The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 597 There is no subway in the mountains

"Okay, Master. All members will arrive tomorrow evening."

When Sebastian heard that the destination was Japan, he was also very relieved despite being confused.

Although Japan's Onmyoji are very xenophobic, they are still much easier to deal with than monks with extraordinary means and large numbers.

But then again, didn’t my young master go to study in China? Why did you suddenly go to Japan to cause trouble again?

This is so danceable!

‘As expected of Lady Elena’s son, he is truly better than his master. ’

As Sebas, who has also watched Elena grow up and is extremely familiar with her, he can't help but feel this way.

After ending the call with Sebastian, Bell became idle again.

After chatting for a while with Huang Quan, who came out of the shower, and Nanami, who was bored and ran in to join in the fun, finally, the takeaway he had been longing for arrived!

"Speaking of which, those guys from Sakamoto, why haven't they come back yet? Are they really going to run back?"

Bell complained as he fiddled with the grill.

The takeaway has arrived, but Sakamoto and the others haven't arrived yet? Are those guys born in the year of snails?

"Boss, I, I really can't run!"

On a deserted mountain road, Qingshui weakly said to Sakamoto in front of him.

They had been running for a long time on this shabby road with no village in front and no store in the back, and he really couldn't hold on any longer.

"Why are you so busy? Didn't you just take a break?"

Sakamoto, who was also sweating profusely, glared at Shimizu with hatred.

He, the boss, was not tired yet, but the younger brother died first?

"Boss! That was all 10 minutes ago. We have already been running for another 10 minutes! When did this happen, boss!"

Qing Shui lamented.

If he kept running, he would really spit out his lungs.

"So I said before that we should get a car, but the boss just couldn't bear it."

At this time, Duanmu on the side suddenly spoke.

If they had had a car, they might have returned to Wansiwuwu by now, instead of running on two legs in a place where taxis were impossible to get.

"It's a match! I'm a match for your head!"

Hearing Duanmu's complaint, Sakamoto angrily slapped him on the head.

"Is it free to buy a car? Ah!?

Do you know how tight our finances are?

Without my usual frugality, would I have the money to buy those extremely expensive spell materials? Do you have the money to buy you an artificial shikigami?

ah! ? You do speak! "

Sakamoto pointed at Duanmu's nose and scolded him so loudly that the spit foam almost sprayed onto Duanmu's face.

He just spent tens of millions of yen last month to buy an artificial shikigami for the other party. As a result, this guy, it’s okay if he’s not grateful, but now he dares to call him stingy?

Where does that face come from?

"But, I said at that time that I should buy a Transformers shikigami that can transform into a car. In that case, wouldn't we have a means of transportation?"

Duanmu whispered, looking like he lacked confidence.

"Transformers! Transformers! I'll transform you!"

Every time he said something, Sakamoto slapped Duanmu in the face, causing him to run away with his head in his arms.

Just kidding, buying an artificial shikigami that can transform into a car is more than a million yen more than an ordinary artificial shikigami!

With so much money, he could go to Kabukicho to find as many beautiful women as he could...ahem!

Anyway... that's what happened...

"Shut up! If you have any energy to talk nonsense, use it for running! Otherwise, you can spend the night here today!"

After saying that, Sakamoto no longer cared about the wails of his men and continued running forward.

These white-eyed wolves, it’s a shame that he usually takes care of so many people. Now, just when we encounter a little difficulty, we go so far as to burn bridges and complain about this and that.

Let’s see how he deals with these guys when he comes back!

However, after returning home, it seemed necessary to buy a mobility scooter.

It's not like he was too tired to stand it after running back and forth like this.

In fact, when the people in the countermeasure room drove past them, the surprised and puzzled looks in their eyes really made him want to dig a hole and bury himself on the spot!

Bell, who ignored the fact that there were no subways or buses in the wilderness, was happily eating barbecue.

I have to say that among the takeaways these days, today’s barbecue is the only one, and it tastes pretty good.

Of course, there is also the factor of Huang Quan's superb craftsmanship. The grilled meat slices are charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and the heat is just right.

Previously, after seeing Bell anxiously picking up a piece of meat that was not yet fully cooked and putting it in his mouth, Huang Quan took over the authority of the barbecue and no longer allowed Bell, an intrusive guy, to put his chopsticks on the grill.

Afterimages passed by, Huang Quan took out the momentum of wielding a knife and placed the pieces of barbecue neatly on the wire fence.

Then, I saw her flipping the barbecue with one hand and applying the sauce with the other hand. The two hands worked together in a tacit understanding, giving people a smooth and beautiful feeling.

Eating the grilled meat that Huangquan put on his plate, Bell felt for the first time today that this shikigami was worth it.

From now on, even if Lim is not around, someone will still cook for him.

‘It’s true that I almost lost my life before! ’

The simple Bell is so easily satisfied.

Time soon came to the evening of the next day, and all 100 members of the special operations team had arrived in Japan.

In order to accommodate these 100 people, Bell went out of his way to greatly expand the space in the Everything Room during the day.

"Master, all members of the Third Brigade of the Special Operations Team have been assembled. Please give your instructions!"

Jennifer Myers said looking at Bell excitedly.

She is the captain of the Third Brigade, the only female captain, and the only captain who has never had contact with Bell.

Although Jennifer has never had actual contact with Bell, she is already familiar with the various feats her young master has done.

Being able to stand out from hundreds of team members and become the only female captain, Jennifer is even more militant than the other two captains.

Therefore, for not being able to participate in the previous large-scale operations, Jennifer was so upset that she wanted to kill people.

It was precisely because he was frightened by Jennifer's look that he wanted to be stabbed twice that Sebastian specially arranged for the third team to come over this time, instead of the first team that was more familiar with Bell.

There was no way, Sebas was really afraid that one day when he fell asleep, Jennifer would rush into the room, pull out a hatchet, and cut him into pieces.

"Ah, very good."

Bell nodded and looked at the energetic family members in front of him, showing a satisfied smile.

Look where that stinky rat is going this time!

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