The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 603 All parties appear on the stage


There was a sudden vibration in his arms. Bell took out his personal terminal and took a look. When he didn't connect, he grabbed Huang Quan's arm and disappeared on the roof of the tall building.

"You didn't take me with you!"

Kagura jumped to her feet in anger.

She doubted... No! There is no need to doubt it anymore! She was sure that that guy Bell did it on purpose!

"Come out! Bai Rui!"

In desperation, Kagura could only summon her shikigami again and fly quickly towards the golden barrier.

"Master, fortunately, we have determined the location of the target."

Jennifer said excitedly as she looked at her young master who suddenly appeared next to her.

After the barrier was completed, they spent some time and used the power of the barrier to conduct a carpet-like scan of the interior before finally locking the target's location and sending a signal to the young master.

Giving Jennifer a strange look, Bell always felt that the other person was a little too excited.

Huang Quan has never seen him so excited.

"Very good! However, these ordinary people..."

Bell frowned and felt a little headache.

He just took a quick glance and discovered that hundreds of ordinary people were looking at the barrier in panic, fear, excitement and curiosity, shouting incoherently.

"I'm sorry, Master. Considering the target's alertness, we don't have the energy to move ordinary people out in advance."

Although she didn't care at all in her heart, on the surface Jennifer still bowed and explained.

"There is nothing we can do about it. I don't blame you."

As he spoke, Bell took out a few bottles of magic potion from his arms, atomized them with magic spells, and blew them into the barrier.

These are powerful water of life and death refined by Zannah.

If ordinary water of life and death is a sleeping pill, then this powerful water of life and death is equivalent to a drug.

Even just one or two drops can easily bring down an adult wizard.

For ordinary people who do not have magic power in their bodies, even if they inhale a little bit of the mist formed by the powerful life and death water, they will fall asleep directly.

The mist blew past, and all the crazy ordinary people immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Although this cannot ensure the safety of these people, it should reduce some losses.

Stomping his feet hard, the ground cracked and small pieces of gravel flew up.

Bell stretched out his hand and grabbed all the gravel into his hand.

Blue magical light leaked out from between Bell's fingers. After a while, he suddenly waved his arm and spilled the gravel in his palm forward.

‘Throwing beans makes an army! ’

[Spreading beans to form soldiers] is one of the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Methods. It is essentially a high-end application of transformation, so the casting medium does not necessarily have to be beans. If you practice to the extreme, you can even become a soldier from the void.

I saw small pieces of gravel rapidly expanding and deforming, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into little people about half a meter tall.

"Go and move all the ordinary people out of the barrier."

Bell ordered.

If possible, he still doesn't want to hurt these innocent people.

Of course, if it's not possible, then there's nothing he can do about it...


A group of little cubs saluted decently, and then quickly rushed into the barrier.

Although these little guys may be small, their strength is not small at all.

I saw them working in pairs, working together, one raising his head, the other lifting his legs, and quickly carrying the sleeping ordinary people, very relaxed and casual.

"Okay, now that the trivial matters have been taken care of, it's time to receive all the distinguished guests tonight. I don't know how long you plan to hide in secret? Come out and chat."

Jumping up, Bell reached the roof of a nearby three-story house and shouted loudly into the dark night sky.

At some point, all the nearby lights were extinguished, and even the bright moon in the sky seemed to sense an ominous aura and hid behind the dark clouds.

"Brother, what you said is wrong. This is our territory, we are the owners, and you should be the guest.

So, I wonder what this guest from afar is going to do in my house? It's not the way to be a guest to make such a big fuss without the host's permission. "

In the deep darkness, an even deeper beauty suddenly walked out.

The long black hair exudes a dark luster even in this dark night. Set against the backdrop of a black sailor suit, her crystal white and tender skin is like the most beautiful pearl, touching people's hearts. She stared at Bell with a smile, and the coldness in her eyes seemed to be able to freeze the soul.

"Ha! How ridiculous! This is our Nura group's territory. When did it become yours, Hagoromo Kitsune?"

In the direction opposite to Hagoromo Kitsune, a guy with red eyes and brown hair who looked like a delinquent shouted mockingly at Hagoromo Kitsune.

However, it can be seen from his position that the other party is not the leader of the group.

Standing at the front of the group was a 12- or 3-year-old boy wearing glasses and looking dull.

‘By the way, this should be a human being, right? How could a little kid become the leader of a group of evil spirits? What type of situation is this? ’

Looking at the newly emerged force, Bell, who had just celebrated his 16th birthday a few days ago, unconsciously despised the opponent's age.

"Ha!? Are you, a bunch of dirty monsters, gathered here to make fun of you? This is Kyoto, the territory of humans. You monsters, can you please die immediately!"

In the other direction, a black-haired young man who looked more like a delinquent than the tea evil spirit before showed up, and he rudely angrily shouted at the other two groups of evil spirits, looking very domineering.

"Hey! Tsuchimikado's family, say something too!"

Among the other forces in the field now, one has unknown origins, and the other two are evil monsters. Although Hanakaiyuan Ryuuji appears to be in a state of despair, he is actually a little guilty in his heart.

Therefore, when he saw the God Queen flying in the sky in the form of a dragon, he spoke decisively and wanted to form a temporary alliance with the opponent.

"Hey!? Are you talking to me? But I'm not from the Tsuchimikado family!"

Kagura, who had just flown over and hadn't yet figured out what was going on, looked at the delinquent young man on the ground who suddenly greeted her with a confused expression.

"Ha!? What stupid things are you talking about...wait! This aura is not 'Beidou'?"

At this time, as Kagura flew closer and closer, Hanakain Ryuuji also saw clearly the appearance of the shikigami in the air.

"This Bai Rui!? Why do people from the Tsuchimiya family come to Kyoto?"

Long Er stared at Kagura with a vigilant face, feeling his brain swelling and pain.

Why are all these monsters and monsters popping up?

"Hey? Do you know Bai Rui? I am actually..."

"Okay, Kagura, come down quickly, now is not the time for small talk."

Seeing Kagura floating in the air stupidly, ready to answer the other party's question, Huang Quan helplessly waved to his silly sister.

Etiquette also depends on the time and occasion.

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