The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 595 Serious Discussion

At this moment, Nanami's body has completely disappeared, the look she had when she first met Bell, as she wanted to hug Bell's thigh and beg.

She is cute and cute. After realizing that Bell is actually quite easy to talk to, she regards Bell as one of her own from the bottom of her heart.

This also led to the fact that she was the most familiar with Bell in the entire branch.

Moreover, she always looks careless, speaking and doing things very casually.

Originally, Sakamoto wanted to scold Nanami and make her respect Bell more. If Bell is really angered by Nanami's behavior, even he will not be able to save her.

However, Sakamoto's plan was stopped by Bell.

To be honest, Bell was not disgusted with Nanami's behavior.

On the contrary, he felt uncomfortable with the respectful and class-conscious attitude of Sakamoto and others, which was unique to the Japanese.

"You sleep so soundly, why should I inform you in advance?

Moreover, Sister Nanami, your heart is really big enough. You are the only one left here today. How dare you sleep so soundly? Aren't you afraid that bad guys will sneak in and kidnap you? "

"Uh... this, this is not..."

After hemming and hawing for a long time, Nanami couldn't say a word.

She couldn't say that it was because she accidentally fell asleep after watching a drama last night until after three in the morning, which made her very sleepy in the morning.

No matter how good her relationship with Bell is, he is still her boss no matter what.

Even she couldn't seriously discuss with her boss why she was slacking off at work or something like that!

"Okay, it's almost noon. Sakamoto and others will be back soon. Let's order takeout quickly."

Seeing Nanami blushing so much that she was bleeding, Bell didn't intend to embarrass her anymore.

As the mascot of the family's Japanese branch, even he would feel guilty if the bullying went too far.

"Do you want takeout again? How about I go make something to eat."

Originally, everyone here in Wanshiwu ordered takeout for meals.

Nanami, who eats and drinks with her every day, is also happy to eat delicious food every day.

It was the weight gain that worried her.

But in recent days, Nanami has changed her mind.

Without it, I feel sorry for you.

After Bell had eaten nearly 100,000 yen in food during his previous lunch, Nanami looked at the other person's belly that was still as flat as ever. After being surprised and envious, Nanami felt severe heartache.

You know, her monthly salary is only five hundred thousand yen!

Apparently, it was only enough to feed Bell for two days?

Although she does not need to pay for this, even if it is the company's money, it cannot be spent randomly!

"Don't! Don't!"

Bell quickly stopped Nanami from trying to cook.

In the past, driven by a sense of mission that came out of nowhere, the other party tried to take over everyone's food.

As a result, not only was the building almost set on fire, but Sakamoto and others almost ended up in the hospital.

After the previous painful experience, Bell really didn't dare to let the other party cook anymore.


Nanami expressed serious dissatisfaction with Bell's behavior of disapproving of her.

Didn't she have a little accident when she was cooking last time?

You know, that was her first time cooking. She had only learned some cooking skills from people in TV series while watching TV series.

So, it’s the first time, if something unexpected happens, isn’t that normal?

But things are different now!

Not to mention that after the last experience, she already knew a lot of common sense.

For example, vegetables washed with dish soap should be rinsed with clean water before being put into the pot.

Moreover, after she returned, she even learned some cooking methods.

Although I still learned it through idol dramas...

Therefore, this time, she has enough confidence that she will never set the kitchen on fire again!

As for other aspects... you may still need to accumulate some more experience...

After puffing her cheeks and staring at Bell for a while, Nanami found that he was still unmoved. She had no choice but to pick up her phone and prepare to order takeout with heartache.

"Would you like to order the sushi from yesterday?"

Nanami asked in a weak voice.

"No, those sushis are all filled with raw fish and meat, they don't taste good at all!

By the way, there’s nothing delicious to order? "

Speaking of this trip to Japan, what Bell was most dissatisfied with was the food.

I don’t know if it’s because Lim has kept his mouth in his mouth more and more in the past few years, or if the quality of food in Japanese restaurants has plummeted in recent years?

In short, those takeaways were not only small in quantity, but also tasted bad. He hadn't had a full meal in several days.

What Bell didn't know was that when he last traveled to Japan with his family, Huang Quan helped solve all the food problems.

And who is Huang Quan?

That was the heir to the Isayama family, the true eldest lady.

Therefore, whether it is the food Huang Quan makes by herself or the restaurant she chooses, they are all at the top level. The taste is naturally impossible to be bad.

When Nanami orders takeout, she won't go to those extremely expensive restaurants.

Not to mention, there are no high-end hotels nearby. If you want food delivered from a restaurant far away, you need to make a reservation in advance.

"Hey? Don't you think it tastes good? I think it tastes pretty good."

Nanami looked at Bell in confusion.

Seeing the way he was devouring food, she thought Bell liked sushi very much.


‘You can still eat so much if you don’t like it! ? ’

“Then…how about eating barbecue?

I've been to a nearby barbecue restaurant with the boss before, and I thought it tasted pretty good. "

After thinking about it, Nanami suggested.

"Okay, just keep an eye on it, as long as it's cooked."

Bell has given up all hope for food on this trip to Japan.

All he wanted was to be able to barely fill his stomach and not have blood in the food.

"What!? Sister Huangquan, you said you became a shikigami!?

How, how could this be possible!

I will go find that Bell now and ask him to..."

Suddenly, just when Bell and Nanami were having a serious discussion about 'what to eat for lunch today', which was coming to an end, Kagura's extremely surprised shout came from the office inside.

Obviously, Kagura has learned about the fact that his sister Huang Quan has been abducted by Bell.

As for this fact, I believe that any normal person who has not lost his mind will not accept it calmly.

"Kagura! Sit down and listen to me!"

Just when Bell was thinking about taking a break from the limelight, Huang Quan's voice came out, making him temporarily give up the idea of ​​​​running away.

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