The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 611 Unique Hobbies

"Hey? Sister Huang Quan? Why are you here? Are you here to study too?"

Shanna, who also ran out to greet her brother, immediately recognized Huang Quan, whom she had not seen for a long time.

She was quite impressed by this elder sister who was not very good at arithmetic, or rather very bad at it.

"Xiao Shanna, long time no see. I didn't come to study abroad, your brother brought me here."

Huang Quan greeted with a smile.

After saying that, she glanced at Hermione who was standing still with a half-smile.

Presumably this little girl with curly brown hair is the girlfriend Bell once mentioned, right?

"Sanna, do you know this Miss Huang Quan?"

Hermione decided to get some information from Zannah first, so that she wouldn't know when Bell deceived her later.

"We know each other. When we went on a trip back then, it was Sister Huang Quan who hosted us."

Shanna said honestly.


Hermione didn't want to complain about why someone was there to receive her when she was just on a trip. Perhaps poverty limited her imagination?

What she is more concerned about now is, what is the relationship between the other party and Bell? Why are the two of them standing so close now!

(Actually, Bell and Huang Quan were not standing close to each other. They were more than one meter apart. But in Hermione's eyes at this time, even if they were one kilometer apart, they were still close!)

"Ahem! This is not a good place to talk. If anything happens, let's go in and talk."

Due to the appearance of Huang Quan, a new face, and the fact that Bell, an international student, was quite eye-catching, many people were looking here curiously.

"Sanna, Sister Huang Quan is new here and is not familiar with everything in the academy. Please take her around to familiarize herself with the environment.

In addition, Sister Huang Quan cannot use magic power in the academy. You should be careful not to let anyone hurt her in the future. "


Shanna agreed obediently, and planned to follow her brother's instructions and take Sister Huang Quan, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, to the academy for a walk.

As for the questions in her little head, there will be plenty of time to unravel them later.

Besides, she could still ask Sister Huang Quan.

"Then Master, if you have any instructions, please contact me directly through the contract."

After bowing respectfully to Bell, Huang Quan followed Shanna and left briskly.


At this moment, Bell had a black line on his forehead.

In all these days, Huang Quan has never called him master, and of course he has never asked for it.

As a result, he suddenly gave him "face" like this today. If the other party didn't mean it, Bell wouldn't believe it!

He didn't know if it was due to the influence of the Killing Stone, but Bell always felt that Huang Quan was becoming more and more seductive, a bit like the Hagoromo Fox.

It seems that he must think carefully about how to deal with the other party later?

Otherwise, if he was fucked like this every once in a while, even if he could bear it, Hermione would go berserk sooner or later.


What the hell is the master! What about the contract?

What is your relationship with her? "

At this moment, Hermione couldn't tell what she felt in her heart.

Emotions such as sadness, anger, panic, and so on, made her unable to control herself at all.

"Hermione, please listen to my explanation. This matter is quite complicated. Let's go into the room and talk about it slowly, okay?"

Bell said sadly.

"Okay! I want to hear what kind of complicated method it is! If you can't tell me one, two, three today, then I won't be done with you!"

After saying that, Hermione stamped her feet and angrily returned to the small courtyard.

"First of all, I want to make it clear that the relationship between Huang Quan and I is absolutely innocent, and there is absolutely no impure, pure friendship!"

Looking at Hermione who was several meters away from him, Bell was the first to come up with the conclusion, otherwise he was afraid that Hermione would explode after hearing it.


Hermione snorted noncommittally.

However, judging from the slightly softened expression on his face, Bell's words still had a certain effect.

At least at this moment, Hermione's inner panic and uneasiness suddenly weakened a lot.

"I suddenly asked for leave and left the academy because I accidentally learned that Huang Quan was seriously injured, so I planned to go see if I could help..."

"He also said that you two are innocent! There is no special relationship. Why are you so enthusiastic and rushing to help!"

Facts have proved that Hermione would not explode after hearing half of it. She had already exploded after hearing the first sentence.

"I was just wondering why you refused to tell me what you were going to do. Even Shanna, you were unwilling to tell her. It turns out you were going to see an old lover!"

"No, Hermione, listen to me, we are really just friends.

You don't know, compared to us wizards, onmyojis are not good at healing spells.

In addition, Huang Quan took good care of our family back then. Now that I accidentally learned the news that the other party was seriously injured, I planned to go over and express my condolences.

By the way, look at this, this is the information I received before. "

With that said, Bell took out the information he had prepared this morning and handed it to Hermione.

He knew his girlfriend's character well and had come up with some countermeasures before.

For example, the previous quibbles about genetic theory were one of them...

When she saw the information Bell handed over, Hermione originally didn't want to accept it. She was in no mood to read any nonsense information right now.

But for some reason, her eyes seemed to be attracted by magnets, and she couldn't move away from the color event photo at the top of the file.

Looking at the figure in the photo who was wrapped like a mummy and lying motionless on the bed, Hermione, who rarely even saw blood, couldn't imagine what the other person must have felt at that time.

"This, this is, the underworld?"

Hermione simply couldn't connect the mummy in the photo with the beautiful girl she just saw.

"Yes. All the muscles and veins in my body are severed, and I can barely move my fingers."

"...Okay, okay, I should go over and talk about this. But why didn't you tell me!"

"I was wrong."

Bell decisively apologized and admitted his mistake.

As for why he didn't tell the other party, not even Shanna?

Isn't that because Hermione is afraid of being jealous?

So he actually planned to tell the two women in detail after he came back. As a result, who would have imagined, it developed into what it is now.

"Hmph! Then why did the other party come to the academy with you? Why did he call you master? Also, what's the deal with the contract!"

Hermione didn't even know that her boyfriend had this unique hobby.

You didn’t tell me earlier!

How does she know if I don’t tell you! I don’t know how she fits in...

Even if she knew, she wouldn't cooperate!

She meant that when it was just the two of them at night, occasionally, it was really just occasionally! It's not like she can't satisfy him...

"Actually, this is what happened..."

Next, Bell roughly told what happened.

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