The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 600 Upgrading on AFK...

As expected, after expanding the display area of ​​the map, Bell discovered that the direction Santu River and Hiro were escaping to was Kyoto!

Unlike Tokyo, which only began to rise in modern times and eventually became the capital, Kyoto has been the center of Japan since ancient times.

Naturally, in the world of magic, Kyoto also has a transcendent status.

Compared to the three or two big cats and kittens onmyoji families here in Tokyo, around Kyoto, powerful onmyoji families can be said to be everywhere.

Among them, the spiritual leader of Onmyoji has a status equivalent to Abe Kiyomei of Merlin in the minds of wizards. His descendants, the Gomonin family, guard Kyoto.

There is also the Tsuchimikado family, which has shone brightly in previous wars and created the Imperial Onmyoji system, and cannot be underestimated.

Strictly speaking, the Tsuchimiya family, the leader of Tokyo, is a branch of the Tsuchimikado family.

However, as the Tsuchimikado family suffered damage, the Tsuchimiya family gradually became unwilling to admit their identity as a separate family.

In addition, there is the Hanakain family who is unique in the cultivation of shikigami and has extraordinary strength.

Although the status of the Huakaiyuan family is not as good as the previous two, their strength is no less than that of the other two, and may even be stronger.

Moreover, Bell also heard that there seemed to be some forces formed by evil spirits in Kyoto, and there were even half-evil spirits and half-human beings among them?

I really want to take it back and study it!

Cough cough cough!

In short, to put it simply, in the area of ​​Kyoto, it can be said that there are countless powerful forces, and the Onmyoji and the evil spirits are fighting fiercely all day long.

If possible, Bell really didn't want to go to the muddy water of the lake.

"Huang Quan, come here!"

Bell waved to his shikigami who was comforting Kagura at the edge of the dojo.

After Huang Quan walked to his side and stood still, Bell asked:

"Do you know the spheres of influence of various forces in Kyoto?"

"I only have a rough idea. The situation in Kyoto is much more chaotic than here in Tokyo, and the sphere of influence changes frequently."

Huang Quan explained.

“One is probably enough.

I want to set up a blockade outside Kyoto to capture the Santu River. Where do you think it is better to set it up? "

If possible, Bell still hopes to resolve the matter satisfactorily before the target arrives in Kyoto.

Several days have passed since he arrived here. You know, he only took one week's leave!

At first I just wanted to come over and take a look and then leave. Who would have thought that there would be so many ink marks?

And the most important thing is that he hasn't seen his sister for several days!

Cough cough cough!

After hearing Bell's inquiry, Huang Quan stared at the map and thought for a while, then stretched out his hand and drew an arc around Kyoto.

“If it were this distance, it probably wouldn’t attract the attention of various forces in Kyoto.

However, Bell, this range is too large. With the existing manpower, it may be difficult to block the Santu River. "

Huang Quan frowned and said.

Although she had already seen a little bit of the strength of Bell's men. But she is still not optimistic about the next move.

After all, she was deeply aware of how cunning that guy in Santuhe was.

"Just do your best."

Bell said helplessly.

What else could he do?

This is called planning not keeping up with changes!

So he never makes plans...

"Master, what if it's not blocked?"

Jennifer asked cautiously.

Although she really wanted to issue a military order, she vowed to capture the target before he arrived in Kyoto!

But there is no point in talking big. How to ensure the final completion of the task is the result she should pursue.

"...Then keep chasing!"

After a moment of silence, Bell gritted his teeth and said.

There was nothing he could do. In fact, he didn't want to make the matter too big, but the killing stone was too fragrant! If anyone dares to stop him, he will have to be like a dragon crossing the river!

After nearly a day, Bell discovered that Qiongqi was indeed able to swallow the evil thoughts emitted by the killing stone in Huang Quan's body.

Moreover, by swallowing these evil thoughts, Qiongqi can also grow slowly.

And that's not what makes Bell happy the most.

I don’t know if I should say it was unexpected? Or should I say it is reasonable?

In short, Bell discovered that every time Qiongqi gained a little bit of growth, a ray of magic power would be fed back to him.

Although compared to the huge amount of magic power in his body, this ray of magic power is insignificant.

But you know, this is free!

And it's just like upgrading while idle. Although the experience is small, it can't withstand the long time!

If it continues to grow like this over the years, after three to five years, his magic power may be greatly improved.

Therefore, for the killing stone in Santuhe's hands, a treasure that can improve his experience of hanging up, Bell is really determined to get it.

It can be said that after combining it with the killing stone, the 'Holy Spirit Protection' spell he created back then (Bell's name for the mutated patron saint spell) really began to show its power commensurate with the difficulty of casting it.


"At critical moments, you can act cheaply!"


Jennifer bowed and agreed.

And under the cover of her hair, the corners of her mouth were rising uncontrollably.

really! As expected, following my young master is the most correct choice!

Over the years, she has performed nearly a hundred tasks, large and small.

But never once did the head of the William family, or Captain Sebastian, give her an order to do things cheaply.

Every time before setting off, the two of them would catch her and give her instructions on how to be cautious and concealed. They couldn't do this or that. It was really annoying!

That is simply killing her talent and her nature!

It's so cruel!

But now, on the second day after she came into contact with her young master, she had the opportunity to release her talents and nature.

This is really great!

At this moment, Jennifer couldn't help praying to Merlin in her heart, hoping that the great Merlin could give the Santu River and Hong power to successfully break through their blockade.

Otherwise, this exciting mouse-catching trip might end sadly.

Then she will go crazy!

Of course, she will still go all out when performing tasks. This is a matter of principle and cannot be tarnished.


'come on! Santu River! I'm optimistic about you! ‘

"Oh, right."

Bell suddenly thought of something.

"As for the problem of evil spirits, you can go to Onmyoji to buy some firearms and magic tools. They are quite useful to deal with low-level evil spirits. Remember to hide your identity."

At this moment, Santuhe didn't know that there was a person silently supporting him in the distance.

Otherwise, he will definitely... twist off the opponent's head!

So where did these masked people come from? ? Why are they all so strong! ?

Over the years, he has met many Onmyoji, overtly and covertly.

Of course he has seen powerful Onmyoji, but shouldn't they belong to the top leaders of major families?

Why do these masked men look like well-trained troops now? Is this reasonable?

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