The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 601 Santu River and Hong

In the past few days, Santuhe really felt that he was out of luck.

After a lot of effort, he tricked Isayama Yomi into accepting the Killing Stone and gradually transformed into an evil spirit.

I originally thought that I would have one more thug from now on to help me achieve my long-cherished wish. As a result, whoever expected it, the other party suddenly got rid of his control and ran away.

Before he could think of a way to abduct the other party back, a big battle broke out in the mountains and forests on the outskirts yesterday, and then the other party disappeared.

He can no longer sense the location of the killing stone in the opponent's body!

Even he was so frightened by the sounds of that battle that he didn't even dare to get closer to observe the situation.

After all, strictly speaking, his insect-type Yin-Yang technique is not good at fighting.

Early this morning, half a day after the sudden war ended, he finally dared to approach the scene to investigate what happened.

At least, he had to figure out whether Huang Quan was alive or dead.

However, before he could analyze the remaining spell power in the forest in detail, the intuition he had developed from hiding in the dark for many years told him that someone was approaching!

Not ignoring this whim-like intuition, he quickly spread his butterflies throughout the mountain forest as a warning, and took out the killing stones to attract nearby evil spirits.

Facts have proved that his caution is very reasonable.

It didn't take long for him to spot two suspicious figures.

Before he could decide whether to be more careful or kill these two people in a sneak attack, the other party discovered the butterfly he had hidden in the dark!

This time, Santuhe was really surprised.

You know, his onmyoji is best at detection. In a natural environment like mountains and forests, it is even more at home, and the concealment can at least be improved to a higher level.

In the end, it only took a few seconds to be exposed?

Seeing that the other party immediately sent out a signal and confirmed that these people were looking for him, Santuhe also made a decisive decision to run away.

There was no way, in just a few seconds, nearly ten people appeared in an instant. If we delay any longer, God knows how many more people will appear on the other side.

Santuhe is still very confident in his ability to run away.

Over the years, and only some time ago, the two heads of the Tumiya family were able to catch his tail occasionally.

So those two are cold now.

As for the other Onmyoji, they could only be teased by him.

However, within a few hours, Santuhe's self-confidence could no longer be maintained.

"Are these guys all born in the Year of the Dog? How come they can be found wherever I go?"

Santuhe thought in disbelief.

It can only be said that for so many years, Santuhe has been playing hide-and-seek with the two knives in the countermeasures room, which severely limited his vision and made him overestimate himself.

Although Santuhe's hiding ability is superb, it is still far from being traceable.

Facing the pursuit and interception of the action team, Santuhe had no choice but to choose to move towards Kyoto.

If possible, he actually doesn't want to get close to Kyoto.

There are too many A-level evil spirits around Kyoto, and there are even S-level evil spirits among them. Even if he uses the power of the killing stone, it is not enough for those perverts to fill his teeth.

But he has no choice now. If he still couldn't escape the pursuit of these masked men in the end, he would have no choice but to take the killing stone and defect to the S-class evil spirit in Kyoto - the Hagoromo Fox.

I hope that when the other party resurrects his son, he will take the initiative to offer the killing stone and help him resurrect his mother.

At this moment, Santuhe felt quite sad that he had lost both his wife and his army. If he had known this, he would never have provoked Isayama Yomi!

Isayama Huangquan disappeared just yesterday, and today a group of perverted masked men appeared and made him jump up and down. He didn't believe there was no connection between them!

‘Breathe in and breathe out! ‘

Taking a deep breath, Jennifer pulled her cheeks down hard, and finally controlled the corners of her mouth that were rising crazily.

She was so happy!

Because, just now, their interception plan failed! The target successfully escaped into Kyoto!

‘Hahaha~! ‘

To be honest, for the first time in her life, Jennifer not only did not feel any anger or regret after the mission failed, but she was so excited that she wanted to scream.

If the target hadn't run away at this moment, she would really want to hold him and kiss him.

Although she wouldn't be happy if that happened...

"How do I look now? Do I feel sad?"

Jennifer asked the men next to her.

If the mission failed, she couldn't report it to her young master with a happy face, right?

So now she has to adjust her facial expression.

"...I feel like I deserve a beating."

Rolling his eyes, everyone in the Third Brigade was almost used to the captain's habit of getting nervous from time to time.

"I'll beat you to death!"

After giving the other party a vicious kick, Jennifer took out a mirror and started pinching her face in front of it.

Finally, looking at the slightly stiff expression in the mirror, she nodded with satisfaction.

That's almost enough. It's not good to delay for too long.

Using magic power to keep the expression on her face, Jennifer apparated and disappeared. Only a few sighing members of the action team were left on the spot.

"Uh, what's wrong with your face?"

Belle looked at Jennifer suspiciously.

Was it blown by the wind while sleeping? Why is your nose crooked and grinning?

"No, it's okay! What's wrong with my face?"

Jennifer rubbed her face nervously.

The magic power is still exerting its shaping effect and has not been destroyed due to disembodiment.

"Well, it's okay. How's the plan going?"

Seeing Jennifer's panicked look, Bell, who had no intention of interfering in his subordinates' private lives, decisively changed the subject and asked what he was most concerned about.

In fact, there is no need to ask, he already knows the result.

If Santuhe was trapped by the action team, he should have used a personal terminal to notify him to come over, instead of Jennifer, the captain and commander-in-chief, running back to find him in person.

"I'm very sorry, Master, the target has escaped into Kyoto."

Jennifer said 'sadly'.

After hearing this expected result, Bell did not have any negative emotions.

After all, if the opponent was so easy to catch, he would have been caught by the action team long ago.

Therefore, although he was afraid of trouble, at this point, he could only wade through the muddy waters and step into the quagmire of Kyoto.

"Set up a stronghold in Kyoto. I'll pack up and go there."

Bell ordered to Jennifer.

"Are you going to take action yourself?"

"Now that everything is like this, of course I want to go to Kyoto for a tour. I have been curious about this ancient capital that is rumored to be extremely dangerous."

It was impossible to take action personally. After all, Bell was too lazy to do such troublesome things as finding someone.

And mainly because he'd never done anything like this. When he went to search, he was really not as efficient as everyone in the action team.

After all, the other party is the professional.

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