The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 592 Sisters meet again

After the difficult giant snake suddenly retreated, Kagura followed the direction in her memory and hurried over.

At this moment, Kagura's heart was filled with anxiety.

Why did the other party summon that giant snake back?

Is it because Sister Huang Quan has the upper hand, so the opponent is forced to recall the giant snake to help?

Or is it that Sister Huangquan has already been defeated, so there is no need to contain her anymore?

Considering that the roar of battle has stopped coming from the distance since just now, it is obvious that the latter possibility is much greater.

When she thought of this, Kagura felt as if her heart was being torn apart, and the pain was unbearable.

Although she had previously made up her mind to kill Sister Huang Quan with her own hands, she still found it difficult to accept the thought of Sister Huang Quan's tragic death at the hands of others.

After rushing out of the woods, Kagura immediately glanced at the open space in front of her. Then, the scene before her eyes made her mind go blank and she completely lost her ability to think.

What did she see?

She saw Sister Huang Quan standing there covered in blood, unable to move as the bad guy who suddenly jumped out of nowhere pointed at her with a wand.

At this moment, Kagura's eyes were about to burst!

She yelled, drew her knife and rushed towards Bell.

The gap in strength and so on are completely out of Kagura's consideration.

If they are destined to die today, then at least let the sisters fight to death together!

‘Dang~! ’

The unexpected interception caused Kagura to shift her center of gravity and almost fall to the ground.

She staggered several steps to the side before barely regaining her balance.

Then, she immediately turned around and looked at Sister Huang Quan in confusion.

Just now, it was the opponent who suddenly flashed in front of her and struck the side of her sword with his palm, destroying her balance.

"Kagura, I'm fine. Bell saved me. Now I'm back to normal."

Huang Quan quickly explained.

She didn't want to see her sister Kagura fighting Bell.

In that case, she wouldn't be able to help anyone, but she would really be a different person inside and out.

"Really, really?"

Kagura glanced back and forth at Bell and Huang Quan with suspicious eyes for a while before confirming.

To be honest, Kagura wanted to believe but also found it difficult to believe that Sister Huangquan had returned to normal.

You know, according to classic records, no one has ever returned to normal after being corroded by killing stones.

"Really, I've really recovered."

Huang Quan said with certainty.

But then, her eyes became complicated.

After returning to normal just now, all she could think about was telling sister Kagura the good news.

But now, after actually meeting Kagura, she suddenly remembered that Kagura's father was killed by her own hands. This made her not know how to face Kagura.

Just when Huang Quan was entangled in her heart, a petite figure slammed into her arms.

This caused Huang Quan, who was still injured, to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

But at this time, Huang Quan completely ignored the pain coming from his body.

Feeling the familiar warmth in her arms, she hugged him tightly as well.

Unknowingly, tears fell from the corners of their eyes, and the two sisters just hugged each other and cried without anyone noticing.

The two sisters cried for nearly ten minutes. When Bell was about to fall asleep, the two finally got up from the ground.

"Kagura, I... I'm very sorry about what happened to your father. I don't know what to do..."

After crying bitterly, the reality that should be faced will eventually have to be faced. Huang Quan looked at Sister Kagura who was so close, hesitating, not knowing what to say.

"Father...he died gloriously in the battle with evil spirits as an onmyoji.

All of this is the fault of the mastermind behind this, and I don’t blame you, Sister Huang Quan. "

It was impossible for Kagura to say that she didn't care at all about her father's death.

But as sad as it is, it's actually not bad.

After all, her father had been very strict with her since she was a child. In Kagura's memory, he had never seen his father smile.

Later, after her mother passed away, she was sent to Isayama's house. In the past few years, she had not even met her father, let alone had any communication with him.

It can be said that in Kagura's heart, she only has two relatives, one is her deceased mother, and the other is Sister Huangquan in front of her.

Although her father had told her before his death why he had been so harsh to her over the years, she did feel her father's love at that moment and chose to forgive him.

But the time was too short after all, and the emotion of that moment was far less than the relationship I had with Sister Huang Quan day and night for several years.

In addition, Sister Huangquan was seriously injured and paralyzed before, and she couldn't even get up from the bed. Kagura didn't believe that the killing stone on the other party's body came from him because he had grown legs.

If we think about the remaining killing stone curse on Sister Huangquan's wound, it is obvious that someone is planning all this behind the scenes. And Sister Huang Quan is just a victim.

Kagura tried hard to convince herself in her heart.

"Thank you, Kagura, thank you for being willing to forgive me."

After being forgiven by Sister Kagura, Huang Quan had the urge to cry with joy. She couldn't help but hug Kagura tightly again.

She could feel that there was an invisible barrier between herself and Kagura. But when I think about what I did before, it is better to say that there is just a gap, which can be called a fluke.

"Sister Huang Quan, tell me, what happened during this time?

Who killed Sister Ming? Who seriously injured you? Who put the killing stone into your body? "

It can be said that these problems have been bothering Kagura for a long time.

He now desperately wants to understand all this, and then find out who is behind the scenes, and avenge Sister Huangquan, his father, and his companions who died tragically during this period!

"All of this is actually..."

"Okay, this is not a good place to chat. There was so much noise before, maybe the Japanese government will send someone over to check the situation soon. We have been delayed long enough, let's change places to rest first. Then There is plenty of time for you two sisters to chat slowly."

Bell, who had been serving as the backdrop for a long time, suddenly interrupted Huang Quan's words.

He didn't want to stay in this remote place any longer.

The Japanese government mentioned before is one reason, and another reason is that if he doesn't show up again, Sakamoto and others will probably cry.

He didn't want to be surrounded by a few people complaining when he returned. That wouldn't be annoying to death.

Huang Quan glared at Bell in displeasure. He was very dissatisfied with this guy who interrupted his sister's conversation.

Kagura, on the other hand, nodded obediently.

As for Bell, the person who saved her sister from hell, how does she like him now?

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