The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 594 The worst case scenario is to hurt each other.

"Yes, Uncle Iwabata, Sister Huangquan has returned to normal and will not attack us again!"

Kagura also hurriedly explained to her companions in the countermeasures room.

She didn't want to see Sister Huangquan conflict with her companions again.

However, unlike Sakamoto and others who immediately put away their fighting stance after hearing Bell's order, Iwata Koji and other people in the countermeasures room looked at each other, but still held onto the weapons in their hands and did not put them down.

Unlike Kagura, who is full of herself, Huang Quan's sister, everyone in the countermeasures room who has more experience and is older knows that even if Huang Quan returns to normal at this moment, the relationship between everyone will not be restored to the past.

Huang Quan had killed so many people before, including even the companions they lived with day and night. This crime would not be easily erased just because of a simple "return to normal".

Judging from their years of experience, even if Huangquan suddenly recovers, neither the government nor the major onmyoji families in Tokyo will let each other go.

Rather, it is precisely because Huang Quan has returned to normal that all forces will not let her go.

After all, Huangquan is the first one to be able to return to normal after being corroded by killing stones.

How could all the forces let go of such a sample with research value?

When that time comes, maybe even death will become a luxury for Huang Quan.

Of course, Bell had already thought of what everyone in the countermeasures room was thinking about at the moment.

But he didn't care.

It won't be long before he will leave Japan with Huang Quan. By then, even if all the Onmyoji families are furious, there will be nothing they can do.

As for the Menethil family’s industry in Japan?

If it's a big deal, don't do it.

At that time, not only ordinary Onmyoji will no longer have useful magic tools, but even major families will lose a large part of their income.

Let’s see who can’t hold on first.

You must know that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

This is also the reason why Bell did not let Huang Quan hide, but appeared openly in front of everyone in the countermeasures room.

"I said, put your weapons away!"

Strong pressure was released from Bell, and the magic power full of murderous intent enveloped everyone in the strategy room.

For a moment, Iwabata Koji and others only felt that Bell's figure was infinitely enlarged, as if he was the only one left in the whole world.

Cold sweat instantly soaked the clothes of several people, and then they remembered that their strength was not qualified to dance here.

As if their buttocks were on fire, several people hurriedly put down their weapons.

They lowered their heads and stood silently, not daring to move at all, for fear that their slightest movement would cause the other party to misunderstand and wipe out their lives.


After seeing everyone in the countermeasures room put down their weapons, Bell stopped paying attention to them.

He is not a murderous person, so he will not kill people just because of such a trivial matter.

Moreover, if he doesn't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, he has to give some face to the little girl Kagura.

After greeting Sakamoto and the others, Bell turned around, grabbed the arms of Huang Quan and Kagura, and then, under the puzzled gaze of the little girl Kagura, he apparated away from the devastated forest.

Seeing that their young master was gone, Sakamoto and others looked at each other in shock.

"Boss, what should we do?"

Okubo looked at Sakamoto and asked, and successfully caused a few more black lines on Sakamoto's head.

"What should I do? What else can I do? Let's go!"

As a wild onmyoji, Sakamoto had never learned the [Blinking Body Technique].

In fact, even many onmyojis from big families rarely learn this kind of magic.

There are many insidious evil spirits who are good at sneak attacks. If you are not careful, you may be attacked by evil spirits when you cast [Instant Body Technique].

In comparison, it is safer to just walk honestly.

These are bloody lessons!

Therefore, after receiving the phantom transformation spell given by his family and having the same effect as the [Instant Technique], Sakamoto did not learn it.

It's definitely not because he was frightened by the content recorded in the magic book that novices are prone to splitting when learning to apparate, so he didn't dare to learn it!

‘It’s true that my family sent a teacher over to help me keep an eye on it.

If this is really the case, do I have to rely on these idiots under my command to help me take it back?

They can't even put their arms up to my butt! ‘

Glancing at the subordinates around him, Sakamoto thought rudely.

It's also a credit to a few people who didn't know that their leader actually suppressed them in his heart, otherwise they would definitely call Chongtianqu.

Just kidding, how could they put their arms on their butts? They are not stupid!

At most, turn your arms left and right...

"By the way, when the young master left, why didn't he take us with him? It hurts!"

Walking on the rugged mountain road, a person suddenly complained.

However, before he could finish his words, Sakamoto punched the opponent on the head.

"You idiot! Is it that easy to apparate with someone? Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! Be careful of the trouble coming from your mouth, you know!"

Sakamoto scolded fiercely.

This brat actually said something so ignorant. If word got out, what would others think of him?

The younger brothers under him are all idiots. Sakamoto, the leader, must be even more idiotic?

After all, Sakamoto is a respectable person. He doesn’t want to lose face! ?

And the most important thing is, if the complaint just now reaches the ears of the young master...

Thinking of the terrifying strength shown by the young master before, Sakamoto couldn't help but shudder.

I'm afraid that by then, he won't even know how he died.

However, what Sakamoto, who is sworn to protect his young master's image and resolutely fight against any questioning or slander of his young master, does not know is that it is not that difficult for Bell to apparate with them.

But in that case, the magic power and energy Bell needs to consume will increase exponentially.

Bell didn't want to waste his precious magic power on a few middle-aged uncles. Life lies in movement, so let the Sakamoto guys move their bodies more.

After returning to the Menethil family branch in Japan, the House of Everything whose name Bell still didn't know, Bell left Huangquan and Kagura to play by themselves.

He walked to the front desk and looked at Nanami Misora, who was sleeping soundly, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Bell reached out and knocked on the table, suppressing a smile and said:

"Stewardess, don't sleep, it's noon, it's time to eat."

"H-Hello! Welcome...what, it turns out to be little brother Bell! Really, you at least said hello before you came back. I was shocked."

Seeing that the person standing in front of him was Bell, an acquaintance, rather than a legendary customer he had never met before, Nanami Misora ​​couldn't help but complain after heaving a sigh of relief.

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