body except killing me."

Huang Quan's calm voice confirmed Bell's suspicion.

"So, kill me quickly."

Huang Quan had been mentally prepared for death long before. It's just that this guy Bell intervened and caused trouble, and he didn't die.

But it's not all bad.

After part of the power of the Killing Stone was sealed by Bell, her mind is now clearer.

Thinking about it carefully, it is true that as Bell said before, it is not appropriate to let sister Kagura kill her with her own hands.

Therefore, after a short period of thinking, she set her target on Bell, hoping to use Bell's hand to eliminate her threat to sister Kagura.

"Don't be so extreme. If I kill you, your sister will have to fight to the death with me!

I don't want to be thought about all day long, as that will affect my appetite. "

With a curl of his lips, Bell decisively rejected Huang Quan's proposal.

Just kidding, he is not the kind of person who destroys flowers with his ruthless hands.


"So I have a proposal!"

Just when Huang Quan was anxiously trying to persuade Bell, Bell suddenly interrupted.

Enough foreshadowing has been done, and now it's time to see the final results.

"Yang Quan, be my shikigami!"

"……What did you say?"

Huang Quan looked at Bell in disbelief.

It seems that he has been seriously corroded by the slain stone, and his ears can no longer understand human speech.

"I said, I want you to be my shikigami!"

Lifting Huang Quan's head, Bell leaned into his ear and said loudly:

"That way, I can help you suppress the evil thoughts in the killing stone through the link of the contract and protect you from erosion!"


That is to say, he has no body now, otherwise Huang Quan would kill Bell with a knife no matter what he said.

She's not an 80-year-old grandma, and her ears haven't grown yet, so why are you speaking so loudly in her ear?

It made her ears feel uncomfortable now, and she couldn't rub them with her hands.

And the most important thing is...

"What the hell is that request! Are you out of your mind!"

"Well, I know it's hard for you to accept it for a while. But the situation is like this, and there's nothing I can do about it."

After lifting Huang Quan's head a little further, Bell said helplessly.

The other party suddenly raised his voice just now, which made his ears feel uncomfortable.

And because two hands were holding Huang Quan's head, he couldn't rub it with his hands.

After Huang Quan regained consciousness, he no longer dared to hold the other person's head with one hand. He is afraid that the other party will bite him.

"Don't say it as if it's an established fact. I haven't promised you yet!"

After taking two deep breaths, Huang Quan finally calmed down.

It's said that she doesn't even have lungs now, and she doesn't know where the breath went?

"Bell, I can't be your shikigami. As you said, if I sign a shikigami contract with you, then the evil thoughts in the killing stone will follow the connection of the contract and erode your soul.

I know you are strong, but believe me, no one can resist the erosion of the killing stone. There used to be many talented Onmyoji who tried to control the power of the Killing Stone, but they all failed in the end. "

Huang Quan looked at Bell with complicated eyes and persuaded him earnestly.

To be honest, she didn't know how she felt when Bell proposed accepting her as a shikigami.

Anger at being insulted? The joy of seeing hope? Touched by being cared about?

Maybe both, maybe not.

But no matter what, as she just said, she can't become Bell's shikigami, otherwise she will only harm him.

In front of her, there was only death.

"Of course I know what you said. But don't worry, I have Xiaoqi here."

As he spoke, a mini version of Qiongqi emerged from Bell's left arm.

After being hit by his freezing spell in Huangquan, causing the [Lion King] to escape, Luan Honglian, who was residing in the [Lion King], automatically canceled the summons and returned to the sword.

After sensing the information conveyed by Qiongqi, Bell lifted the summons to Qiongqi and brought him back into his body.

"Let me introduce, this is my patron saint - Qiongqi. It was finally created by me based on the patron saint curse, combined with the Taoist theory of yin and yang, and using the methods of your onmyoji to use shikigami.

I don’t know if you understand the Taoist theory of yin and yang. To put it simply, Qiongqi is a combination of good and evil thoughts. Good thoughts and evil thoughts circulated in Qiongqi's body, interfering with each other, and achieving a state of harmony between yin and yang.

Therefore, Qiongqi is guarding me in my body, and the evil thoughts of killing the stone cannot affect me. It may even turn out to be the nourishment for Qiongqi. "

Bell said, just kidding, he is a wizard!

Is death the only way left?


If there is no road ahead, then take a new road. With the help of magic, this is no big deal!

Of course, if Huang Quan really became his shikigami, then in order to suppress the malice that the killing stone always exudes, he would no longer be able to summon Qiongqi outside his body to fight.

But on one side is Qiongqi, a guy who is both dark and fair, and on the other side is Huang Quan, who is fair-skinned, beautiful, and tall. Which one should I choose? Do I need to consider which one to choose?


Perhaps feeling the extremely rude thoughts in his master's heart, the Q-version Qiongqi, who had been grinning at Huang Quan's head since he appeared, turned his head and looked at Bell pitifully, letting out a grievance whimper.

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