The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 616 Participants

The notice came faster than Bell expected. Just after dinner, Bell was called to the dean's office.

After greeting him respectfully, Bell looked at Dean Han, filled with worry.

Don't get me wrong, he is not worried about whether he and others can participate in the Fourth Academy Competition.

Of course it would be best if he could participate. If he couldn't participate, he would feel a little regretful, but that would be it. In contrast, how to comfort his sister after returning was even more troublesome for him.

The issue he is worried about now is actually...

'This Dean Han, please don't be like the previous Vice Dean Liu, who must first chat with me for a few hours about household matters before getting down to business! ’

Bell still remembers the scene that happened when he applied to leave school less than a month ago.

The Dean Han in front of me looks older than Vice Dean Liu. If...

"Bell, regarding your proposal of participating in the Four Academy Competition, after contacting the other three academies, we finally decided to allow it.

However, considering that you are not actually students of Yandu Academy, you cannot fight in place of Yandu Academy, but as the fifth party. This will put more pressure on you during the competition, and I hope you can understand.

In addition, I have another good news to tell you, that is, after our serious discussion, we finally decided that you can skip the qualifying stage and directly enter the competition. "

Things did not develop in the direction that Bell was worried about. Dean Han got down to business as soon as he opened his mouth.

After all, he is still the dean, and he has to deal with all kinds of things every day. Trivial matters such as gathering information should of course be handled by the people below.

So this is definitely not him being lazy or anything!

Moreover, it is already very late today. As this person gets older, his energy level becomes worse and worse. Dean Han is already starting to feel sleepy, but he has no energy left to engage in intrigues with Beier.

"Okay, I understand. Then, Dean, is there anything else?"

Now when he sees these old men and women in the academy, Bell's scalp will feel numb. So after the serious talk was over, he couldn't wait to run away.

His previous worries made him feel a little hungry again not long after dinner.

It was already getting late, and he had to go back quickly for a midnight snack. After eating the midnight snack, it will take a while before I can go to bed.

"No, go ahead. Remember if you need anything, don't be polite, just ask."

Dean Han said with a smile.

He was very satisfied with Bell's behavior on the road.

Those people in the academy should learn more from each other. Don’t you know how valuable sleep is for the elderly? The boss also reported work to him late at night, and the grinding was endless!


Shanna, who specially ran to her brother's small courtyard to wait for news, immediately jumped up with excitement when she heard that she and others could participate in the competition of the four courtyards.

Even Hermione, who never liked fighting, was blushing at the moment.

After all, she is still a Gryffindor, but she still has a lot of restless factors hidden in her heart.

Nervous mixed with anticipation, Hermione couldn't help but stand up and walk around the yard. Bell's head was spinning so much that he still couldn't sit down.

"Bell, can we, can we really enter the main draw directly?"

Hermione couldn't help but confirm again.

She always had a sense of unreality about this kind of good thing that was almost pie-in-the-sky.


Compared to Hermione's disbelief, Bell was very calm about the fact that he and others could directly enter the main competition.

The qualifiers are divided into two parts, three 1vs1 duels and one 5vs5 team battle.

A duel is worth 1 point, a team fight is worth 3 points.

Round robin format, the team with more points wins.

With him and Shanna here, it can be said that the 2 points in single combat and 3 points in team battles can be guaranteed.

In other words, even if he participates in the qualifiers, Bell is 100% confident that he can qualify.

Not to mention, this is not actually a preferential treatment.

As Dean Han said, Bell and his group of international students are not students of Yandu Academy, so they are indeed not suitable to represent Yandu Academy.

So participating in the qualifiers is meaningless in itself.

In addition, what the senior leaders of the other three academies hope to see with their own eyes is the wizards' unique spell system.

As for the strength of strength, that is actually secondary.

If Bell and others are eliminated in the qualifiers, will they be lonely?

And the most important thing is that Bell and others represent Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the European wizarding world, and the wizards as a group.

Therefore, even if they perform poorly in the Four Houses Competition, it will be a disgrace to Hogwarts and the wizards, and has nothing to do with the four colleges. The senior officials of the colleges will not care.

To sum up, just entering the main game directly, there is really nothing to be surprised about.

In contrast, Bell was still more concerned about Huang Quan's arrangements.

Excluding Luna who was in the middle courtyard, there were exactly five people in their Hogwarts group.

In other words, there are no places left for Huang Quan.

Although according to the rules of the competition, students can bring contracted spirit beasts onto the field.

But for Bell to point at Huangquan in front of everyone and say that this is his contracted spirit beast, even if his skin is as thick as a city wall, he would not be able to do such a thing.

As for the other two seniors, will they voluntarily give up the competition?

Bell didn't believe it anyway.

So, after much thought, Bell gave up the plan of bringing Huang Quan on the field so that he could be lazy.

After all, strictly speaking, Huang Quan is an Onmyoji, not their Hogwarts wizard.

Early the next morning, before going to class, Bell went to the student dormitory area and found...the two seniors whose names he couldn't remember.

Unsurprisingly, Roy and Buji were very excited when they learned that they could participate in the four-house competition.

Unlike Shanna, who knew that her brother was negotiating with the academy before, the two of them who had no idea were suddenly hit on the head by such a huge surprise, and almost fainted from the impact.

You know, they wanted to participate in the Triwizard Tournament last year, and Roy, who was old enough, even signed up.

It's a pity that I wasn't selected in the end.

Thinking of this, Roy suddenly became nervous. He leaned closer to Bell, lowered his voice and asked softly:

"Um...B-Bell, will there be death in the competition here?"

Roy still clearly remembered that Diggory, who took his place in the Triwizard Tournament, ended up dead without any body parts.

If this four-house competition was that dangerous, he would rather not participate.

After all, compared to the honors gained from participating in the competition, one's own life is more important... a lot!

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