The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 591 A ruthless character who blows himself up at the slightest disagreement

The moment the shikigami contract was completed, a large amount of memories suddenly flowed into Bell's mind.

These are Huang Quan's memories. From birth until now, many scenes that even Huang Quan himself had long forgotten appeared in Bell's mind.

After spending a few minutes simply sorting out the sudden extra memories in his mind, Bell looked at Huang Quan and complained:

"Sister Huang Quan, you have such a bad taste in choosing men!"

The more recent the memory, the clearer the picture will be. In Huangquan's recent memory, the person who appears most frequently is her fiancé, an onmyoji named Noriyuki Iizuna.

In recent times, the frequency of Iizuna's appearance has even exceeded that of Kagura.

Bell expressed his disdain for this.

Look at him, even after having a girlfriend, he still unswervingly puts his sister first in his heart.

It's not like Huangquan. When you have a man, you forget about your sister.

'snort! ’

Bell sneered at Huang Quan's 'ungrateful' behavior.

And the most important thing is that after Huang Quan was seriously injured and paralyzed, even though Kagura had been taking care of Huang Quan with all his heart, the person that Huang Quan wanted to see the most was still the guy named Iizuna.

Unfortunately, from beginning to end, that Iizuna never appeared.

It didn't take long for the Iizuna family to privately terminate their engagement with the Isayama family.

‘So, it’s really hard to find a good man like me these days. It's cheaper for Hermione! ’

Bell thought narcissistically.

As everyone knows, every time Hermione thinks about the fact that she was young and ignorant and fell into Bell's hands, she will grit her teeth and want to give Bell a bite.

As for what kind of complex emotions are contained in this mouth...then it can really only be said that it is impossible to understand a woman's heart and a seabed needle, even with Legilimency.

"Go to hell you!"

Huang Quan was so angry that he almost rolled his eyes at Bell's behavior.

If she didn't have any feet now, she would definitely give Bell a hard kick!

"Where's my body? Where did you do my body?"

Although in the process of making the shikigami contract, Bell had already lifted the temporary seal placed on the killing stone. She now only needs to invoke the power in the killing stone to regenerate a brand new body. But that kind of consumption is too great after all.

Moreover, after all, her body has been used for more than ten years, so it can be regarded as somewhat emotional.

At the very least, she had to confirm the whereabouts of her body to make sure that Bell, an outrageous guy, had not used it to do anything bad.

"It's right over there. Don't worry, I'll freeze it for you to keep it fresh. It won't be bad if you keep it for another two days."

Bell promised, patting his chest.

At the same time, he also held Huang Quan's head so that it faced the rear.

In fact, Huang Quan's body was not far away, and Bell had not left too far before.

It's just that Huang Quan couldn't turn his head and couldn't see behind him, so he didn't know.


Huang Quan was speechless.

Although there seems to be no problem with what Bell said. But with this statement, why did she always feel that the other party was talking about pork?

Putting the wand against Huang Quan's body, Bell spent a lot of effort to remove the cold magic power from the opponent's body.

Then, he carefully aimed it before placing Huang Quan's head back on his neck.

It would be too funny if this was done wrong.

The scarlet curse power circulated, and the wound on Huang Quan's neck disappeared in the blink of an eye.

He stood up, stretched his neck, shook his arms, and kicked his legs. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with his body, Huang Quan nodded with satisfaction.

Then, she turned around, looked at Bell with a smile, raised her leg and kicked Bell hard on the calf.


Bell hugged his legs and cried out in pain.

Huang Quan was not Hermione. As a melee fighter, the opponent was much more skilled in using spell power in fist and kick attacks than Bell.

Therefore, this kick actually hit Bell's leg, almost breaking his leg bones.

"No, what a grudge, what a grudge, what's the matter?"

Looking at Huang Quan whose whole body was soaked with blood, Bell really wanted to cry without tears.

As Bell's shikigami, Huang Quan cannot harm Bell, otherwise he will suffer huge backlash.

This means that Bell's body bones are strong enough, otherwise if his leg was really broken just now, Huang Quan would probably have to ascend to heaven on the spot.

If it really turned out like that, Bell might have fainted in the toilet from crying.

The SSR I just bought...cough cough cough!


Huang Quan glanced at Bell and said nothing.

Mainly because she was in severe pain all over her body and couldn't find the energy to speak.

But even so, she didn't regret kicking Bell.

after all……

‘It’s so cool! I wanted to do this years ago! ’

The emerald green light band wrapped around Bell's calf, quickly healing his leg bones that were cracked by the kick.

Just to be on the safe side, he also took out a bottle of bone-producing magic potion from his pocket and drank it down.

By the way, he also took out a bottle of healing potion and handed it to Huang Quan, then cast a healing spell to restore Huang Quan's injuries.

After all, the power in the killing stone is not easy to deal with, so it is best not to use too much in a short period of time.

Huang Quan has been restraining himself from healing, obviously because he understands this.


‘Why do I have to heal my shikigami like I’m serving an uncle after I was injured by my own shikigami? ’

Bell felt that it was not as if he had found a shikigami, but rather as if he had invited an old man back.

I'm afraid he contracted a fake shikigami!

"Take back that snake of yours quickly, don't accidentally hurt sister Kagura."

After the injury was relieved under Bell's treatment, Huangquan was finally able to find the energy to speak and issued his first order after becoming a shikigami.


Bell always felt that something was not right, but facing Huang Quan's eyes that seemed to want to devour others, he did not dare to say anything, nor did he dare to ask anything. He could only pity the weak and helpless man, and feel sorry for Wan Quan in his heart. The snake gave the command 'Come back'.

After all, the eldest sister in front of him is a ruthless person who dares to blow herself up if she disagrees with her. He is really scared!

‘Whoosh~! ’

A small black shadow flashed across the sky, and then Wan She appeared on Bell's wrist, redisguised as a snake-shaped bracelet.

‘Wow! ’

The sound of friction between grass and trees sounded, and after a while, Kagura's slightly embarrassed figure ran over quickly.

Seeing that although his sister Kagura was in a miserable state, she was indeed unharmed as Bell said, Huang Quan raised the corners of his mouth and showed a relieved smile.

However, before she could greet the other party, she heard Kagura yell angrily:

"Let go of Sister Huang Quan!"

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