The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 619 Dog-Headed Military Advisor (two chapters in one)

In fact, even the customs of British Muggles and so on, Bell heard Hermione talk about them during normal chats, otherwise he wouldn't know about them.

Of course, he didn't care about it.

After asking the two people, who looked very reserved, to sit down, the group officially started their New Year's picnic.

Under the harmony of delicious food, Roy and Bugit gradually let go of their restraint and joined in the conversation of Bell and others.

Especially regarding the upcoming competition between the four houses, when talking about this, the passion shown by the two of them made even Hermione feel inferior.

The picnic lasted for more than two hours before it ended. Huang Quan had prepared all the delicacies all morning and ate every last bit of it.

Watching Roy and Roy's retreating figures, Bell nodded with satisfaction.

Today's picnic was mainly prepared for these two people.

After all, the rest of them are their own people, and they can have dinner together whenever they want.

The reason why I spend so much thought on Roy and I is not only to fulfill my duty as a team leader as I told my mother Elena before, but also to eliminate the doubts in the hearts of Roy and me. cautious.

After all, they will form a team to participate in the Fourth Academy Competition. Even Bell does not expect that the strength of these two people will be able to play a big role. But after all, we are a small team. If the atmosphere in the team is more harmonious, everyone will have fun, right?

The short New Year's Day holiday passed in the blink of an eye, and the qualifiers that everyone had been thinking about finally began.

"Bell! I just heard that you didn't participate in the qualifiers and entered the main competition directly!?"

In the morning, as soon as Bell walked into the classroom, he saw Ma Jingjing coming towards her aggressively.

As for Ma Jingjing's posture, as if she would draw her sword and kill someone in the next moment, everyone in the first class has long been used to it.

Even if Ma Jingjing really drew her sword, they were too lazy to take another look now.

In fact, I have seen too many similar scenes in the past few months.

No matter how exciting a movie is, if you watch it ten or eight times, you will get bored of it!

Not to mention, the fight scene between the two was not exciting at all.

It's just that one of them can't be cut down, and the other can't fight back.

In fact, Bell also wanted to fight back, but the problem was, he really couldn't!

Perhaps, as Huang Quan had judged, Bell's talent in swordsmanship was just average?

In short, he can now fight Huang Quan for a while without using magic power.

But once he uses magic power, he will be defeated instantly.

Of course, this fact was the conclusion he drew from Ma Jingjing. After all, Huang Quan cannot use magic power in the academy.

To be honest, Bell didn't know who had a higher level of swordsmanship between Huang Quan and Ma Jingjing. But he knew that if he wanted to repel Ma Jingjing, he had to use the magic wand.

But the problem is, in that case, he can't guarantee that after repelling Ma Jingjing, the hall where they have classes will still be intact.

He didn't want to be called over for a heart-to-heart talk by those old men and women at the top of the academy just because he damaged public property.

Although if that happens, the other party will probably be very happy?

But he was really scared!

"Sister Ma, this is the decision of the deans, and I have nothing to do about it."

After spreading his hands, Bell decisively took the blame.

"Then you won't resist? If you don't resist, how do you know it won't work?"

Ma Jingjing said with hatred.

She hates this kind of backdoor behavior the most!

Of course, this is just a superficial excuse. The actual reason is that if Bell and others directly enter the main competition, wouldn't it mean that she will not be able to play against each other in the qualifiers!

Because the qualifiers are a round-robin format, as long as Bell participates, she will definitely have a chance to play against the opponent.

For this reason, she had been excited for a long time and made a lot of preparations.

Although she had completely lost to Bell in the actual combat class before, who said she would definitely lose the next time they fight!

Although there is a high probability that you will lose...

But you have to try it to find out! What if I win!

Besides, there are group battles in the qualifiers. Even if she has never fought in a one-on-one match, she can still fight in a group!

Ma Jingjing is very confident about the tacit cooperation with her two younger brothers.

That's a tacit understanding created by beating, and it's not something ordinary people can match!

"Uh, this..."

Facing Ma Jingjing's question, Bell was speechless.

So why is he resisting? Doesn’t it feel good to lie down flat?

"Okay, Jingjing, stop making trouble, sir will be here soon."

At this time, Xiang Lanxian came over and took Ma Jingjing's hand, thus saving Bell.

Xiang Lanxian is a student in Class 1 and Ma Jingjing’s teammate.

Her strength can only be said to be average in the class, not outstanding, but she is very good at formations, so she was selected by Ma Jingjing as a teammate.

In every four-house competition, there will be a survival aspect in the wild. Having a teammate who is proficient in formations can bring great help to the team.

By the way, Xiang Lanxian is a law cultivator, not a formation cultivator.

Just as many formation cultivators are not bad at spells, those who are good at formations are not necessarily formation cultivators. It's just that the main direction of attack is different.

"Sir, it's just the right time for you to come. I was just about to find him to protest!"

Ma Jingjing said angrily, as if she wanted to ask Mr. Qingtian to administer justice.

"...When it comes to the main match, you can also compete with Bell-san."

Xiang Lanxian is quite familiar with his captain's stubborn temper. Therefore, she could only choose to persuade him with good words.

"How can it be the same! God knows how this competition will go. If I'm not lucky, I might not even catch this guy's shadow by then, and the competition will be over!"

Ma Jingjing has a detailed understanding of every four-academy competition in the past years.

As far as she knew, there was more than one competition that chose the pass-through mode, and there was no direct confrontation between the contestants at all.


Xiang Lanxian, who also knew the history of the Fourth Academy Competition, didn't know how to persuade the stubborn Ma Jingjing.

"Senior Ma, my sister has always wanted to fight you again to avenge her shame.

Let's do this. If you can beat Shanna again, I will fight you. You can choose the time, place and method. How about it? "

Blocking the door of the classroom like this is not an option. There are two students outside who want to come in but don't dare to say anything.

It just so happened that Shanna had always wanted to defeat Ma Jingjing. As an older brother, Bell, of course, had to assist his sister.

"Okay! I'm going to find Shanna now!"

Ma Jingjing happily agreed, and without saying a word, she planned to compete with Shan Na, her subordinate, and even ignored class.

"Don't worry, Senior Sister Ma. Let me tell you, Shanna has been working hard to prepare to avenge her shame. If you just go there carelessly, don't blame me for not reminding you if you lose.

How about you see if this works? There will be a competition between the four houses in the near future, so you and Shanna can compete in the competition.

If we fail to meet in the competition, we will arrange the time later.

Don’t worry, I will definitely let you fight, otherwise even if you agree, my Shanna will not agree. "

Seeing Ma Jingjing opening her mouth to speak, Bell quickly added the second half.

"I won't agree to it either!"

Ma Jingjing said firmly.

This is a matter of principle and there is no room for sloppiness!

While saying this, Ma Jingjing also gave up the idea of ​​going to Shanna for a duel now.

After all, it was indeed not easy for her to win that competition.

Now she ran over so recklessly, just in case, really just in case, she was accidentally defeated by that little girl Shanna...

Thinking of having to face Shanna's triumphant face every day, Ma Jingjing wanted to draw her sword and kill Bell in front of her.

(Bell: 'So what does it have to do with me?')

After she lost to Bell in the practical class before, Shanna would run up to her from time to time and put on an expression of 'the villain succeeds', which made her scream!

(Bale: 'Well, it's really none of my business.')

But if you lose, you lose. She, Ma Jingjing, is not someone who cannot afford to lose, so she can only endure it.

This was one of the main reasons why she always wanted to avenge Bell's shame.

In short, she had to prepare well for the next step, especially thinking about how to deal with Shanna's fire escape technique to ensure nothing went wrong.

‘Huh~! ’

After seeing that Ma Jingjing finally gave up her plan to go to Shanna for a prank now, Xiang Lanxian, who had been standing behind her and shaking her head crazily at Bell, could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

You know, the qualifiers are about to start next.

Although their team is a seed team, they cannot be careless and underestimate the enemy.

Xiang Lanxian also watched the ‘Shan-Horse Battle’ at the beginning of school. She knew that the little girl named Shanna had extraordinary strength.

If Ma Jingjing is injured in the competition with Shanna, the team without its captain may collapse.

After all, as a swordsman, no one can match him in terms of life-threatening skills. So even if Ma Jingjing was seriously injured in the battle with Shanna and was bedridden for a month or two, she would not be surprised at all.

By the way, the so-called 'Seed Team' is just a private name among students. It is not officially certified by the academy and does not enjoy any privileges.

Basically, in every four-house competition, the team of the leading house of the upper house will be called the seed team.

Most of the time, male and female leaders usually form their own teams separately.

In other words, before the start of the qualifiers, two qualifying places have already been reserved, and there are very few overturns.

What other students compete for is usually only the last qualifying spot.

Moreover, this kind of competition basically only occurs between Class 1 and Class 2 of the third grade.

After all, the academy's class divisions are based on strength, and students in classes one and two will basically not form teams with students from the three classes below.

At this juncture, it is not the time to talk about relationships or favors.

Of course, this does not mean that the qualifiers have nothing to do with other people.

Putting aside such fun things, the students had absolutely no reason to let it go. Let's just say that when they were fighting in the arena, there might be some beautiful woman (handsome guy) attracted by their heroic appearance, and they would fall in love with them.

You know, the qualifiers before each competition are the times when the success rate of getting out of singles is the highest!

Therefore, the students in the Upper House are all gearing up at this moment, as eager to try as if they had been given a shot.

Also eager to give it a try was a little girl who was watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

Although it was a pity that she couldn't play in person, Shanna only lost two seconds and devoted all her enthusiasm to coming up with bad ideas for her classmates.

Now, Shanna has become the recognized number one dog-headed strategist in Class 1 of the second grade of the Upper School.

Before the little girl's classmates go on the field, they will get rid of her to collect intelligence on the enemy and formulate corresponding tactical countermeasures.

For this reason, Shanna has been very busy during this period. It was the first time for Bell to see his sister so busy.

As the saying goes, ‘What you lose is in the east, you gain in mulberry trees’.

While helping her classmates, Shanna unexpectedly realized the fun of being a bystander that she had not been able to realize at the Quidditch World Cup Finals.

Although strictly speaking she doesn't seem to be a pure bystander?

But she doesn’t care about that much!

Taking action without pulling out the wand was just a bystander to Zannah!

"You just listened to me!

According to intelligence, the guy next door named Wang Wu had a bad stomach last night.

After a while, you will cast a stomachache curse on him, ensuring that you can win the first city without losing any blood! "

Zannah carries out her duties as a kobold strategist with impassioned enthusiasm.

She has experimented with this trick before (actually it was an accident), and it is guaranteed to work every time!

"But... wouldn't that be a bit too sinister?"

Guo Yixin, the team leader and Shanna's classmate, asked hesitantly.

After all, we are all classmates in the same academy. If we go too far, how will we see each other in the future?

"Do you still want to win?"

Zannah asked dissatisfiedly, putting her hands on her hips.

On the battlefield, it's just life and death. Of course, you can use whatever tricks you have, and you don't care whether they are insidious or not!

By the way, the above content was told to her by her brother, so it cannot be refuted!



"But the size!

You have to know that the opponent's overall strength is stronger than yours. If you don't do what I say, you will lose the team battle!

So you just have to figure it out on your own! "

After saying that, Shanna left without looking back.

Just kidding, she is so busy! There are several queues waiting for her to come up with ideas, but there is no time to waste here!

Moreover, these guys are really pretentious. Fortunately, during dinner last night, she even went out of her way to add some detoxifying and beauty potions to the king's plate.

You know, those potions are all good things. Her mother urged her to get them every day, but she had a hard time squeezing out just a few from the already tight inventory!

(Official solemn statement: This kind of behavior is against the spirit of competition and should be strongly condemned, so good children must not learn it.)

"Captain, what should we do?"

Now the dog-headed military advisor has escaped, but their game must continue.

So what exactly do they use this 'good idea'? Or use it? still……


Damn it, I've long been unhappy with that old man next door! Let’s deal with him properly this time! "

As soon as he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, Guo Yixin decided to take up his responsibilities as captain and put victory in the game as his top priority!

Hearing this, the rest of the team nodded silently, and no one raised any objections.

After all, they have also been unhappy with the old Wang next door for a long time...

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