The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 604 This is called charm!

Huang Quan has learned a lot today. As she grows up, strictly speaking, there is only one A-level evil spirit she has ever seen, and that is Santuhe Kazuhiro.

As a result, now, looking at it, even though they haven't fought yet, due to the killing stone in her body, she can clearly feel the powerful aura emanating from the evil spirits that have just appeared.

There is no one weaker than Santuhe!

There are even a few, such as the Yuyi Fox who is so beautiful that it is not like a mortal thing. Huang Quan seriously suspects that the other party is the legendary S-class evil spirit.

Before tonight, she had always thought that those terrifying S-class evil spirits in ancient legends had long since become extinct.

So this person really needs to go out and walk around more...


She was saying that with so many such terrifying enemies eyeing her, she was really afraid that Kagura in the air would be attacked by surprise.

Although Kagura's shikigami Shirai is also A-level, Kagura has just taken over Shirai after all, and cannot yet fully utilize Shirai's strength.


In response, Kagura immediately fell next to Huang Quan obediently.

But this move made Long Er frown.

Even though Bai Rui's strength is not as good as Beidou of the Tsuchimikado family, he is still a very powerful shikigami. In addition, everyone is an Onmyoji, so he originally planned to win the other party into his camp.

But who would have imagined that the other party is actually from the same camp as that group of people with unknown origins?

"Hey! Little girl from the Tsuchiya family, what are the origins of these people?"

Although he had no hope, Long Er still asked tentatively.

After hearing Ryuji's question, Kagura glanced at Sister Huangquan, then at Bell, but ultimately said nothing.

No matter what, Beier's side with Sister Huang Quan on her side is her real one.

Bell smiled at Long Er and said nothing. He would not tell the other party the identities of himself and others.

Although it doesn't take much effort, the other party should be able to investigate the origins of himself and others. After all, few Onmyojis use magic wands.

But now the two sides are in a state of hostility, and he is not so kind as to save his enemies trouble.

While Bell was interacting with Long Er, cadres from the other two forces were also scanning the many enemies present with hostility, especially observing Bell's group.

Unlike the other two forces who knew everything about them, they really knew nothing about Bell and this group of guys who suddenly appeared.

But no matter whether the opponent is strong or weak, Bai Rui's joining is not good news for them.

And judging from the other party's confident attitude, it doesn't seem like he's just trying to make a fool of himself?

Of course, Bell didn't talk about any empty city strategy, he was really confident.

Indeed, A-level evil spirits are strong. Most of the members of the action team are no match for the A-level evil spirits in one-on-one situations.

But the problem is, there are so many of them!

There were only twenty or thirty A-level evil spirits on the opposite side, and they still belonged to the two hostile camps.

And even not counting himself and Huang Quan, Bell still has 100 powerful wizards under his command. Isn't it more than enough for a few people to cooperate to deal with an A-level evil spirit?

As for those large numbers of low-level evil spirits, they really can only be used to boost momentum, and they are not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

"Brother, I don't know, can you give me the killing stone?"

The feathered fox suddenly smiled brightly at Bell, showing an expression that made me feel pity for him.


At this moment, Bell really wanted to call sisters Gabrielle and Fleur over and let them gain some knowledge.

have a look! Take a look! What is charm? This is called charm!

Just the charming effect of the Veela blood of the two Gabrielle sisters is simply embarrassing!

No! It should be said that the Veela's little charm ability is not even qualified to lift shoes compared to the feathered fox in front of her!

Just now, even Bell was caught off guard and almost fell into love!

...Well, in fact, he was already moved, but he immediately woke up after being kicked by Huang Quan behind him.

"Ahem! Hug, sorry, I can't."

Using Occlumency at full power, Bell struggled to reject Hagoromo Fox's request while trying to dispel the remaining thoughts in his mind.

"Little brother, you have to know that the killing stones are originally transformed from my former body, so they originally belong to me.

Not to mention, the kid who played with butterflies before planned to dedicate the killing stone to me. Isn't it appropriate that you are taking my things and not giving them back? "

Seeing how easily Bell got rid of his charm, Hagoromo Fox felt even more fearful in his heart, but he still tried again without giving up.

There was no way, the killing stone was too important to her.

If she could get the Killing Stone, her plan to resurrect her son would be able to advance a lot in one go.

What? You ask, Santuhe has already offered the killing stone to her, why is this situation happening now?

Ahem, who can have too much of such a good thing as the Killing Stone?

So just one piece is enough.

Unexpectedly, the kid playing with butterflies was so alert and reacted the moment she took action.

As a result, she was run away by the other party due to her carelessness.

And this is also the reason why the action team was able to 'easily' trap Santu River tonight.

They actually stole Hagoromo Kitsune's 'head'.

So, it’s all the fault of greed.

"You can pull him down!"

Bell, who had finally completely dispelled the charm effect, dared to set his sights on the Hagoromo Fox again.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he unceremoniously exposed the other party's lies.

"Let me tell you, I just came from next door. The origin of the killing stone is recorded in the classics over there. Don't try to fool me!"

Just kidding, the Killing Stone was only formed a few decades ago. At that time, Hagoromo Kitsune's body was already rotten.

Moreover, even if Yayi Evil Spirit was a monster in her lifetime, it has nothing to do with who she is now.


Although I didn't think it at first, such a few simple words could make the other party obediently 'return' the killing stone with both hands. But when the lie was exposed, Hagoromo Fox still felt a sense of embarrassment and anger.

‘How does this damn brat know so much! ’

Speaking of which, the rumor that the killing stone was transformed into her body was spread by her.

The reason is that if one day, there is a chance to obtain the killing stone, it can occupy the status of righteousness.

And those stupid Onmyojis, in order to cover up that shameful history, had no idea of ​​refuting the rumors, but instead added fuel to the fire behind the scenes.

In addition, the lifespan of Onmyoji is generally short, so that few people in the current magic world know the true origin of the killing stone, and instead believe the rumors.

Now, suddenly meeting an "understanding person" like Bell, to be honest, Hagoromo Fox felt quite complicated inside for a while, and couldn't explain how he felt.

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