The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 607 The so-called obsession

‘Magic impact! ’

Facing the ferocious fox charging at him, Bell pushed it back with a single spell.

At this moment, Hagoromo Fox was holding a sword, as if he was planning to rush over and kill someone.

Bell, who was almost torn into pieces by Huangquan just a few days ago, now felt his heart tremble when he saw the person holding the sword, but he didn't dare to get close to him again.


Feeling the power of Bell's spell that had nearly doubled, Hagoromo smacked his lips in displeasure.

This damn brat was really just pretending before.

Next, the feathered fox tried several times to rush to Bell's vicinity, but was blocked by Bell's spell.

Realizing that it was impossible to get close in a short time, the Hagoromo Fox controlled the nine tails behind him to quickly lengthen, divided into nine directions, and surrounded Bell.

'boom! '

A large pit appeared where Bell was standing, but Bell was not seen in the pit.

A head popped out of the ground...

'boom! '

A snow-white fox tail slammed down hard, scaring Bell so much that he quickly retreated to the ground.

Next, nine fox tails danced wildly in the sky. Whenever Bell showed his head, a fox tail would immediately attack.

For a moment, the tense and serious battle was suddenly like a whack-a-mole situation.

Letting out a long breath, Hagoromo looked at the area in front of him that had been completely razed to the ground, and gritted his teeth angrily.

She had been attacking for a long time, but she didn't even touch a hair on the opponent's head.

The one who played with butterflies before was like this, but now this one is even more extreme. Why are the little ghosts she met in the past two days more slippery than the last!

Jumping up, Hagoromo Fox decided not to be entangled with Bell anymore.

A long time has passed, and the sounds coming from the barrier are getting weaker and weaker. If she continues to entangle with the opponent here, the little girl with a unique aura who entered the barrier before may get the killing stone. .

However, although the idea is good, the reality is cruel.

Just when the feathered fox was about to come into contact with the barrier, a giant hand made of rocks suddenly rose quickly from the ground and slapped the feathered fox hard, sending it flying away far away. go out.

The body emerged from the palm of the giant hand, and Bell looked at the Hagoromo Fox in the dust with a half-smile.

It's not that easy to break through his interception.

"Hagoromo Fox, why don't we discuss it and how about you just retreat? If we continue to fight like this, I'm afraid your men won't be able to hold on for long."

At this time, Yuyihu's men could be said to be facing the siege from three parties alone.

Of course, since Bell and other three parties have basically zero trust in each other, they have always devoted their energy to guarding each other during the battle. This is also the reason why Hagoromo Fox's men have been able to hold on until now.

"Why! Why do you all stop me! Stop me from resurrecting my dear child!"

A strong wind suddenly blew away the dust around Yuyi Hu, revealing her unharmed figure.

Although the feathered fox's hair was not messed up at this moment, it exuded a crazy aura of an injured beast.

Seeing this, Bell couldn't help but frown, and tensed his nerves to the extreme, ready to attack with all his strength at any time.

It was obvious that the other party was planning to fight tooth and nail.

"Resurrect your child? You mean...the remnant soul in the earth's veins?"

Belle asked uncertainly.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he heard of the reason why Hagoromo Kitsune wanted the Killing Stone.

Before, he had always thought that the other party was planning to use the power of the killing stone to strengthen his own strength.

"I didn't expect that you also know about the remaining souls in the earth's veins? You know quite a lot."

First, the source of the killing stone, and then the remaining souls in the earth's veins. Yu Yihu really doubted that there was anything else that the other party didn't know.

In fact, of course Bell cannot know everything, he just knows what he knows.

As for the remnant souls in the earth's veins, although he only discovered it after coming here this time, he still knew something about it based on the knowledge he had accumulated over the years.

"But the remnant soul in the earth's veins, can it still be called your son?"

As we all know, all people are both good and evil.

No matter how kind a person is, he will have dark thoughts in his heart; no matter how evil a person is, he will have a gentle side in his heart.

Therefore, when the earth's veins absorb the evil thoughts emanating from a dead person, they will inevitably suck part of the person's soul into the earth's veins.

This is also the reason why high-level evil spirits are conscious. Their consciousness is reassembled from these soul fragments.

But the fragments are just fragments after all, not to mention fragments that have been soaked in the earth's veins filled with evil thoughts for who knows how long.

Those souls are no longer themselves, but 'evil spirits'.

So there is no such thing as resurrection.

"Qingming is different! He is a genius! He is the most powerful Onmyoji!

He will definitely be able to withstand the invasion of evil thoughts! He must be waiting for me to resurrect him at all times!

My poor child, he has waited for too long, I must resurrect him as soon as possible! "

Hagoromo Fox-like Ruo shouted wildly.

Hundreds of years of obsession cannot be easily dismissed with a few casual questions from outsiders.


Seeing the appearance of Hagoromo Fox, Bell fell silent.

He didn't know how to evaluate the other party's behavior. In other words, he is simply not qualified to evaluate.

Maybe one day, if Shanna dies unfortunately, he will be even crazier than the other party and say no...

No! That day will never come!

Never will!

But no matter what, today's battle seems inevitable. Bell would not give up the killing stone to the other party just because of a little pity that suddenly appeared in his heart.

So the only thing he can do now is to do his best to defeat the opponent!

"Everyone! Stand back! Guard the barrier!"

Bell loudly ordered to the members of the action team who were fighting fiercely.

To be honest, he himself didn't know how strong he would be if he used all his strength.

But one thing he can be sure of is that all the protective barriers behind him will definitely be affected.

If something goes wrong in the barrier by accident and Santuhe escapes, wouldn't all the previous efforts be wasted?

Moreover, he was also afraid that his attack would affect the members of the action team, so he just asked them to withdraw.


The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, but after struggling for less than a second, Jennifer chose to obey the order and led her team members to retreat to the barrier.

Although it didn't last long, she really enjoyed playing tonight.

You can't be too greedy, and you have to know how to give up when things get better. Otherwise, what if the young master doesn't take her to play next time if he makes another move?

She wouldn't do something stupid like picking up sesame seeds and losing the watermelon.

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