The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 608 The battle is in progress...

Looking down at the feathered fox on the ground, a blue magical light mist floated out from the corner of Bell's eyes.

"To be honest, I don't hate your obsession. If we meet under different circumstances, maybe we can still have a good conversation? Who knows.

What I want to say is, don't die. "

The wand was raised high, and the air was slightly distorted, as if a transparent ball suddenly appeared above Bell's head.

‘The Divine Edge is Shadowless! ’

A creepy feeling suddenly appeared in Hagoromo Kitsune's heart, and even the hairs on her tail exploded.

She felt a fatal threat from the transparent ball above Bell's head. She didn't expect that the strength shown by the other party before was not all he had?

Stomping on the ground hard, Hagoromo Fox rushed to the right. Silently, a cut mark appeared where he originally stood. The cuts are bottomless, as if they are connected to an abyss.

And this is just the beginning.

One after another, transparent blades shot out from the transparent ball above Bell's head, pouring down towards the Hagoromo Fox like a torrential rain.

Even though Hagoromo tried his best to dodge, there were too many sharp edges and they were too fast. Most importantly, it was difficult to distinguish their trajectories.

Therefore, she had to use an iron fan in her left hand, a long knife in her right hand, and several tails dancing behind her to resist Bell's attack.

As the ball formed by the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse above Bell's head gradually shrank, the 'heavy rain' soon came to an end.

As we all know, in addition to its sharp and concealed characteristics, the most difficult aspect of the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse is that the wounds caused by it cannot be healed.

Therefore, Yu Yihu soon discovered that the wound that could be healed in the blink of an eye was now attached to a sharp force, preventing the wound from healing.

After a while, her originally snow-white fox tail was dyed bright red.

Unlike Tai Sword and Iron Fan, even though her tail was as strong as fine steel, there were still many small wounds from previous attacks.

Feeling the stinging pain coming from the tail behind him, Hagoromo Fox almost went crazy with anger.

This is her most precious tail!

Dark mist emerged on his hand. Hagoromo Fox suddenly waved the iron fan in his hand, and a sea of ​​​​fire suddenly formed, vowing to burn Bell to ashes.

‘The stormy sea! ’

The same turbulent waves of water spurted out from Bell's wand and hit the sea of ​​fire without any sign of weakness.

After a brief stalemate, Water defeated Fire in the end and gained the upper hand. The waves of water overwhelmed the sea of ​​fire and crashed towards the feathered fox.

Seeing this, the feathered fox flew into the air, avoiding the waves of water.

He raised his wand, and a turbid water dragon suddenly rushed out of the flood on the ground, mixed with gravel and sand, and hit the feathered fox.

The tail swelled sharply. The Hagoromo Fox endured the stinging pain on its tail and twisted it hard, twisting the water dragon into water splashes all over the sky.

Compared to the previous cutting-type attack, her tail was obviously more suitable for dealing with this impact-type attack.

‘Frozen for thousands of miles! ’

However, Bell's attack did not end like this. After the water dragon was broken, his next magic spell immediately connected with it.

The extremely cold wind blew by, and the water waves on the ground turned into ice at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This curse can be regarded as the group version of Howling Impact. Bell spread the cold air that should have been concentrated together, causing it to spread to the entire area.

But in this way, although it makes it difficult for the enemy to dodge, its power also drops sharply.

At least for a master of Hagoromo's level, this bit of cold wind would only make her shiver at most, not a big deal.

That's how it should be.

But at this moment, the feathered fox's tail was covered in blood and water stains. When the wind blew again, a thin layer of ice immediately appeared on her tail.

Feeling the bone-chilling chill seeping from the wound and feeling his body getting stiffer and stiffer, Hagoromo Fox quickly fanned the iron fan in his hand again, trying to release flames to dispel the surrounding cold.

A hand suddenly stretched out from his side and rested on Hagoromo Fox's left hand holding the iron fan.

Yuyihu turned around in surprise and saw that Bell, who had originally been afraid to let her get close, now appeared within her reach.

However, Hagoromo Fox did not feel the joy of "finally being able to kill Bell". At this moment, there was only a sense of crisis in her heart, and she screamed loudly enough to pierce her eardrums.

A wand was pressed against her temple at some point.

‘Annihilation! ’

Looking at the foxtail that was wiped out in smoke in front of him, Bell couldn't help but sigh secretly.

He has long heard that some magical animals like foxes and cats with multiple tails have the innate ability to cut off their tails and die as a substitute for death.

Unexpectedly, even though the Yuyi Fox had turned into an evil spirit, it still retained this ability.

It seemed like he had to kill the opponent a few more times. Don’t know if your magic power is enough?

Casting a spell with all your strength consumes a lot of magic power. Even though his total magic power far exceeds that of his peers, and even far exceeds that of most adult wizards, he is only 16 years old after all, and is still in a period of rapid growth in magic power.

If possible, he still hopes to wait a few years until he truly enters his prime, before he can deal with such a formidable opponent like Hagoromo Kitsune.

"Master, how are you?"

Looking at his master who suddenly appeared next to him, Kuanggu asked worriedly.

After the previously difficult group of masked men suddenly withdrew from the battle, her situation became much better.

Just now, they were affected by the fierce collision of water and fire. At this time, all parties had stopped and were staring at the battle between Bell and Hagoromo Kitsune with dumbfounded eyes.

They really didn't expect that the famous Yuyi Fox would be suppressed by Bell, a guy who suddenly appeared, and even almost died just now?

"It's okay, don't worry."

Yuyihu stood up and said calmly, as if everything that had just happened was just a warm up.

But Kuang Gu, who was closest to the feathered fox, could still find that his master's body was trembling slightly.

Yuyihu was actually not feeling well at this time. Although she barely retained the innate abilities she had as a monster during her lifetime, her abilities have been greatly weakened.

Not only can her tail be cut off once in a short period of time to survive, but she will also be weak for a period of time after the tail is cut off.

This was also the reason why she chose to appear next to Kuang Gu, whom she trusted most. As the leader of a group of evil spirits, she is very aware of the virtues of her gang.

Of course, she could figure out how to deal with those dishonest subordinates later. The first question before her now was how to deal with the next attack of that terrifying kid.

You know, her current strength is not even half of what it was before. If she was killed again, she would really die.

When he thought of this, a strong unwillingness appeared in Yu Yihu's heart.

She can't die yet! She hasn't resurrected her child yet!

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