The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 598 Mouse Hunting Operation

As mentioned before, the moment the shikigami contract with Huang Quan was completed, all of Huang Quan's memories flowed into Bell's mind.

Therefore, without Huang Quan's explanation, Bell already knew exactly what happened to the other party during this period of time.

If it were before, Bell might not care too much about these things.

He originally planned to just visit Huang Quan, and if he could help with treatment, he would help, and then return to the academy to continue his classes.

But things are different now. His relationship with Huang Quan has changed.

Huangquan has now become his shikigami, and in order to help the other party suppress the erosion of the killing stone, they signed the most closely connected shikigami contract.

If Huang Quan dies, his spirit will be severely damaged, and it will take him at least a year and a half to recover.

And if he dies, then Huang Quan will be immediately shaken to pieces, and there is no chance of being spared.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that Huang Quan is now one of his own, second only to his sister, girlfriend and parents, and one of the people closest to him.

Then, Bell would not let go of the guy named Santuhe Kazuhiro who dared to bully Huang Quan before.

After all, everyone on earth knows that Bell is the most protective person.

In addition, through the scenes in Huang Quan's memory, Bell had also recognized that the other person was the person who had hidden in the dark and spied on him and his sister (in fact, Santuhe was spying on Huang Quan).

With all the old and new grudges added together, Bell definitely had no reason to let the other side go.

So it's definitely not that he is coveting the killing stone in the opponent's hand and wants to snatch it away or something! He's not that kind of person... right?

"Everyone obeys the order! There is only one goal this time, find this person!"

As he spoke, Bell raised his right hand, and the light mist formed by magic power floated out from his palm, forming a three-dimensional image of Kazuhiro Santsuga above his head.

After waiting for a while, after everyone had the image of the mission target imprinted in their minds, Bell dissipated the magic power in his hands and continued:

"In addition, the target is very strong, please pay attention to safety. Go ahead."


The next second, there was no one in front of Bell.


A drop of cold sweat slowly slid down Sakamoto's forehead.

He was currently huddled in a corner with several of his men.

To be honest, he had heard rumors about the special operations force in his family before. But he actually dismissed the rumor that everyone in this army was the best among the best.

'Ah! Who is not an elite these days? ’

At least Sakamoto didn't think that he would be worse than those people at all. He might even be stronger!

After all, his shikigami is not comparable to the man-made mechanical shikigami that have only begun to emerge in the past two years on the market. That is a high-level spiritual beast with a long heritage.

However, today, all the pride in his heart was like paper. A strong wind blew and it was all broken.

It seems that this legendary army, which is said to only obey the orders of the family leader, does not even have the authority to instruct them as branch chiefs. Even the status of these branch chiefs may not be as good as an ordinary member of this army. , that’s not unreasonable!

At least after feeling the momentum exuded by those people just now, he didn't even have the confidence to defeat any of them.

It seems that there are still many things he needs to learn!

First, you have to learn the magic spell called Apparition.

If you are attacked by an evil spirit, just attack him secretly. Being handsome is the most important thing!

"Don't run away if you dare! Stand where you are and let me chop you!"

"If you don't chase me, I won't run away. Besides, I won't be stupid enough to stand there and let you chop me."

In the Isayama family's dojo, Bell was currently practicing swordsmanship with Kagura.

Of course, talking about sparring and so on is just Bell trying to put money on his face. In fact, it was Kagura who was chasing Bell and slashing wildly.

You know, Kagura's extraordinary talent in swordsmanship is even greater than that of Huang Quan, who is known as the 'child prodigy'.

At a young age, Kagura's swordsmanship was already comparable to that of Huang Quan.

Bell, a beginner who had only learned melee combat skills for a few months, was no match for Kagura.

Therefore, within a few moves of the fight, the wooden sword in Bell's hand was disarmed by Kagura.

What follows is a protracted chase...

As he ran, Bell couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Originally, while waiting for the action team to search for traces of the Santu River, Bell had nothing to do and followed Huang Quan back to Isayama's house.

Anyway, the Countermeasures Room already knew about Huang Quan's situation, and it was only a matter of time before the other Onmyoji families learned the relevant information. Therefore, now that things have happened, Bell is certainly less likely to restrict Huang Quan's freedom.

So, after Huang Quan made a request to go home and take a look before leaving Japan, Bell agreed without any hesitation.

It can be seen that Huang Quan still has deep feelings for his stepfather, Isayama Naraku.

At least he has much deeper feelings for his biological father than that heartless little guy Kagura.

After arriving at the Isayama house, which was unfamiliar yet somewhat familiar, Bell walked around the place where he had lived for half a month with some emotion.

Then he saw the dojo behind the mansion.

The thoughts that once appeared in Bell's mind came to his mind again. So he immediately found Huang Quan and proposed the idea of ​​learning kendo with him.

Although the so-called kendo in Japan is actually a kind of swordsmanship, many techniques for using melee weapons are essentially the same. It never hurts to learn more.

He was remembering the past Huang Quan, and after hearing Bell's request, he agreed without saying a word.

After all, being sad for spring and sad for autumn is not in line with her character. Therefore, now that Bell offered to be a sandbag to help her vent her inner sadness, it was too late for her to be happy.

Therefore, in order to help Bell become a qualified punching, to teach Bell to learn kendo, Huang Quan made a request that magic is not allowed to be used during the training process.

Seeing the serious look on Huang Quan's face, Bell agreed after hesitating for a moment.

It is said that when he was learning melee combat skills in the academy, his husband never made such a request?

Although Huang Quan had planned to use Bell as a punching bag to vent her anger, when the teaching actually started, she quickly got into the mood, showed the same attitude as when she taught little Kagura, and taught Bell in a strict manner.

However, the good times did not last long. Not long after, Kagura, who also came to Isayama's house, was attracted by the sound of wooden swords clashing from the dojo.

When she learned that Sister Huangquan was teaching Bell Kendo, the little girl stepped forward without saying a word and said, 'Sister Huangquan, you haven't recovered yet, so leave this physical work to me! ’.

So, the above-mentioned scene occurred...

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