The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 615 Competition among the Four Houses

"Bell, have you finished training?"

At this time, Hermione also ran in hurriedly.

Like Shanna, she rushed over as soon as get out of class was over.

Recently, Hermione has really missed her days at Hogwarts.

Although she and Bell belonged to different houses at that time, the school took into account the 'harmonious and loving' relationship between Gryffindor and Slytherin, so most of the time, Gryffindor's courses were taught with Slytherin. Leitlin separated.

From the new group chat function on the personal terminal, she has learned that Gryffindor and Ravenclaw take most of this year's fifth-grade courses.

This also means that if they are at Hogwarts now, then she can spend more time with Bell...monitoring each other!

Instead of being like now, her schoolwork was much busier than Bell's.

Since there is no relevant grade examination system for monks, and the third-year upper class students have to face employment problems, the third-year courses are actually the easiest.

Of course, this also depends on the person. At least Bell, who was busy learning the art of refining weapons, was not relaxed at all.

However, it is still possible to set aside an hour every day to learn melee combat skills.

"Let me do it!"

Hermione skillfully ran to Huang Quan's side and took over Bell's treatment.

Looking at the blood dripping from Huang Quan's forehead, Hermione felt very complicated.

I don’t know how to describe the complexity.

And it is precisely because of this complexity that she can now be said to be fire-proof, electricity-proof, and hell-proof. As long as there is an opportunity, she will try to reduce the contact between Bell and hell.

Even if it just puts an extra meter of distance between the two.

Therefore, whenever she was present, she would treat Huang Quan herself instead of letting Bell do it.


Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Huang Quan stood motionless and accepted Hermione's treatment for her.

It's not that Huang Quan has any dissatisfaction with Hermione. To be honest, she quite liked Hermione, a kind-hearted little girl.

But the problem is that the other party's treatment level is really poor.

Bell was able to heal the injury in less than a minute, but it took Hermione nearly 10 minutes to barely heal it.

Standing there in a daze for ten minutes is not fun. She almost fell asleep several times.

And the most important thing is that Hermione would often look at her with a complicated look, which made Huang Quan very worried. While treating her, the other party would explode her head with a flick of his hand.

In contrast, she would rather let Zanna, who was watching the fun and had a full level of destruction talent, treat her.

She could recover even if a piece of her head was missing, but if the whole thing exploded, only God knew if she would survive.

Hermione is not in a good state today. Maybe she was too tired from class before?

All in all, it took her more than ten minutes to finally complete the treatment.

Seeing Hermione putting down her wand and Bell listening to his sister telling interesting stories about what happened today, he asked everyone to leave the suitcase and walk towards the dining hall.

Walking on the road, you can clearly feel that the entire academy is filled with an aura of restlessness.

This is certainly not because spring has arrived. In fact, it is the end of December and the temperature has almost dropped to below zero.

It’s because it will be New Year’s Day soon.

Of course, unlike the UK, New Year's Day here is not considered New Year's Day, and the academy only has a three-day holiday.

If you're lucky, including weekends, you can stay open for five days in a row. And if you are unlucky, it will only last one day.

Therefore, what the students are looking forward to is actually the qualifying competition that is about to start during the New Year's Day holiday and will last until the Spring Festival holiday.

As we all know, there are four academies in the cultivation world. The three European magic schools belonging to different countries all organized a Triwizard Tournament to compete. So of course it is impossible for four academies belonging to the same country to be in harmony when they meet.

Since ancient times, there has been no one who is the best in literature and no one in martial arts. It is natural that the four academies think that they are the best, and no one will obey anyone.

What should I do if I don’t accept it?

Hit it!

Fight until the other three academies are conquered!

Of course, after all, we are all our own people. If we go back ten or twenty generations to our ancestors, we may still be relatives. In addition, peace is the general trend, so it is naturally impossible for the four academies to use human brains to create dog brains.

So, the senior officials of the four academies sat together, and in a tense atmosphere, they decided on the competition among the four academies without much thought.

The competition is held every five years. Each of the four institutes sends three teams with a total of 15 people to conduct three competitions.

The content of the competition is slightly different every year. In the end, the first place will be determined based on the total points of the three teams from each college.

What? What about second place, you ask?

Everyone said that Wu Wu is second!

Except for the first place, the other three are all hot chicks!

Therefore, the senior officials of each academy attach great importance to the competition among the four academies.

Naturally, the selection method cannot be as trivial as the Triwizard Tournament held at Hogwarts last year. All students in the upper house of the academy can register to participate in the four-house competition.

Since there is a grade-skipping system in the academy, it is basically non-existent that students in the intermediate academy are better than those in the upper academy.

Want to participate in the four-academy competition?

Then go to Shengyuan!

If you can't get promoted, just shut up.

Students in the upper school need to form a team of 5 people by themselves, and then complete the registration in the name of the team before New Year's Day.

After the New Year's Day holiday, the academy will conduct a simple intra-campus competition to select the three strongest teams to represent the academy in the official competition between the four major academies.

"Brother! Brother! How are you talking to those grandparents? Can we participate in the competition?"

Zannah asked expectantly.

It's a rare opportunity to happen upon the four-academy competition held every five years. Of course, the little girl also wanted to participate.

Unlike the seniors at Hogwarts who were buried in piles of books all day long preparing for wizard level exams but actually couldn't cast a simple armor spell, there were many powerful guys in the academy that made her even... Feeling tricky.

For example, take sister Ma Jingjing.

When she thought of Ma Jingjing, Shanna's big bright eyes immediately shone with strong fighting spirit.

She wants to defeat the opponent in the game and save face to prove that she should be promoted to third grade! In the same grade as my brother!

"They said they would be notified within a few days, but it shouldn't be a big problem."

As the first batch of exchange students from the European magic world, Bell and others have undoubtedly attracted the attention of the four academies.

Even though they were attending classes at Yandu Academy, Bell believed that all the performance of himself and others would be conveyed in detail to the senior officials of the other three academies.

Therefore, for the Four Academy Contest, which is an opportunity to perfectly demonstrate their strength, I believe that even if Bell does not take the initiative to mention it, the four academies, especially the other three academies, will probably ask Bell and others to participate.

After all, no matter how detailed the information is, it is not as intuitive as seeing it with your own eyes.

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