The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 605 The war breaks out

While the feathered fox was feeling mixed emotions, Bell waved to Huang Quan behind him.

During this period of time before, he was not idle.

On the surface, it looked like he was chatting nonsense with Hagoromo Kitsune. But is he the kind of person who talks to someone just because they are beautiful? least not entirely.

In fact, he was secretly observing the other three forces in the field.

And now, through Legilimency, he could sense the weak emotions emanating from everyone, and Bell could already determine that it was impossible for the other three parties to unite to fight him.

Especially those two groups of evil spirits, the hostility they exuded towards each other was even stronger than that towards the Onmyoji of the Hanakaiin family.

Then there is nothing to say. Today, he will be here to complete his...his own shikigami's revenge!

"Go to the barrier, solve the Santu River, and bring me the killing stone.

In addition, that boy from Santuhe is really cunning, so remember to chop it into small pieces to prevent him from pretending to be a corpse. "

Bell ordered to his shikigami.

As soon as the barrier was completed, several other parties arrived immediately. Compared with him, they were no more than front and back, not even a few minutes late.

Bell would never believe it if these people were not prepared in advance.

Obviously, Santuhe must have made arrangements in advance because he was not willing to lead the dog like this.

And maybe it’s not the final arrangement.

That's why he specifically told Huang Quan to be more careful.

Bell didn't want to let the duck fly. Now that they have been completely exposed, they have to hurry up and run away. They have no time to hide and seek with Santuhe.

"Don't worry, I will chop him into pieces!"

A ray of red light flashed in his eyes, and Huang Quan gritted his teeth and said.

Even though Huang Quan usually seemed like a fine person, after Bell helped him suppress the killing stone through the connection with the Shikigami Contract, Huang Quan seemed to have completely returned to his former self.

But that's all because Kagura is there.

He didn't want to worry his sister Kagura, so Huang Quan deliberately acted exactly the same as before.

In fact, under the influence of the previous killing stone, Huang Quan now can never be called a kind person.

Not to mention, Santuhe single-handedly turned her into such an enemy. Huang Quan wanted to crush her to ashes!

After rubbing Kagura's head and telling him not to stay away from Bell, the 'human shield', Huang Quan held the [Lion King] tightly, and under Kagura's worried gaze, he rushed into the barrier and disappeared into the building. between.

She has been impatient for a long time!

"What are you doing!?"

Hagoromo Fox asked angrily.

She didn't expect that the other party, surrounded by three parties, would dare to be so unscrupulous.

Like Yu Yihu, after seeing Huang Quan's actions, the other two forces also tightened their nerves and looked ready to take action at any time.

"Um...going to get the express delivery?"

Bell said hesitantly.

He didn't know how to describe his behavior. He couldn't just say robbery, right? That's too jarring.

Obviously, Bell's answer did not satisfy the others.

Rather, everyone felt insulted by Bell's blatant perfunctory behavior.

Therefore, for a while, the atmosphere became more tense.

Then... there is no more...

A group of people look at me and I look at you, they all want to take action, but they don't dare to take action easily.

There is no way, the situation on the field is really too complicated.

The Hagoroki Fox wants the Killing Stone, the one that is bound to be obtained.

If the planning here in Kyoto wasn't too important and she really didn't feel comfortable leaving, she would have rushed to Tokyo as soon as the information about the presence of the killing stone came out.

But she also knew that the other three parties would not watch her take the killing stone.

The young leader of the Nuliang group, Nuliang Rikuo, actually didn’t want the killing stone at all. Just by the name, you know it's not a good thing.

But everyone else in the group wanted to snatch the killing stone, and it was hard for him to go against them.

And there is one thing that he also agrees with very much, that is, the Hagoromo Kitsune must not be allowed to get the Killing Stone!

You know, he witnessed the other party killing his father with his own eyes.

The hatred for killing my father is irreconcilable!

The onmyojis of the Hanakain family also want the killing stone. They wanted to study this terrifying gem to see if it could be used to enhance their own onmyoji.

But when the outcome is unclear, they will not fight for a mere killing stone.

So they are actually more Buddhist.


They must not allow the Killing Stone to fall into the hands of the other two groups of evil spirits! This is their principle as Onmyoji!

The result is that no one may believe it, but if the ownership of the killing stone is determined through voting, and it is stipulated that it cannot be voted for oneself, Bell's side may be the most likely to win.

"Why don't these guys take action!?"

Jennifer said dissatisfiedly from Bell's side.

God knows how long she had been looking forward to this day. As a result, the final blow was almost over, so why did the other three groups remain silent?

This is too incompetent!

"We're just afraid of each other."

Bell said casually.

As his attention was mainly focused on Hagoromo Kitsune, he did not hear the strangeness in Jennifer's tone, and thought that the other party was simply confused.

This made the members of the action team behind them, who were frightened into a cold sweat because they heard their captain's sudden and shocking words, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

so far so good……

Facts have proved that it is not unreasonable for Bell to stare at Hagoromo Fox Meng without blinking!

The sound of fighting came from far away in the barrier, proving that Huang Quan had captured Santuhe, and Yuyihu was the first to become unable to sit still.

No matter what, the Killing Stone was right in front of her, and she would never be willing to do nothing but just watch it being taken away by others.

As a result, he saw several snow-white fox tails spread out behind him, and with a sudden wave in the direction of Bell, bright red flames spread rapidly in the night.

"Oh~! It really can't be that easy."

With a long sigh, Bell took out his wand. The best-case scenario he had envisioned, or imagined, unsurprisingly failed to come true.

‘Protect everything! ’

A golden barrier similar to the barrier appeared in front of Bell. While blocking the attack of the feathered fox, it also slightly blocked the evil spirits following behind, buying some preparation time for the action team members.

Although they probably don't need it.

Seeing the Hagoromo Fox taking action, the other two parties certainly couldn't just watch the show.

As a result, there was revenge and complaint. In less than two minutes, a big melee broke out in the urban area of ​​Kyoto.

Poor people in Kyoto will have another sleepless night tonight.

Of course, they might also be excited about it, maybe?

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