The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 610 Crematorium afterwards

Walking in the familiar academy, unexpectedly, there was no joy on Bell's face as he had returned from finding a treasure.

After the rat-catching operation ended, all kinds of bad things happened one after another.

First, last night, after learning that Bell would return to China with Huang Quan early this morning, little Kagura burst into tears.

When Kagura cried, Huang Quan also cried, and the two sisters hugged each other and cried, making Bell almost think that he was some kind of bully who robbed civilian girls.

"Just, can't you stay a few more days?"

Kagura asked, staring at Bell with tearful eyes.

According to her opinion, it would be best for Bell to just not leave. It happened that she heard that the Yin Yang School was about to be established, so Bell might as well go to the school to take classes.


Bell reluctantly refused.

Not to mention that his vacation is about to end, let's just say that they made such a big mess last night. If they don't run away before the major families react, it won't be so easy if they want to leave again. .

He has no interest in competing with those onmyoji masters, let alone going to any onmyoji school.

Regarding Kagura's extremely obvious hints these days, Bell certainly understood what the other party meant.

But he refused.

Just like that, amidst Kagura's sad cries and tears from those who heard her, and the look in Nanami's eyes at the scumbag, Bell resisted the desire to fire Nanami and ran away with Huangquan.

After that, it was a question of entering the academy.

Since the killing stone in Huangquan's body is always trying to show off its presence, Bell must take Huangquan with him to help him suppress the erosion of the killing stone.

Moreover, he had already done experiments before. When Huangquan was about 10 kilometers away from him, Qiongqi could no longer absorb the evil thoughts of the killing stone.

In other words, in that case, he would not be able to hang up and upgrade.

As for the other three killing stones in his hand, he didn't know how to use them yet.

He couldn't find three more girls, integrate the killing stone into each other's bodies, and then sign a shikigami contract with them, right?

Such a tempting method...ahem! It's such an evil method, he can't do it.

So for now, he still only has Huang Quan, a 'humanoid self-propelled experience generating device'.

No matter from which point of view, Bell is very necessary to bring Huang Quan into the academy.

But the academy is not run by the Bell family, and it is impossible for him to bring in whoever he says he wants to bring in.

There is no doubt that for Huang Quan, a person of unknown origin, the gentlemen decisively blocked him outside the gate.

"Sir, this is my shikigami, so I have to take her with me. Do you know the shikigami? It's the onmyoji next door..."

"Stop! I know what a shikigami is."

Tang Anhe stopped Bell's explanation. He had heard of Shikigami. In fact, although the names are different, the monks also have many similar things.

Things like controlling beasts, exorcising ghosts, exorcising corpses, etc. are similar in nature to shikigami.

But the problem is that in most of his life, he has never heard of someone taking a beautiful girl as a pawn...

Looking at the contract rune emerging on Huang Quan's forehead and feeling the connection between the rune and Bell, Tang Anhe fell silent.

The facts were slapped in his face, and he could only admit that he had become more knowledgeable today.

...So are all young people today so good at playing? ?

Or is this actually a tradition of wizards in Europe?

Accidentally, the image of the wizards was once again tarnished by Bell.

Next, it was the turn of the gentlemen of the academy to be in trouble.

Originally, the academy allowed students to bring contracted spirit beasts.

Of course, the premise is that after inspection, the academy confirms that the contract is strong enough and the students can control the spirit beasts well and will not cause trouble.

But the problem is, with a living person as a 'spiritual beast', they really have seen each other for a long time... ahem, this is the first time.

In line with the attitude of being responsible for the safety of thousands of students in the academy, they should refuse Huang Quan entry into the academy.

But as a country of etiquette, they should respect this... tradition of foreign wizards that I don't know how to evaluate.

So, after much debate and asking the academy's senior management for instructions, the gentlemen finally chose a compromise method.

That is, Huang Quan is allowed to enter the academy, but Huang Quan is not allowed to use spiritual power within the academy.

Huang Quan must always wear the spiritual power detection instrument provided by the academy. Once he uses spiritual power, the instrument will alarm the police. Afterwards, the academy will expel him from the academy according to the severity of the situation, or kill him on the spot in the worst case.

Regarding this result, both Bell and Huang Quan can barely accept it.

During this period, Huang Quan used the power in the killing stone too frequently. He originally planned to undergo a period of training and was not allowed to use his power, so it was no big deal.

But the problem is...

‘What kind of looks do you have! ’

When he thought of the strange looks the gentlemen looked at him when the two of them left, Bell was so angry that he wanted to hit them.

So he really just accidentally did some good things, but why was he looked at as if he was looking at something dirty?

Is it really that difficult to be a good person these days? ?

Ahem, no matter what, another problem has been solved, which should always be worth celebrating.

This can be seen from the slightly upturned corners of Huang Quan's mouth and his relaxed steps.

The other party has obviously broken away from the sadness of the previous separation and is full of curiosity about the next life.

But even if Huang Quan's relaxed and happy mood at this moment is constantly transmitted to Bell's mind through the contract, it cannot dispel even a little bit of the haze in Bell's heart.

Because next, he is about to face the biggest difficulty.

'So how do I explain it to Hermione...'

When he woke up this morning, Bell suddenly realized this life-and-death issue.

To say that he had completely ignored this issue before was not entirely true.

It's's just...

He didn't know how to argue.

It can only be said that the genes inherited from his father William once again played a vital role when they should not have played a role.

Just like Shanna often dumped the blame on him without any psychological burden, Bell at this moment once again dumped the blame on his father who was far away across the ocean without any psychological burden.

I just don't know if Hermione will accept his statement?

So will Hermione accept it?

She will accept a ghost!

When Hermione rushed out of the courtyard with joy, planning to welcome Bell back, she suddenly discovered that there was another beautiful girl behind Bell. The 'anti-cheating radar' in her head almost overloaded and exploded!

No matter how you look at it, she shouldn't be neurotic this time!

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