The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 618 New Year’s Picnic

"You, you don't know how to cook!"

Hermione said angrily to Zannah.

As the saying goes, if the eldest brother doesn't talk about the second brother, what right does the other party have to talk about her like that?

"But Sister Huang Quan can.

Sister Huang Quan is my brother's shikigami, which is equivalent to my shikigami. So if Sister Huang Quan can cook, it is equivalent to me knowing how to cook.

Moreover, there are many house elves in my family. House elves are slaves of the master. They can cook, which means I can cook.

So, I can even be called a super-powerful chef! "

Zannah proudly promoted her fallacies and tried to brainwash Hermione.

Of course Hermione would not be simply brainwashed like this, but she would not be stupid enough to be serious about this matter with Zannah.

Otherwise, what would she do if the other party really called the house elf out to prove the correctness of her words?


‘I will learn to cook when I get back! ’

Just kidding, she is so smart, she can be said to be very good at controlling the levitation technique. She is just making a meal, isn't it already within her reach?


With a cold snort, Hermione said that as a 'sister-in-law', she would not hesitate to argue with her 'sister-in-law'.

"Okay, you two, stop bickering and come here to help."

With that said, Huang Quan took out a picnic cloth from the space pocket that Bell gave her, unfolded it and wanted to spread it on the ground.

She doesn't know the magical transformation skills of wizards, so she is more accustomed to carrying various items that may be used with her.

After laying out the picnic cloth with the help of Zannah and Hermione, Huang Quan began to place lunch boxes on it.

She prepared these when she got up in the morning.

Knowing that the Bell brothers and sisters had ridiculously big appetites, she deliberately got up early today and started cooking.

"It smells so good! Sister Huangquan, your craftsmanship has improved again!"

"No stealing!"

Huang Quan patted Shanna's little hand to stop her from secretly opening the lid.

However, it can still be seen from the smile on her lips that she is very satisfied with Shanna's praise.

During the recent period of time when he had nothing to do, Huang Quan became obsessed with cooking.

It should be said that she really likes cooking. Her craftsmanship was something that both Bell and Shanna, two picky guys, were full of praise for.

And after coming to the academy and seeing the brand-new dishes in the dining hall, the soul of a cook in Huang Quan's body was even more burning.

During this time, she often consulted the master chefs in the dining hall, as well as the three house elves in the suitcase, including Kelsha. Combined with her original skills, her cooking level could be said to be improving day by day.


Watching the interaction between Zannah and Huang Quan, Hermione always felt something bad in her heart.

Why does she always have the feeling that the two people in front of her are ‘aunts’ and she is just an outsider?

‘Is it really that great to be able to cook? ? ’

Being able to cook is of course a big deal. These days, regardless of gender, as long as you can cook, then...


Closer to home, in fact, it is not without reason that Hermione has the above misunderstanding.

First of all, Huang Quan is a few years older than Hermione, and even older than Zannah. Coupled with the habits and temperament that Huang Quan has developed over the years of taking care of Kagura, she gives Zanna a feeling of a big sister.

Secondly, in Shanna's eyes, Huangquan is her brother's shikigami, so to a certain extent, the other party can represent her brother's will.

You know, in the world of magic, it is not unusual for an Onmyoji to place his consciousness on a shikigami and perform remote operations.

For many Onmyoji, meeting a shikigami is basically equivalent to meeting the owner of a shikigami.

Therefore, in Shanna's eyes, Huang Quan is equivalent to her brother's clone. The obedience and intimacy she showed were mostly aimed at Bell, and had nothing to do with the 'sister-sister relationship' that Hermione imagined.

Even when Hermione and Huang Quan encountered fatal danger at the same time, Zannah would definitely choose to save Hermione.

After all, the clone is just a clone after all, not the real body.

Of course, the above situation is basically impossible to happen. After all, Hermione had a snake wrapped around her wrist.

Just when the three girls were having different thoughts, Bell, who went to pick up Luna from the middle courtyard, finally came back.

Recently, he was studying weapon refining and swordsmanship training. Bell was so busy that he hadn't visited Luna in the middle courtyard for a long time.

It was a rare rest today, so he took over the 'burden' of his sister and decided to go to the middle courtyard to pick up Luna in person for a dinner party, and to inspect Luna's living conditions on the spot.

The results of the investigation were quite satisfactory. Although Luna still failed to make very good friends like she did at Hogwarts, but maybe she was intimidated by Zannah's reputation? In short, Luna's roommates are still very friendly to the little witch.

In fact, although Luna's temperament is a bit weird, if you ignore her crazy behavior from time to time, the little witch is still easy to get along with... maybe?

After getting off the speed car, Bell handed the 'Bena' back to his sister.

It's embarrassing to say that he, as an older brother, used to have to worry about his sister asking for money when dating. Now, when picking up someone, he has to borrow a car from his sister...

"The two seniors haven't...well, it seems they have arrived."

Before he could finish his question, Bell saw two seniors from Hogwarts walking towards him from a distance.

It's just that the two people's outfits... always feel a bit flashy?

Not that there's anything wrong with their attire. If it were at a British Christmas party, there would be no problem at all for the two of them to dress like this.

But placed in Yandu Academy where everyone was wearing simple robes, the two of them at this moment were like peacocks with their tails open, attracting everyone's attention along the way.

Obviously, the two of them were also aware of this problem. Their cheeks were reddened, their heads were lowered, and they looked uncomfortable.

‘No, today is also the first day of the New Year after all! Why are these people still dressed so casually? ’

The two people dressed up for the trip couldn't help but wonder if they had remembered the wrong date.

But after seeing Bell and others from a distance, they knew that the day was right.

‘So why on earth! ? ’

"This, Bei, Bei Er, ours..."

After looking at Bell and others who were dressed the same as usual, and then at their carefully selected dresses, Roy and Bugit didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, the two seniors have different customs."

Bell waved his hand and comforted casually.

In fact, let alone two people, even Bell didn't know much about the customs of this era.

Not to mention, the customs of the monks are likely to be more retro?

At least compared to Muggles in the UK, wizards still retain the traditions of the last century in many places.

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