The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 602: Close the Door and Kill the Rats

Walking on the crowded streets, Bell couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied.

What about the promised dangers and evil spirits raging everywhere?

This is a busier street than Tokyo. What the hell is this!

It made him almost suffer from social phobia.

Bell is someone who just watches the fun and doesn't take it too seriously.

No matter how rampant the evil spirits in Japan are, they are still firmly suppressed by the Onmyoji. How could he be running around the streets in broad daylight?

Not to mention, the location where Bell and others are at this time is a famous tourist attraction in Kyoto and a place with the largest flow of people. How could the Onmyoji allow evil spirits to appear here?

"Speaking of which, little Kagura, is it really okay for you to leave the mess at home and come to travel with us?"

Seeing Kagura's mouth full of food, Bell couldn't help but complain.

"What's the problem? Anyway, I don't understand those messy things, so I can just let the old men at home deal with them."

Kagura said casually.

As the saying goes, those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

I have to say, this sentence is really very reasonable.

Kagura had only been hanging out with Bell for two or three days. Kagura was originally polite and could even be said to be a little cautious. However, under Bell's influence, her words and deeds began to become careless.

"Speaking of which, Bell, if you don't hurry up and catch that Santu River, you come here to play with us. Is that really okay?"

If you are complained about, of course you have to spit it back. Kagura would not tolerate Bell's 'arrogance'.

"What's the problem? Professional matters must be left to professionals. It's taboo for a layman to guide an expert."

Facing Kagura's disdainful eyes, Bell said that he had already made good excuses for his honest laziness.


Kagura snorted and turned away.

These days' experiences have taught her not to talk nonsense with this guy Bell. Because the other party always found some fallacies, which made her speechless.

And the most annoying thing is that she can't beat the opponent!

This is really...

"Okay, you two, don't always fight."

Seeing that his sister Kagura was deflated again, Huang Quan quickly smiled and stuffed the snack in his hand into Kagura's mouth to divert the little girl's attention.

"But Kagura, you must remember that if you encounter danger later, you must go to Bell's side. Do you understand?"

Huang Quan warned worriedly.

She has also heard about the dangers in the Kyoto area.

Therefore, she was actually unwilling to let Kagura follow.

But when she thought about it, she would be leaving Japan with Bell soon. The next time she saw Kagura again, she didn't know how long it would be, and she couldn't bear to be separated from Kagura again.

So, after Kagura's repeated requests, she finally agreed to the other party's request to follow.

After all, Bell's strength was there, and she believed that no matter what happened, Bell should be able to save Kagura's life.

"I know, Sister Huang Quan, it's only been half a day, but you've already said this no less than ten times!

Don't worry, if you are really in danger, I will push Bell out to block the knife! "

Although Kagura seemed to be incompatible with Bell on the surface, she also admired Bell's strength.

But she is still young now. In a few years, when she grows to Bell's age, she believes that her own strength will definitely surpass him!

Thinking of this, Kagura's eyes lit up with fighting spirit.

She must surpass Bell, and then support her sister Huangquan!

Shivering, for some reason, Bell suddenly felt a chill on his back.

‘As expected of Kyoto! ’

After looking around and finding nothing unusual, Bell couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At night, standing on the top of a tall building, looking down at the brightly lit city below, Bell couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

He had forgotten the last time he stood on a high place overlooking the earth like this.

Obviously, when the flying shoes were first developed, he still wanted to be able to fly freely in the air and look down at everything.

But after two flights, he was no longer interested in such things.

Facts have proved that it is really cold at high places!

He still prefers the feeling of standing on the ground.

"I said, little Kagura, your shikigami is too conspicuous, can't you use the magical onmyoji to find a solution?"

Looking at Shikigami Bai Rui, who was more than ten meters long in the air, Bell resisted the urge to roll his eyes and complained.

Although ordinary people cannot see Bai Rui, in the eyes of Onmyoji and evil spirits, Bai Rui at this time is just like a light bulb in the dark night, making people dizzy.

"Hmph! How dare you say that! Who told you to run up here without taking me with you!

And when it comes to being conspicuous, is there anything more conspicuous than that barrier over there? "

Kagura pointed to all the protective barriers emitting dazzling golden light not far below, and said dissatisfiedly.

If her Bai Rui is a light bulb, then the barrier below is an artificial sun that can be seen with closed eyes.

Moreover, the other party suddenly flew out of the room just now, without even taking her with him!

You know, she can't fly. Sister Huang Quan said that she was too young and should focus on her kendo practice, so she was not allowed to learn how to control flying shoes.

"Bell, is it Santu River?"

A black shadow flashed across the night sky, and Huang Quan appeared beside Bell silently.

Looking at the golden barrier in the distance, she suppressed her inner excitement and asked softly.

"It's not clear yet, but it's close to ten."

Bell said.

He had suddenly felt a powerful magic wave in the room before, so he came out to check.

After seeing all the protective barriers, Bell knew that this was the work of Jennifer and others.

After all, Onmyojis don't all protect against magic spells.

However, due to the large scope of the barrier, he has not yet discovered Santuhe Kazuhiro.

But if nothing else goes wrong, it should be Jennifer and others who finally caught the cunning mouse.

The facts were completely consistent with Bell's guess.

After running away day and night for several days, Santuhe finally couldn't hold on any longer. Or is it because he successfully escaped into the dangerous place of Kyoto and thinks that Bell and others dare not pursue him?

In short, shortly after dark tonight, Jennifer and others locked the location of Santu River.

After learning from previous lessons, the members of the action team were cautious and cautious. Taking the area where Santu River was located as the center, they spent a lot of time and energy and finally set up a large blockade and successfully locked the target in an urn.

As for whether doing this will attract the attention of various forces in Kyoto?

This was not something Jennifer considered.

After all, the mission description does not require them to avoid everyone's sight, but allows them to 'act cheaply'.


'come quickly! I'm already itching! ’

A slightly maniacal smile appeared on Jennifer's lips.

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