The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 617 One-digit children and two-digit adults

"Don't worry, I'm following you."

Bell patted Roy on the shoulder and comforted him.

At first glance, this person is not from Gryffindor.

Speaking of which, he didn't even know which college these two were from. This is really remiss.

And I have to say that the academy is indeed much better than magic schools in Europe in terms of safety.

Maybe it's because Hogwarts and three other magic schools belong to different countries? In the beginning, the atmosphere of the Triwizard Tournament was indeed much stronger than that of the Tournament of Four Houses.

The principals wished that the warriors from the other two schools would die during the game.

As for the warriors of your own school?

Just kidding, the warriors from my own school are so good, how can they be compared to the hot chicks from the other two schools!

So, in the end, not to mention the three warriors, even the principals of the three schools almost threw themselves into the street together.

As for the academy's four-house competition, safety was given top priority from the very beginning.

After all, strictly speaking, we are all our own people, so there is no need to kill someone just because of a dispute of temper, right?

If you really get tired of living, you can go to the border to fight with the barbarians.

How great it would be to not only get what you want, but also to protect the environment and the people!

Therefore, for so many years, no human life has ever occurred in the competition between the four houses. Of course, 'minor injuries' such as missing arms and broken legs still happen from time to time.

With Bell's guarantee, Roy and Bugit felt at ease.

Although they have been careful to avoid contact with each other due to Bell's notoriety, it is also because of this that when they and Bell stand in the same camp, the sense of security makes them feel...why is it so good? !

At this moment, the two of them were thinking at the same time...

‘Why don’t you go work for the Menethil family after graduation? I heard the treatment is also very good. ’

"Bell, are you really not going home for Christmas? You didn't come back last year."

On the screen of the personal terminal, the figure of Bell's mother, Elena, appeared.

Elena expressed great dissatisfaction with her son not going home for Christmas this year.

Of course, there is also my little daughter...

"Mom, I told you, Christmas is not celebrated here in China, how can I go back?

And there are only three days off on New Year's Day, so it's really not worth the trouble.

Moreover, I am also the leader of the team now, so I can’t just leave the others and run away. I also plan to gather everyone together for a banquet on New Year's Day. "

Bell explained helplessly.

It doesn't matter if it's in other countries. With the door key, everyone can travel back and forth quickly.

But not here.

With the blockade of the Kyushu Guardian Formation, the Portkey can neither get out nor get in.

Currently, the only entry and exit channels officially recognized by the Monk Alliance are Muggle planes.

"Didn't you secretly go to Japan before? Now you can sneak back again this time."

With a look of dissatisfaction, Elena came up with bad ideas for her son, without any awareness that she was inciting her son to commit a crime.

“Mom, that’s a purchasing channel specially approved by the Monk Alliance, and no one is allowed to leave.

Moreover, the area has always been strictly monitored by the Monk Alliance. Once the door key is used, it will definitely be discovered. "

The spatial fluctuations caused by the Portkey are very large, at least much greater than Apparition.

This is also the reason why all the illegal door keys in the black market have their destinations in the wilderness. Avoiding the sight of Muggles is only secondary, the main purpose is to avoid the monitoring of the Ministry of Magic.

"Oh, you've already walked through it once, so let's go again.

Then apparate back again.

As for the responsibilities of the leading professor, it would be nice to bring the others back too.

Afterwards, cast a forgetting spell, perfect! "

As she spoke, Elena couldn't help but want to praise her intelligence.

"Not perfect at all!"

Bell really didn't know how to complain about his whimsical mother.

Not to mention how to explain to the academy the sudden disappearance of their group, and even he couldn't apparate back to England with the five of them.

It would be great fun if after returning to the UK, you suddenly find that two are missing. Professor McGonagall will eat him!

After talking it over, making many promises, and signing many 'unequal treaties', Bell finally appeased his mother and gave up the other party's idea of ​​dragging the whole family over here to celebrate Christmas. Intend.

The problem is that it is too late to apply for entry now!

Bell didn't want his mother to sneak in.

Not worth it.

Time soon came to New Year's Day. Since the holiday was not long, most students would choose to stay in the academy to celebrate the holiday.

Not to mention that this year there is a competition between the four colleges that is held every five years. They have to stay in the academy, either collecting information, arranging tactics, or gathering in small groups to analyze everything as fiercely as a tiger...

At noon.

The weather is very nice today. The sky is blue, and under the bright sunshine, it is warm and comfortable. Add a constant-temperature barrier and it's simply perfect weather for camping and dining.

Of course, Bell would not let go of such a good opportunity provided by God.

In an open space with wide views and beautiful scenery, several people were preparing for a picnic.

"Sanna, don't conjure up tables and chairs. We are here for a picnic and we don't need those."

Seeing Zannah using transformation to create a set of exquisite and gorgeous tables and chairs with a wave of her hand, Hermione couldn't help but cover her forehead and said helplessly.

"Hey!? Why?"

Shanna was puzzled.

When she used to drink tea with her mother in the garden at home, she would sit in a small pavilion, chat leisurely and look at the scenery, drink tea and eat snacks.

Although her focus is basically on eating...

So she originally planned to transform it into a gorgeous pavilion after carving the patterns on the tables and chairs.

“Because you don’t need these for a picnic!

We all sat on the grass together, sharing delicious food, chatting and laughing. This was a picnic! "

With a serious look on her face, Hermione explained to Zannah what she knew about picnics from the book.

"I don't want to sit on the grass, it's so dirty!"

Pouring her lips, Shanna said in disgust.

Just kidding, she has never rolled on the grass since her 10th birthday.

Those are things that a single-digit child would do, but she is already a double-digit adult.

Thinking of this, Zannah gave Hermione a proud look.

Fortunately, this guy is older than her, so he is so childish!

"Besides, the food is all prepared by Sister Huangquan, so it's not your turn to share it."

Shanna said with a look of disgust.


Hermione felt a sharp arrow shot deeply into her chest, suffocating her and leaving her speechless.

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